
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
Universal Newsreel
DN-LB-540 Beta SP
03:03:25:00 B W 1949 05Dec49 Sd. Universal International Newsreel main title with music under. 03:03:36:00 B W 1949 Sd Emergency! Long Drought Menaces Eastern Water Supply. National Guard filling buckets & watercans from roadside canvas tanks. CU of waterfall of reservoir outflow over rocks. Same spillway with no water over it. Dried reservoirs and uncovered debris. (03:04:42) CU Sign: Wanaque Reservoir Help Keep The Water Pure. Other shots of dried reservoirs and dam. 03:04:58:00 B W 1949 Sd Muroc Dry Lake, California Supersonic - Sound Left Behind In Skyrocket ? Test. Navy's biggest airplane, `Constitution', and new skyrocket airplane designed to break sound barrier. Needle nose. 45 Year-old pilot Gene May in CU. Plane take off with falter, then fly-by over in MCU. Camera following plane and instrument to measure speed. Flying toward camera in several passes. Breaks sound barrier & sets unofficial world speed record in 3 separate runs. 03:06:13:00 B W 1949 Sd London, England News In Brief [Winston Churchill Arriving at Danish Embassy for 75th Birthday] Crowd applauds as he & wife leave car & he is given sprig of heather which he puts in lapel. Prime Minister Attlee is present. Churchill w cigar leaves and tips hat. 03:06:54:00 B W 1949 Sd Lyon, France [Airliner Crash aftermath] Burning wreckage as rescuers look through remains of crash killing 5 of 29 on board flight to Tunis, North Africa. 03:07:25:00 B W 1949 Sd New York City [Philadelphia Eagles 24, New York Giants 3] Professional football in rough tackling game. Van Buren tackled. Kick from behind goal. Frank Reagan (?) catches and returns for touchdown. Crowd shot. Tommy Thompson throws long pass to Armstrong. Joe ?? passes long for good catch & run for touchdown. Professional Sports 03:08:24:00 B W 1949 Sd Dallas, Texas Notre Dame 27, SMU 20 Southern Methodist has Vetter (?) pass intercepted by Pettibone as underdogs nearly upset unbeaten Notre Dame. Kyle Rote has pass intercepted. Williams passes Rote passes to Jack Champion who almost gets to goal in 69 yard play. Rote makes touchdown, and runs another time for 3rd touchdown for SMU. Notre Dame is unbeaten for 4 straight years. Crowd on field. 03:10:23:00 B W 1949 Sd The End title with music abbreviated. End: 03:10:26. 03:10:34:00 B W 1949 05dec49 Si Canada [Flash Flood] AV of flooded river with town on hillside. River edge shot of fast water & bridge upstream. Trees in river, sandbagged houses and water close by. Damage to house moved off foundation and badly washed roads. People looking at undercut pavement and car along partially washed out road. AV over washed out bridges and also riverside of washed out highway & railroad bridges. Water over remaining part of bridge. Cars across replaced section. Weather disasters. 03:11:54:00 B W 1949 Si Canada [Hockey Training] Men running along street, man in All Stars Hockey sweater doing exercises and sweating. Reducing machine w belt around middle shaking man. Man in steam box with towels over head. Eating celery as family has dinner. Gag Professional sports. 03:12:46:00 B W 1949 08Dec49 Sd Paris, France Atlantic Pact - US And West Europe Meet On Defense Plan. Ext. & interior with Gen. Omar Bradley walking past camera along with others including Defense Secretary Louis Johnson, Averill Harriman. Smoking Generals & western diplomats talking. Men sitting at tables. VO talking about keeping Western Europe free. Cold War Post-WWII Propaganda. 03:13:44:00 B W 1949 Sd News In Brief New York City [Nationalist China President Li Tsung Jen arrives off plane for medical treatment]. Receives flowers and poses on steps at airplane. 03:14:04:00 B W 1949 Sd New York City [Man Flies Round The World on Passenger Planes in 4 Days, 23 Hours] Thomas Lanphier greeted by sister & brother & previous record holder Edward Eagon (sp?) former record holder. Transportation travel. 03:14:24:00 B W 1949 Sd British Columbia, Canada [Bumper Herring Crop]. Fishing boats netting & loading enormous crop of herring amid many seagulls. Fish dumped from nets into hold & flopping around. Pumped out in large hose. Industry. 03:15:25:00 B W 1949 Sd Quebec, Canada [Six Bayerjon brothers in strongman feats] Posing with muscles flexed, lifting barbell weights with one finger. Max Baer does gag with brothers and shakes hands with Charles. Adrian lifts 14 men standing on platform with back. Paul climbs pole lifting horse as he climbs pole. Charles pulls bus by rope between teeth. Oddities. Gag. Strength. 03:16:53:00 B W 1949 Sd New York City [Heisman Trophy for Outstanding College Football Sports Star to Leon Hart, Notre Dame's End]. Presented by Wilber Jordan (sp?). Hart is first lineman to win award in 12 years. 03:17:12:00 B W 1949 Sd Chicago, Illinois [Joe Louis Knocks Out Pat Valentino] Ezzard Charles at ringside as Louis wins in 8th round of exhibition bout. Professional sports. Boxing. Boxers. 03:18:23:00 B W 1949 Sd New York City [Oregon State College 49, New York University 45]. College basketball at Madison Square Garden. Violent running and fast shooting. Disputed play of Phil Hopper possibly stepping out of bounds. Sports. End: 03:19:45 03:19:52:00 B W 1949 12Dec49 Si News In Brief [Historic Warship Sunk] HMS Implacable, oldest wooden warship in the world, moved out of harbor. With flag flying is sunk before watching VIPS. CU of bow floating, Naval officers with stop watch & plunger setting off explosions. Ship sinking wood floating on water. Ship was originally French, fought against British at Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Destruction oddities History. 03:20:52:00 B W 1949 Si. Las Vegas, Nevada [Shah of Iran visits Hoover Dam] Pahlevi & others walking & looking over dam, with dam behind them, traffic. 03:21:16:00 B W 1949 Si. New York City [Cartier Diamond Jewelry] Jewels seen with magnifying glass. Various pins mounted on display. Necklace, diamonds in hair, CU of model. 03:22:01:00 B W 1949 Sd (German) Berlin, Germany [Gymnastic Meet] Man performing on horse. Man on parallel bars. people watching and applauding. Doing routine on trapeze bar. Acrobatics. Sports. End: 03:23:05 03:23:13:00 B W 1949 12Dec49 Si Canada [Christmas Tree Cutting] Men cut and bundle trees. Using twine, picking holly. Turkeys in pen & fluffing feathers. Boy petting turkey. Oddities Holidays. End: 03:24:03 03:24:11:00 B W 1949 19Dec49 Si. Alamogordo, New Mexico. News In Brief [Aerobee Rocket Soars 60 Miles] Rocket raised into place and instrument packet attached. TU. Man in control tower signals for firing, men look through windows. Rocket slowly raising. Man at control panel, rocket in sky, people watch from control bunker. 200 lbs of instruments into space. Science technology aerospace. Military Air Force. Post-WWII. 03:25:08:00 B W 1949 Si Key West, Florida. [President Truman Awards Diplomas To Graduates of Anti-submarine Corps at Naval Base] Arrival, saluting navy cadets, handshaking and diplomas awarded. 03:25:41:00 B W 1949 Si Lackland Base, Texas [232 Air Corps Officers Graduate Officers Candidate School] 17 women in group receiving trophies. Receiving diplomas as 2nd Lieutenants and kisses from wives etc. MCU of saluting oriental woman. 03:26:34:00 B W 1949 Si Sports Los Angeles, California [Philadelphia Eagles 14, Los Angeles Rams 0] Professional football championship. Rain and mud with spectators under umbrellas and players splashing out of bounds. Passing and sliding. Touchdown run. 03:27:19:00 B W 1949 Si Toronto, Canada [Professional Wrestling] `Yukon' Eric Holmback takes on both Fred Atkins of Australia, and Fred's second. Throwing, hitting and violence Wrestler thrown onto referee. Kicking. Spectators cheering and waving. Winner with hand raised by referee. Violent sports. End: 03 28:48 03:28:56:00 B W 1949 21Dec49 Si China Angus Ward - Chinese Reds Release US Consul General. Bearded man in heavy coat boarding ship. Woman in fur coat posing with Chinese women. Ward inspected by doctor. Posing with wife and child. Eating at table. Ward shaving & posing with life ring of freighter SS Lakeland Victory, San Francisco. 03:30:09:00 B W 1949 Si Navy - Heavy Weather Greets Carrier In North Atlantic Stormy weather with ships signaling with lights, tanker refueling ship as waves breaking over sides. Bow of aircraft carrier thru waves. Snow blowing on deck, man sliding on deck. planes covered and tied down during arctic tests. 03:31:16:00 B W 1949 Si New York City Basketball Madison Square Gardens, cheering spectators as Oklahoma wins 67 to 63 over CCNY. Baskets, dribbling and fast play. College sports. End: 03:32:59 03:33:07:00 B W 1949 30Dec49 Sd Universal International Newsreel main title. 03:33:18:00 B W 1949 Si Title: Pictorial Highlights. 03:33:23:00 B W 1949 Si Austin, Texas [Texans Deliver Water To New York City]. Tank truck backed up with banners. Men show letter from Texas mayor to Mayor O'Dwyer Texans toast with water. Texans standing on back of truck wave hats as truck leaves. 03:34:15:00 B W 1949 Si Japan [Prince Akihito & others to American Taught School] Greeted at door by Mrs. Elizabeth Vining, they enter room and at table with Vining. Reading, writing and served tea. CU of Vining & prince. Japanese Royalty Post-WWII Japan, US Occupation. Education 03:35:00:00 B W 1949 Si Spain [Spinning Painting as Illusion] Piccasso (?) paintings and others hung and viewed at different angles. Calder (?) Sculpture viewed. Gags, art, oddities. 03:36:07:00 B W 1949 Sd England [Circus Acts] Clowns, performing elephants, CU kids, trapeze artists & aerialists as women spin from ropes and kids applaud. Laughing at chimpanzee on bike and clowns. High wire walkers. Sound not useful. 03:37:17:00 B W 1949 Si Paris, France Paris Presents - French Set New Mode In Gracious Living. Woman models with cocktail shaker and pouring into glass. Table with candelabra and silver place settings panned across, viewed by other models in formal dresses. Modeling jewelry, necklaces, rings. Model on runway in front of audience. 03:38:44:00 B W 1949 Si New York City Hockey Violent skating with fight, sliding on ice and hitting with sticks. Goal and spectators. Camera along edge of rink. Cheering spectators. Rangers 5, Black Hawks 2 Professional sports. 03:40:09:00 B W 1949 Sd The End title with music under. End: 03:40:16:00