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Universal Newsreels
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Universal Newsreels |
File Number: | DN-LB-531 Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1938, 1939 |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 09:01:20:00 B W 1938, 1939 16Nov38 Si New York City Attractive Gowns And Jewels Seen At Fashion Show Models appear to be on moving floor past camera while wearing gowns & jewelry: rings, earings, bracelets, tiaras. 09:02:17:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World of Sports Ann Arbor, Michigan Michigan 0, Northwestern 0 in college football on gray day. 09:03:41:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. [New York Americans 2, Boston 1 in Hockey] No helmets. Violent with injuries. Spectacular goal play of Carr and Wiseman 09:04:34:00 end. 09:04:41:00 B W 1938, 1939 21Nov38 Si. World-Wide News Events Hankow, China [Chinese Quit Stricken City] Burning railroad cars, wounded carried away. Cameraman shooting. Houses burning. Man on litter and refugees gathering goods. Refugees fleeing from Japanese bombings. Sino-Japanese war. 09:05:23:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Mt. San Jacinto, California. Dam with small amount of water. Men into underground tunnel & POV from train. Drilling in rock face and large tunnel cribbing seen. Inserting dynamite, throwing switch and flashes of explosions. Men run forward and greet men on other side of pile of remaining rubble, last link in the 392 mi. aquaduct to supply water for Los Angeles and vicinity from Colorado River. Construction workers, sandhogs 09:06:38:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City Minnie, 400-pound Skating Star, Has Dizzying Debut. Ice skates fitted on bear in dress who walks out and skates on ice watch woman doing spins. Then gets up and skates around trainer with pixilated camera making it look speeded up. Animals, stunts, gags, oddities. 09:07:48:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Berkeley, California U. of California Trims Stanford California 6, Stanford 0 in college football. Kick off. Back and forth in middle, then cheering students from above when touchdown is scored. 09:09:56:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Portland, Oregon Special Release University of Oregon 3, U. of Washington 0 in college football. Multnomah Stadium. Players on muddy field, mostly short runs. Field goal kick seen. Much running and rough tackling in mud. 09:12:10:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Columbus, Ohio Michigan 18, Ohio State 0 College football kickoff. Running and passing. Touchdown run. Pass for another. Running for another. Good MCU of fighting over the goal posts. 09:13:57:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Toronto, Canada Happy Youngsters Hail Santa Claus Toronto Parade. Marching band & flags. Floats of children's stories with moving figures. Snow White and 7 dwarfs. Santa on float with bouncing reindeer. End: 09:14:59 09:15:06:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Washington, DC Great Britain And Canada Sign Trade Pacts with US Man at map, signed documents with seals. Statement read by Sec. of State Hull sitting behind desk with many papers: `Through the conclusion of the reciprical trade agreements between... 09:16:04 Sir Ronald Lindsay, British Ambassador `I fully share the sentiments expressed by the Secretary of State... Diplomacy. Economics. Signing agreements. Pre-WWII. 09:16:25:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World of Sports Madison, Wisconson Minnesota 21, Wisconsin 0 in college football on sunny day with touchdown runs. 09:17:26:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Evanston, Illinois Notre Dame 9, Northwestern 7 in college football. Band playing and crowd noise as pass is intercepted and touchdown run made. Radio announcer can be heard in background. Hard tackling. Field goal kicked to win. 09:19:02:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New Haven, Conn. Harvard 7, Yale 0. People watching college football game in rain. Very muddy field. Failed field goal. Band marches up field in victory. 09:20:42 End title with music. 09:20:52 09:20:58:00 B W 1938, 1939 28Nov38 Sd. Warm Springs, Georgia FDR Celebrates Thanksgiving With Paralysis Patients Children sing to President at main table. FDR reads statement to mics of networks. `This Thanksgiving Day we have much to be thankful for I wish that all who hear my voice could be with us and see this gathering of old and young in the big dining room at Warm Springs. We are thinking, not of ourselves alone, but of tens of thousands of other children and grownups and wishing for them that they may be having an equally happy Thanksgiving--lots of turkey and lots of fixings.' FDR cutting the turkey after talking with Eleanor, then talks with child next to him. Polio disease rehabilitation hospital friendship charity. 09:21:49:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. World-Wide News Events New York City Sec'y Cordell Hull Heads Delegates To Lima Parley Hull making statement: `The mere fact that the representatives of 21 nations can meet to discuss their problems in a spirit of trust, understanding and tolerance is a solid cause of hope in a world threatened today with despair.' Diplomacy Organization of American States, OAS, Pre-WWII, unity. 09:22:24:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Alf Landon (?): `I'm delighted to go to this 8th Annual Conference of the American States because of the great and almost vital importance of our relations to the other states on this American Continent. I am also happy to have the opportunity of serving on this delegation because it again emphasizes the fact that we Americans, in foreign affairs, are able to subordinate our political differences which may exist between us at home. OAS, unity. 09:22:59:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Unidentified man on shipboard given instructions from photographers as they take his picture. He leans on umbrella while wearing topcoat. 09:23:14:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City AV of freighter Falmouth blown aground on Long Island Sound with waves around it. 09:23:29 New York City people walking through drifting snow (blizzard), wiping off car windows and shoveling sidewalks. Snow blower along elevated tracks. Birds eating food on snow. Kids sledding in Central Park with skyscrapers behind. Winter storm. Weather. Pedestrians. Winter street scenes. 09:24:16:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Santa Monica, California. Roadside brush fires burning heavily as pickup trauck pulls up. Firemen on truck. Night and flames burning as men hose down house. Daylight and smoking debris of houses as men extinguish fire with shovels. 09:25:00:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. The World of Sports Durham, North Carolina Duke 7, Pitt 0 College football with game in snow at kick off. Umbrellas. Players sliding around. Heavier snow. Good kicking. 09:26:39:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania [College Football, Army 14, Navy 7] Army & Navy cadets marching on the field before the game. Do performance. Long touchdown run. Muddy field. 09:28:33:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City Santa Stages Preview For Eager Kiddies Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in Rain. Giant Uncle Sam balloon, other large ones including Ferdinand The Bull. Floats pulled by horses. Long-nosed Pinochio balloon. Coverage from rooftops. 09:29:25:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Special Release Portland, OR Beavers Beat Webfeet 14 to 0. Marching band on Multnomah Stadium field. Sunny for running game of college football. 2 goal line plays result in touchdown. 09:31:39:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Special Release Seattle, Washington Washington Beats Washington State 26 to 0. College football with much running. Long touchdown pass. Pass interception. Long pass thrown from jump and caught on jump in end zone. 09:33:54:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Christmas Joy Reigns As Santa Arrives For Gala Parade. Floats and marching units past camera. Many people in costumes. Old time bicycles ridden and paper mache floats pulled. Horse-drawn firewagons VIPS marching. Santa Claus gets key to city and riding float with deer etc. Banner inviting children to come meet Santa. Christmas holiday. 09:35:40:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Toronto, Canada. New Car Designs Thrill Auto Fans At National Show Elaborate booths and dancing girls in gowns around globe and fountains with orchestra visible behind. Floor with car exhibits. Pan over floor and a few people among cars. Promotion. 09:36:43:00 end. 09:36:50:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Hollywood, California Maj. H.M. Warner Honored For Aid To Americanism Man in VFW hat says `this citation of Honor is awarded to Harry M. Warner for his outstanding service to his nation in fostering sound Americanism. Daughter: `Thank you Dr. Lightner, my father is listening to these ceremonies on the radio, and it will make him very happy to know that his work is so appreciated. Motion picture studios. Patriotism. Nationalism. VFW. Pre-WWII 09:37:21:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World of Sports Palo Alto, California [Stanford 23, Dartmouth 13] College football with good pass, lateral, and run for touchdown followed by cheering and hats into air. Sunny day. 3 good crowd shots of cheering. 09:38:24:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Royden, England [Polo played on bicycles] Pumping up tire, posing with leather helmet and then riders playing, falling and crashing their bikes. Stunts. Gags. Sports. 09:38:58:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Mt. Hood, Oregon [Skiers have 1938 season's first races] down from lodge and silhouetted on ridge line. Woman racer snowplowing down slope, others falling and sliding as people at bottom watch. Winter recreation, sports. End 00:39:44:00. 00:39:51:00 B W 1938, 1939 05Dec38 Sd. The World of Sports Boston, Massachusetts [Indoor ski-jumping] Ski jumpers off jump with many falls, spills followed by spot light. Two and even three at once off jump. Winter recreation entertainment. 09:40:41:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Memphis, TN Tennessee 47, Mississippi 0 College football with marching band onto field. Running plays and touchdowns Kick runback for touchdown. 09:42:00:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Los Angeles, California USC 13, Notre Dame 0 College football with radio announcer as Anderson passes to Jimmy Jones. Crowd noise. Pass for touchdown. Interception by Jones on goal line and run back to 30. Anderson runs for another. Excitement. 09:43:25:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Los Angeles, California Trojans Trounce Irish In Annual Battle. Music and narrator. Pan over packed stadium of 105,000 crowd. Smith kicks off to Notre Dame, cheering fans. Long pass for touchdown. Kick off to Notre Dame. Big loss by Notre Dame when he can't get pass off. Anderson runs for goal in middle of field. Kick is good. Notre Dame passes and intercepted on goal. Players and fans across field at end. Note: this is different and additional coverage of 09:42:00 story. Radio announcer. Excitement. End: 09:46:21 09:46:27:00 B W 1938, 1939 12Dec38 Si. New York City Holiday Crowds Ready For A Merry Christmas Massive packed sidewalks outside department stores with shopping pedestrians. MCU of feet into store. Camera moving inside store and various shots of counters, shoppers buying things, children on Santa Claus's lap. 09:47:08:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Hollywood, California 500 Tenants Now `At Home' In Novel Island Apartments Crowd of small monkeys race out of cave on zoo's monkey island. Has tacky palm trees. Boy feeds them as they climb over him. Several swimming in water getting food and attacked by others when they get back. Monkeys grooming. Overcrowded. 09:47:58:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World Of Sports New York City Giants 23, Green Bay Packers 17 Professional football with players running down stairs onto field. Coaches shake hands. Players on muddy field see in mcu. Man puffing on cigar. Long pass and catch. Another for touchdown with several shots of people in stands in mcu watching. LS of cheering. Field goal kicked. Good coverage. 09:49:58:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Toronto, Canada Argonauts Beat Bombers, 30-7, In Rugby Finals. Small crowd. One player without helmet. Good kick for goal. Run for another score. End: 09:50:58 09:51:05:00 B W 1938, 1939 24Apr39 Si. The world of Sports New York City [Baseball's Opening Game After 2 Rainy Days, Yankees 2, Red Sox 0] Flag raised as players at attention. Baseballs pour out of bag. Babe Ruth and wife in MCU, Mayor LaGuardia throwing out ball towards camera. Player in CU and #8 around bases on home run. LS of triple, sliding into third base. 09:52:07:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Havre De Grace, Maryland [Golden Knight wins 19th Chesapeake Stakes $15,000 Horse race] Horses out of starting gate & past camera, around turn with crowd noise and MCU of cheering fans, down home stretch and winner by two lengths. Winning horse with jockey no. 7 and cameraman running alongside on race track. 09:53:05:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Baltimore, MD Big Show Staged For Sick Kiddies By Variety Club. Several vans drive past camera. On side of van: Variety Clubs of Baltimore Motion Picture Entertainment for Shut-Ins Simplex projector set up, man trying to thread outdoors with gloves as children watch. Man tells children he's proud to be there to bring moving pictures to the children. They applaud. Another man says they are part of National Club. Mr. Frank Durkee, Chairman, talks about how wonderful its been to take movies into the schools, and to the aged. Elmer Minoli is in charge of actually doing the charity work. Civic Groups 09:56:54 end 09:57:01:00 B W 1938, 1939 03May39 Si. World-Wide News Events [England Royalty Look At Tour Route] King George, Queen Elizabeth and Princess Anne & Elizabeth sitting outside look at maps of coming trip to Canada and US. LS of castle and family with dog walking down to lake or pond, Across lawns. Pre-WWII 09:57:40:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City [Norway Crown Prince Olav Visits USS Tennessee] Walking down deck reviewing marines. Saluting, shaking hands with formally dress US officers. Pre-WWII 09:58:03:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Mexico, DF [Mexican Labor's May Day Parade] Various shots of uniformed marchers with banners through streets and with crowds. Government officials watching. Crowds moved back by motorcycle, injured woman carried off. Workers are being trained for military service. Pre-WWII 09:58:33:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Indo-China Workers placing dynamite & blasting cliff for road in Tonkin Province. French military officer cuts ribbon and army units march along it. Can be used for munitions into South China. Colonialism. Oriental laborers. Pre-WWII. 09:59:12:00 B W 1938, 1939 Sd. Manchester, England [Fire in large stores] People watch from street and rooftops. Firemen playing hoses, mannequins in windows. Smoke, water and burning building. 09:59:42:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World Of Sports Detroit, Michigan [Lou Gehrig Retires From Baseball] CU, throwing, smiling, batting, wiping sweat. Illness, disease. Sports 10:00:10:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. St. Albans, New York [Babe Ruth Trains Girls Softball Team] CU with bat, MS. Woman softball catcher and pitcher. Ruth swings at pitch, misses. Hits another. Signs autographs. Sports celebrity. Baseball. Oddities. Women's Softball. 10:00:44:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Chicago, Illinois [White Sox-Cubs Benefit Game For Monty Straton] Stratton, who lost leg in auto accident, with other players. Pitching with obvious artifical leg. High angle of baseball field. Cripple, disabled. Charity. 10:01:16:00 end 10:01:23:00 B W 1938, 1939 08May39 Si. Washington, DC Colorful Military Display Welcomes Pres. of Nicaragua FDR next to President Somoza as army fires guns in military salute in front of Union Station. In hope hats leaving station in limousine. Tanks, planes and military in motorcade up Pennsylvania Avenue to White House. Dictators. Diplomacy. Pre-WWII 10:02:16:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. World-Wide News Events Leeds, England. Military Review of Army Reservists For Air Raid Defense. Crowds watch men & women marching past officers and religious leaders. Nurses. Demonstration in firefighting and first-aid in stadium show. Pres-WWII. 10:03:08:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Paris, France [Roumanian Foreign Minister Grigore Gafencu & French Pres. LeBrun Place Wreath] Roumanian minister visiting European Capitals on peace mission places wreath at Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Cu of banner. Walking with French President. Pre-WWII 10:03:35:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Rome, Italy [600 Body Guards of Ex-King Zog Swear Allegiance to Victor Emmanuel] Marching in uniforms and skirts, reviewed at attention, saluting. Colonialism. Albania. Pre-WWII 10:04:06:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. San Diego, California [2-Motor Amphibious Plane Tested] Aiplane winched into water, taxiing and take off. Flying overhead. Pre-WWII Military Aviation. 10:04:37:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Marineland, Florida [1500-lb Manta Ray Refuses Food Diver in acquarium with fish and large ray. Seen underwater, large shark, small school of fish. Large octupus & squid. 10:05:18:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. San Francisco, California [Al Smith at Golden Gate Exposition] Standing next to wife waving to crowd. Gets into horsedrawn carriage with difficulty and leading parade past on-lookers still waving bowler hat. Expositions. Politicians. 10:05:54:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Science In The News New York City [Artificial Heart at New York World's Fair] Heart machine (perfusion pump) developed by Dr. Alexis Carrel & Charles Lindbergh (not seen) is displayed. Plastic and glass with gauge and fluids being pumped shown working. Medical inventions, medicine, exhibition. Future. 10:06:26:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City Aquacade At Fair A Gala Spectacle Of ? Sports. Johnny Weismuller and woman (?Eleanor Holm) dive into pool and swim, Orchestrated chorus line of women dive in and swim in patterns, float on surfboards. Spectators applaud. LS of Woman and American Flag with others holding stars. Oddities. Exposition. New York World's Fair. Entertainment spectacle. 10:07:33:00 B W 1938, 1939 The World of Sports Churchill Downs, KY [1939 Kentucky Derby] Large crowd entering, sign, betting window and people in line. Horses paraded on track. Crowd standing watching. Horses out of gate past stands, around first turn, along backstretch. Cutaway to packed stands. Around final turn and down home stretch. Winner Johnstown by six lengths. Walked to winner's circle. Horse race gambling. 10:09:48:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Special Autos Are Ready For Visit By King And Queen Crowd of people past camera, Royal insignia on pole above fancy limousine. Windows shown going down. Flowers. Put into box. Royalty preparations. CU of label. 10:10:50:00 10:10:56:00 B W 1938, 1939 13May39 Si. London, England King And Queen Leave Britain On American Tour Out of Buckingham Palace in open coach pulled by four white horses as crowd watches. Queen Mother out of car and other government VIPS saying good bye. Princess Elizabeth & Princess Mary. Boarding Royal train, getting off and to car. People line street as limousine through, boarding ship and sailors salute with hats. AV over ship. Pre-WWII diplomacy. 10:12:13:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. World-Wide News Events Chicago, Illinois [8 Die In Grain Elevator Fire] AVs of fighting large fire in badly burned elevators. View on ground, people watch from top of railroad cars. Bodies carried off on stretcher. Buildings and freight cars catching fire and burning. Wall of building collapsing. Fire and flames. Disaster. 10:13:22:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Versailles, France [French Revolution Celebrated on eve of 150th Anniversary] Fountain, troops at attention as Pres. LeBrun & other VIPS arrive, at table inside as large group watching & listening as statement is read (MOS). 10:13:58:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City. [Sean T. O'Kelly VP of Irish Executive Council & Minister for Finance & Education (& Future President) Arrives, New York City]. Prime Minister De Valera's assistant arrives to open Irish Pavilion at World's Fair. CU on shipboard & walking on deck. 10:14:15:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Algiers, Algeria [Archbishop Verdier of Paris leads Eucharistic Congress] Religious ceremony & rites with priests, nuns held in open stadium. Catholic religion 10:14:42:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Teheran, Iran [Prince Pahlevi Returns Home With Bride, Princess Fawzia of Egypt] Walking toward camera and saluting. Reviewing troops with stunt riding, mass calisthenics, military VIPS, children in costumes. Lighted streets and night parade in jewelry. Fireworks. Dictators. Royalty. Future Shaw. 10:15:35:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Holland, Michigan City Goes Dutch For Colorful Tulip Festival People picking flowers in dutch costumes, dancing around foot of windmill. Model dutch city with canals, windmills. Man fitting boy with wooden shoes. Parade of people and scrubbing & cleaning streets. Crowd watching. Folk dancing in street in wooden shoes. Festival, Oddities. Gag. 10:16:47:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World of Sports New York City [Divers At World's Fair Aquacade] 2 men do high diving in regular and slow motion. Clowns diving, reverse motion. Exposition. 10:18:05:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Pimlico, MD [Derby Winner Loses In Horse Race Upset] Crowd with umbrellas in rain. Jockeys ride. Man with binoculars, 6 horses out of starting gate on muddy race track around first turn, platform of newsreel cameras seen. Around back stretch and down home stretch with two in lead. W.L. Brann's Challedon is winner by 2 lengths. Johnstown is 5th. 10:19:30 end 10:19:36:00 B W 1938, 1939 29May39 Si Rome, Italy Pope Takes Over St. John Lateran After 93 Yr. Lapse Religious procession with Pope Pius XII on litter giving blessing to spectators watching. Swiss Guard & soldiers in dress uniforms. Pope on balcony gives blessing after Church pageant last held 93 years ago. 10:20:19:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. World-Wide News Events Portsmouth, NH [Rush Salvage of Sunken Submarine Squalus] Tugboat to dock as people watch and survivors taken off. MCU and reporters and photographers. 4 men in hospital. CU of them and others. Man reading newspaper in bed. Military navy VIPS on dock and large pontoon floats put into water and moved away by ship 10:21:54:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Washington, DC [Dempsey before Senate Interstate Commerce Subcommittee Testifying To Allow Prize Fight Films Across State Lines] At table with committee, CU of Dempsey & various Congressmen. Boxing, sports, boxer. 10:22:19:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. New York City [WWI Draft Dodger Arrives On SS Bremen] Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, draft resister, arrives after 20-year exile in Germany and is seized by Military officials. Visited in prison by wife and children. Led by military off ship onto small tugboat crowded with reporters and photographers. Family leaving prison met by reporters. Immigration. Pre-WWII. Arrest. 10:23:05:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Paris, France [Lord Halifax Arrives To Meet with Premier Daladier & French Foreign Minister Bonnet] Tips hat and poses outside Interior with VIPS. Diplomacy, Pre-WWII. 10:23:35:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Bourguenais, France [Air Minister Chambre Visits Fighter Plane Factory] Entering huge hanger factory and passing planes on assembly line and workers. Ext. with planes flying low and doing rolls overhead. Pre-WWII military aviation industry. 10:24:07:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. The World of Sports San Gabriel, California [Bow & Arrow Stunts] Ken Wilhelm, archery performer shoots arrows around boy against target. Shoots balloon off head and through ring in mouth. Shoots apple off head. Oddities. Dangerous stunts, gags, stupidity. 10:25:09:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Madison, NJ [Morris And Essex Dog Show] Large crowd watching dogs walked for judges. Various breeds. CU of winners with trophies given by woman. Contests. Competition. 10:26:21:00 B W 1938, 1939 Si. Toronto, Ontario, Canada [Queen & King of England Arrive in carriage in front of grandstand] Accompanied to box and acknowledge crowds. Watch horse race with well-dressed crowd in furs and top hats. Winner by many lengths. King presents award. Queen and King accompanied to carriage & leave. Colonialism. Royalty End: 10:28:06 |