Dental Clinic, London.
<br/>L/S Dental clinic, little girl enters followed by doctor. M/S Girl sitting in dental chair, she ties bib around her. C/U Little girl sitting back in dental chair. M/S Little boy sitting in chair, handing letter to dentist. Dentist then walks out of picture, little boy looks around and then touches part of dental equipment. C/U Little boy picking up spray and smelling it. M/S Dentist showing little girl imprint of mouth. M/S Dentist looking in little girl's mouth, he then puts her finger in wax used for teeth impressions. M/S Dentist with little girl, he is mixing up paste.
<br/>C/U Little girl watching she lies back in dental chair M/S Little boy who is spinning the seat of a chair. C/U Little girl watching. M/S Dentist reading comic with little girl, he then takes comic away from her and looks into her mouth. C/U Dentist. C/U Little girl, dentist looking in her mouth. M/S Another dentist looking at another little girl's teeth. The girl is holding mirror to her face to see what the dentist is doing. C/U Reflection of girl's face in mirror, which she is holding. M/S Dentist working on girl's face. C/U Dentist. M/S Little girl, dentist letting her use the pick on a pair of false teeth.
<br/>C/U Little girl holding a piece of dental equipment. M/S Nurse talking to her. M/S Nurse taking jar from table and letting little girl smell it. She then takes some of the paste out of jar and puts in on girl's teeth. C/U Little boy at unit switching on light. C/U Little girl having teeth treated. She is smiling happily. M/S Little boy touching dental equipment which blows air up into his face.