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TimeLapse Digital is a unique stock footage house that deals exclusively with time-lapse footage shot with digital SLR cameras. By leveraging the superb image quality of digital cameras, our affiliated shooters from all over the world are capturing some of the most stunning time-lapse sequences available today. Capturing sequences in 3K and 4K, we can deliver the final product in an any resolution you may need, from NTSC and PAL, HDTV and 4K files or motion picture film. Some of our shooters are using motion control rigs when capturing their footage to add beautiful movement to their sequences. offers direct downloads, same day shipping for larger files and FTP service for quick turnarounds. Low res versions of every shot are available for download to use as placeholders in your rough cut. Search our library by category and keyword or call us directly if want help finding something specific. And if you can't find what you are looking for, many of our shooters are available for custom shooting which we will gladly arrange. With clear pricing and simple licensing, TimeLapse Digital offers you a one stop shop for your time-lapse stock footage needs.
Company Information
Name | TimeLapse Digital Inc. |
Address | 535 East 46th Ave. |
City | Vancouver |
State/Province/Region | BC |
Country | Canada |
Zip / Postal Code | V5W 2A2 |
Contact Name | Rene Beland | | |
Phone | 604 644-3359 |