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With over a decade online, NatureFootage offers the largest niche collection of HD and Ultra HD 4K+ stock footage focused on Nature & Wildlife, Oceans & Underwater, and People & Adventure. Curated from hundreds of leading cinematographers worldwide, NatureFootage now offers a completely redesigned website with a fresh design and intuitive navigation. Our team is excited about what we do and we’ve been working hard to make your experience even better!
Our award-winning contributors are devoted to their passion—capturing striking videos of life, in all of its forms. Using the best cinema equipment in challenging and dangerous conditions, these shooters go great lengths to capture footage found nowhere else on the planet. Let us provide you with the perfect shots for your production, saving you time and expense.
We welcome your interest in our company and our mission to deliver cutting-edge content. We’re committed to delivering the best footage and service to our clients, while providing growth and visibility to our network of contributors.
Exceptional Quality:
Contributors to NatureFootage include some of the most widely acclaimed cinematographers and production companies in the world. Our broad collection includes an extensive and rapidly growing selection of UltraHD 4K+ footage shot on high-end cinema cameras like the RED, Arri, Phantom, and Sony F55.
Extensive Selection:
NatureFootage offers a vast online collection of nature, ocean, and adventure stock footage. Our extensive library is constantly expanding as new footage is uploaded—and as new cinematographers join the NatureFootage global community.
Streamlined Website:
Fast, detailed, and comprehensive, the NatureFootage site allows for precise queries and detailed search filters in order to quickly find the exact shots and behaviors needed. Easily restrict your searches to specific formats and purchase footage directly from our website. Even the highest resolution uncompressed footage is extremely quick to download.
Free Research:
Our specialized sales team is available to assist with free research support. If you can’t find the exact shot you need online, send us a Shot Request and we can search for you or track down additional stock footage through our global network of over 2,000 cinematographers.
Rich Metadata and Previews:
All stock footage can be previewed online. Click on any representative thumbnail image to play the video clip and view extensive clip details. A Movie Popup window will open to reveal the video clip, subject description, location information, original camera format, frame rate, and pricing information.
Free Preview Downloads:
Watermarked Preview Clips can be downloaded in the Quicktime H.264 format in High Definition for offline editing or in-house review.
Company Information
Name | NatureFootage |
Address | 810 Cannery Row |
Suite 300 | |
City | Monterey |
State/Province/Region | CA |
Country | USA |
Zip / Postal Code | 93940 |
Contact Name | NatureFootage | | |
Phone | 831-375-2313 |