Performing search for your keyword(s) in 24 footage partner archives, please wait...
About Us is an online footage search and discovery platform dedicated to connecting footage customers with footage providers. Launched in 1996 and running continuously until the present, enables existing, commercially oriented footage companies to make their footage collections searchable through our unified search platform and receive footage requests directly from our user base of active footage customers.
We strive to make the world’s best stock, news and archival footage searchable from a single site, and give footage users the tools they need to discover and license the best footage in the world.
For creative professionals looking to license professional quality footage, streamlines the footage research process by offering a consolidated search experience across multiple world-class footage archives. We offer a suite of footage search and discovery tools that significantly expedites and improves the footage search and discovery process, gives users an overview of their footage options and introduces them to collections they might not have known about otherwise.
All of our partners are professional archives, all the footage on our site is intended for licensing and all the copyright owners are clearly identified, so when users find a clip on, they can be confident that it will be available for licensing and that the content owners will be accessible and helpful.
For footage companies looking to grow their licensing businesses and reach new customers, offers a neutral, aggregated search platform that presents their footage collections to active researchers, increases their brand visibility within the global production community and drives real licensing opportunities. Our role is to match active footage customers with footage providers who can meet their specific content needs, and then get out of the way.
Our Zap Request service makes it easy for footage users to send their footage requests to our full list of partners, making footage research fast, effective and more productive. Once a Zap Request partner receives a Zap email from a user, they are free to interact directly, without any intermediation from