Group out of church after wedding. Family poses for wedding photos. Photographer takes photos. Girl asks mother about where babies come from (GREAT). Mother talks to boy. Mom tells young girl straight dope. Boy plays with kittens in box. Boy and mother play baseball in yard. Mother serves birthday cake to party. Boys play baseball. Girls play on swings. Mother talks with girl, shows her book on reproduction. Girl in daze says hi to father as she comes home. Father asks mother 'what's the matter with her?' Mother has talk with daughter. Girls sit around talking. Sex. Girls ask birds and bees questions. Sex talk. Girls talk in girls room, 'you don't always get a baby when you're in overtime.' Mother sets table. Girl cuts out pictures, hangs on wall. Boys play football. Crowd cheers. Girl poses with scarf in mirror. Girl runs to answer phone. Teen girl talks on phone. Boy studies at desk. Coach talks to boy on football field. Football boy trots past line of girls. Mother finds dirty picture in boy's room. Teen boy talks on phone. Mother listens to boy talking on phone about girls. Mother looks out window. Boy gets into girl's car. Mother answers phone. Gets angry. Kids in soda shop. Boy asks girl out in soda shop. Couple walks to door at night, sit on front step. Parents talk about daughter. Complain. Kids at high school dance. Girl chases after boy. Girl and boy in boat. Girl talks with mother in kitchen. Girl with boy in crowd at game. Couple come home at night, kiss. Girl combs hair in mirror. Mother in robe, talks to girl about boy. Mother reads paper. Boy looks in mirror. Argues with mother about his date. Car passes on road at night. Teens drink from bottle in car. Teens smoke and neck in car. Boy and girl kiss in woods. Girl watches boy get into car and move away. Girls in soda shop. Boy sits with girls in soda shop. Teens at dance. Car radio. Boy kisses girl in car. Boy is forward. 'Take me home.' Teens dance at party in front of jukebox. Boy studies at home, mother knits. Boy selects records for phonograph. Kids dance at party. Boy introduced to girl at party. They dance. Couple watch television (NICE). Couple hang out together. Couple in soda shop. Couple play tennis. Couple look in store window. Couple kissing. Couple say good night. Recap montage. Newlyweds get into car. Car drives off, cans tied to rear. Moms cry at wedding, Dad cries too.