
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
ACL-3016 Digibeta; Beta SP
2001 - 2002
3016-1 05:00:00:00 -- 05:00:43:20 2001 Color w Sound SMOKE FROM FIRST TOWER COLLAPSE ENVELOPS DOWNTOWN Full frame real-time footage of WTC Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001, Brooklyn Bridge in FG taken from beneath Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO Brooklyn. Smoke from first collapsed (North) tower envelops downtown Manhattan, then Brooklyn Bridge. Boats still visible in harbor. Audio: News broadcasters report on New York City, Pentagon attacks, etc. LRM (8134) 3016-2 05:00:43:21 -- 05:01:50:13 2001 Color w Sound LONE TOWER BURNS Full frame real-time footage of WTC Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001, Brooklyn Bridge in FG taken from beneath Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO Brooklyn. WS Smoke from first tower collapse begins to clear to reveal lone (South) tower burning and downtown Manhattan skyline. Tugboat travels on harbor in FG. LRM (8134) 3016-3 05:01:50:14 -- 05:02:49:26 2001 Color w Sound LONE TOWER BURNS Full frame real-time footage of WTC Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001, Brooklyn Bridge in FG taken from beneath Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO Brooklyn. WA shot from Brooklyn - lone South tower burns, emitting huge amount of black smoke. LRM (8134) 3016-4 05:02:49:27 -- 05:04:31:10 2001 Color w Sound SECOND TOWER COLLAPSES Full frame real-time footage of WTC Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001, Brooklyn Bridge in FG taken from beneath Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO Brooklyn. WS second South tower collapse and immediate aftermath. LRM (8134) 3016-5 05:04:31:11 -- 05:05:28:21 2001 Color w Sound SMOKE POST-WTC COLLAPSE Full frame real-time footage of WTC Twin Towers burning on September 11, 2001, Brooklyn Bridge in FG taken from beneath Manhattan Bridge in DUMBO Brooklyn. WS downtown Manhattan covered in smoke after both towers have collapsed. LRM (8134) 3016-6 05:05:28:22 -- 05:05:53:10 2002 Color w Sound DISASTER ECONOMY Ground Zero. First anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. ZO Burly male street vendor sells WTC disaster souvenir merchandise, "Proud to be an American" banner and buttons, September 11, 2002 MDO (8125) 3016-7 05:05:53:11 -- 05:07:05:10 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City VS New Yorkers on downtown streets before beginning of September 11 one year anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero. Young boy and girl sit holding small American flags. People walking & wearing patriotic clothing. Man w American flag tie, t-shirts, ribbons, pins, hard hats. New York City Port Authority police in uniform walk with crowd. MDO (8125) 3016-8 05:07:05:11 -- 05:07:44:04 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11 ceremonies near Ground Zero. New York City Port Authority Police pipe and drum band begin to march on downtown street near Ground Zero, only drummers play. Bagpipes faintly audible. Second pipe and drum band march on street. MDO (8125) 3016-9 05:07:44:05 -- 05:08:16:18 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero first anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks. Two CU shots of sad men in crowd wearing FDNY baseball caps, holding American flags at Ground Zero first anniversary ceremony. Audio: bagpipes, drums from pipe & drum bands. MDO (8125) 3016-10 05:08:16:19 -- 05:09:20:24 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero September 11 First Anniversary ceremony. VS crowd of people observing one minute of silence. Audio: New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg announces moment of silence, camera shutters snapping during moment. People in crowd wear FDNY T-shirts, hold small American flags. MDO (8125) 3016-11 05:09:20:25 -- 05:10:12:22 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero September 11 first anniversary ceremony. VS of people in crowd listening as names of those who perished in terrorist attacks at the WTC on September 11, 2001 are read by Rudy Giuliani. Man holds his arms around a woman as she cries. MDO (8125) 3016-12 05:10:12:23 -- 05:10:38:15 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero first anniversary ceremony of September 11 terrorist attacks. Two shots of crowds standing behind police barricades (front, side views) listening as names of those who perished at the WTC are read aloud by Rudy Giuliani at Ground Zero first anniversary ceremony (windy, poor audio). People hold water bottles, American flags. Group of women wears similar yellow hats. MDO (8125) 3016-13 05:10:38:16 -- 05:11:33:16 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero ceremony- First Anniversary of September 11 terrorist attacks. Crowd listens as names of those who perished at the WTC are read aloud. NYPD policeman stands with horse, back to camera, talking to blonde woman w young boy. Ambulance in BG. Young blonde boy holds small American flag between bars of fence. Man holds sleeping boy and American flag in front of police car. MDO (8125) 3016-14 05:11:33:17 -- 05:11:49:00 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First anniversary ceremony of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. WS People standing at Ground Zero as fire bell tolls. Four women wear yellow caps. Fire ladder truck in BG. MDO (8125) 3016-15 05:11:49:01 -- 05:11:58:07 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Man & woman stand with crowd behind police barricades near Ground Zero during first anniversary ceremony of September 11 terrorist attacks with black flag & olive branch peace symbol hanging over fence. MDO (8125) 3016-16 05:11:58:08 -- 05:12:45:11 2002 Color w Sound SCARY PATRIOT ON STREET ON FIRST ANNIVERSARY Scary patriotism - CU bearded, white haired man plays 'God Bless America' on flute. Man in stars & stripes outfit (running suit, bandanna) beside him rants in Eastern European accent and waves American flag wildly. "What a great nation! Raise your spirits high!" etc. MDO (8125) 3016-17 05:12:45:12 -- 05:12:54:24 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero first anniversary of September 11 WTC terrorist attacks. Asian man & woman with American flags draped over shoulders & cameras in hand stand behind iron fence. Man takes photos as names of dead are read. MDO (8125) 3016-18 05:12:54:25 -- 05:13:07:19 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero first anniversary of September 11 WTC terrorist attacks. Senior man in stars & stripes bicyclist gear leans on his bicycle holding sign "Rode from Dallas Texas for 9 11. 2,000 miles on high." MDO (8125) 3016-19 05:13:07:20 -- 05:13:18:16 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero first anniversary ceremony of September 11 terrorist attacks. Good shot: Black man holds American flag waving behind police barricades, as people (including a group of British policemen) walk past on Broadway ? and names of WTC dead are read aloud. MDO (8125) 3016-20 05:13:18:17 -- 05:13:43:18 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City WS Ground Zero first anniversary ceremony of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. WS people walk on observation deck perimeter of site with mural of stars & stripes-filled heart on building in BG. MDO (8125) 3016-21 05:13:43:19 -- 05:13:52:06 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero on first anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. CU yellow roses attached to fence, blowing in wind with building on perimeter partially covered by American flag in BG. Audio: list of names of dead from attacks are read aloud by female voice. MDO (8125) 3016-22 05:13:52:07 -- 05:14:00:07 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero on first anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. WS "Thank You" banner on black shrouded WTC perimeter building. "Thank you for never giving up." from WTC Families. MDO (8125) 3016-23 05:14:00:08 -- 05:14:10:07 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City Ground Zero on first anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. CU Liberty and West Street intersection sign with flag in BG as names of dead are recited. MDO (8125) 3016-24 05:14:10:08 -- 05:14:38:17 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Washington Square Park peace vigil early morning in central fountain area. WS Buddhists sitting with crowd gathered around them, arch in BG. Man standing in BG waves Asian banner. MDO (8125) 3016-25 05:14:38:18 -- 05:15:51:20 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Washington Square Park peace vigil early morning central fountain area. MS PAN of Buddhists (multiethnic) sitting w hands clasped in prayer, candles, incense burning. Buddhists stand, gesture and chant, kneel again, wearing yellow traditional robes. Crowd watches in BG. Buddhist rings brass bowl with stick, they bow to ground in prayer. CU elderly Buddhist man leading group in chanting prayer. MDO (8125) 3016-26 05:15:51:21 -- 05:16:14:26 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Washington Square Park. WS TD tree to stone marker. Inscription- "This tree was planted by the 'NYU community' as a symbol of life and hope to commemorate the tragic events of September 11, 2001." Students, other people walk on path in BG. MDO (8125) 3016-27 05:16:14:27 -- 05:18:58:10 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. WS Washington Square Park, VS candle light memorial vigil at dusk to night. NYU students, young people talk in groups. CU lit candle held in cupped hand at vigil, ZO to crowd standing outdoors at vigil. VS crowds of people gathered for candlelight vigil around arch in park. Conductor leads orchestra in memorial concert. Crowd of mostly students gathered around fountain area holding candles. MDO (8125) 3016-28 05:18:58:11 -- 05:20:37:21 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City LA VS Corner of Greenwich and 7th Avenues - "Tiles for America" memorial to September 11 victims. Handpainted tiles. ZO from ceramic tiles on fence. "We will never forget," "The sun will come out tomorrow." VS young women pass by and look at painted tiles. MDO (8125) 3016-29 05:20:37:22 -- 05:22:00:10 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Corner of Greenwich and 7th Avenues, West Village, Manhattan- "Tiles for America" CU pan of commemorative painted tiles- "God is good," America Still Shines" etc. Some messages, some pure art. MDO (8125) 3016-30 05:22:00:11 -- 05:24:11:27 2002 Color w Sound FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11, New York City First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Engine Company 31 Kids art, quilt show -"Ground Hero Kids" EXT: building (old fire house) on Lafayette St., lower Manhattan. EXT: People talk in doorway. CU Engine Company inscription on doorway. CU hand-drawn sign pointing to show. INT PAN large quilts made from children's art displayed on floors, walls. People walk through room, looking at quilts. CU PAN children's messages of remembrance, mourning, tribute. MDO (8125) 3016-31 05:24:11:28 -- 05:24:30:26 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. WS Memorial mural on concrete building - Pelham Parkway, Bronx. ZO to show more of uninspired mural- "Gone But Not Forgotten" and American flag. MDO (8125) 3016-32 05:24:30:27 -- 05:25:19:01 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL September 11 memorial mural, Pelham Parkway, Bronx. VS mural details- crude uniformed New York City policeman and fireman stand in front of Twin Towers. MDO (8125) 3016-33 05:25:19:02 -- 05:25:47:19 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL September 11 Memorial mural, Pelham Parkway, Bronx. Pan front policeman, fireman on one end of "Gone But Not Forgotten" mural to the other. Woman walks past with shopping cart. MDO (8125) 3016-34 05:25:47:20 -- 05:26:19:26 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL September 11 memorial mural. WS "In Memory of 9-11-01" mural painted on wall with Twin Towers, American flag. Pedestrians walk past. Cars parked by curb. MDO (8125) 3016-35 05:26:19:27 -- 05:26:43:06 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL September 11 memorial mural. Woman pushes cart past "God Bless America" mural on lower part of apartment building's wall. Closer shot of mural. MDO (8125) 3016-36 05:26:43:07 -- 05:27:18:18 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL Pan of September 11 memorial tribute mural with American flag, Twin Towers, cityscape, fire, ruins of WTC. View from opposite end with Statue of Liberty, woman pushes empty shopping cart past. MDO (8125) 3016-37 05:27:18:19 -- 05:27:41:07 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL MS of "God Bless America" part of mural on lower outside wall of apartment building. Second shot: WTC ruins in mural. Man passes by pushing empty cart. "God Bless America" with "And New York?" added at bottom. MDO (8125) 3016-38 05:27:41:08 -- 05:28:17:03 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL ZO from tops of Twin Towers in color "God Bless America" mural. Face and name of FDNY firefighter victim, American flag with FDNY, EMS, EMT, NYPD, PAPD inscribed. Three boys walk past mural. MDO (8125) 3016-39 05:28:17:04 -- 05:28:30:27 2002 Color w Sound MEMORIAL MURAL ZO from tops of Twin Towers in color "God Bless America" mural. Face and name of FDNY firefighter victim, other victims. American flag with FDNY, EMS, EMT, NYPD, PAPD inscribed at bottom of mural. Couple walks past mural. MDO (8125) 3016-40 05:28:30:28 -- 05:30:30:09 2002 Color w Sound O'HARE AIRPORT ON FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF ATTACK First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. VS O'Hare airport terminal United Airlines ticket counter (nearly empty), Chicago, IL, September 11, 2002. Audio: PA announcement of memorial moment of silence for victims. Handheld VS people (airline employees, customers) stand still during moment. National anthem played. People go about business after anthem, slowly walking w luggage. MDO (8125) 3016-41 05:30:30:10 -- 05:31:01:00 2002 Color w Sound FLIGHT ANNOUNCEMENT ON FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF ATTACK First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Handheld INT United Airlines airplane cabin on September 11, 2002 - Pilot's announcement to passengers, asking them each to remember in their own way - "Tragic day in the history of the United States." MDO (8125) 3016-42 05:31:01:01 -- 05:33:12:07 2002 Color w Sound NEWARK AIRPORT ON FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF ATTACK First Anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. VS Gate A17 memorial at Newark Airport, NJ on September 11, 2002 (Gate A17 was gate that doomed UA flight departed from on September 11, 2001). Staff sign memorial sheet at counter, CU United Airlines message, "We Remember" LED, flowers on counter. Tattered American flag in display case (from WTC?)CU memorial message from crew members of September 11, 2002 flight to flight crew and passengers of United flight 93 from Newark to San Francisco on September 11, 2001. ZO to wreath encircling message. ZI to handwritten note taped to message. "Memories never die. Neither will we." CU Terminal LCD display- "We Remember." MDO (8125) 05:33:12:08 -- END OF TAPE