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Record Epicure Eats 20 Pounds at One Sitting
DN-235 1 inch
Eating - Chicken - Hands; Drinking - Wine - Gallon Jug; Floor Show - Dancing - Acrobats; Waiters; Stunt
02:11:04:00 - 02:11:40:00 B W 1935 09 04 Record Epicure Eats 20 Pounds at One Sitting PA, Philadelphia Man being served beneath sign Palumbo. 4 Waiters. Eats chicken with hands. Couple on dance floor whirling. Drinks wine from gallon jug. Woman bending over backwards. per release he ate 12 broilers, 2 steaks, a roast & 4 lbs of spaghetti while drinking a gallon of red wine & a gallon of beer. Laurentis, Tony