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Footage Information
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | NEWSREEL 9 |
File Number: | AFP-78S 16mm; VTM-78S 1 inch; Beta SP |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1940s, 1950s, 1960s |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 00:26:10:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Bomb-damaged USS BATCHELOR's officers' quarters, Saigon. 00:26:21:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s CU Captain Archie Kunsey. 00:26:30:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS US sailors guard bombed building in South Vietnam. 00:26:52:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS 1,113 POWs taken by Cuba in Bay of Pigs invasion return to USA, relatives hug them enthusiastically. 00:27:20:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s CU Lawyer James Donovan, who talked Bay of Pigs prisoners free 00:27:42:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Red Cross workers help Cuban refugees. 00:27:49:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s AV Miami. 00:27:52:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Convertible packed w Cubans giving "V" sign. 00:27:57:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Cubans kneel, make sign of the cross in Catholic church. 00:28:06:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS President JFK at rally for Cuban freedom in Orange Bowl 00:29:06:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Jackie Kennedy addresses Cubans in Spanish at stadium. 00:29:22:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS JFK & Jackie Kennedy. 00:29:24:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS US - Japanese island battle during WWII, w flamethrower & white flag in surrender. 00:31:26:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Officers interrogate Japanese POWs and PAN over body-strewn battlefield. 00:31:43:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Medics treat wounded soldiers. 00:32:10:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Soldiers line up & eat dinner near battle zone. 00:32:24:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS US soldiers stand beneath American flag blowing in breeze. 00:32:27:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s CU Admiral Chester Nimitz. 00:32:32:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS American flag on Marshall Islands. 00:32:34:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Admiral Chester Nimitz salutes. 00:32:38:00 B W 1961 MS South Koreans vote in 1961 referendum on new military junta 00:32:48:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s CU South Korean man in traditional garb. 00:32:55:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS President PoSun Yun casts vote. 00:33:05:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS General Park Chung Hee, later President, casts vote. 00:33:17:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS South Koreans empty ballot box. 00:33:21:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS General Park Chung Hee. Next segment: President Lyndon B. Johnson's Remarks in the Capitol Rotunda at the Signing of the VOTING RIGHTS ACT, August 6, 1965 (with voice-over of Johnson's speech): 00:33:26:00 B W 1965 WS US Capitol. 00:33:28:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ addresses crowd in Capitol Rotunda on Voting Rights bill, 1965. 00:33:38:00 B W 1965 MS Statue of Abraham Lincoln. 00:34:03:00 B W 1965 CU LBJ. 00:34:43:00 B W 1965 MS Standing ovation. 00:34:47:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ & Lady Bird walk hand in hand. 00:34:53:00 B W 1965 CU Chandelier. 00:35:00:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ signs Voting Rights Bill. 00:35:08:00 B W 1965 MS Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King talks to LBJ. 00:35:19:00 B W 1963 WS Boats parade up Seine river lined by crowds & brightly-lit buildings to celebrate 19th anniversary of Paris' freedom from Nazi occupation. 00:35:41:00 B W 1963 MS French & German officers trade flags in pal pact fest. 00:36:11:00 B W 1963 WS Fireworks. NEXT SEGMENT - footage of the 1965 celebrations honoring the 20th Anniversary of the United Nations (San Francisco). With archival footage of the original signing of the United Nations Charter in 1945. 00:36:20:00 B W 1965 WS The Golden Gate. 00:36:30:00 B W 1965 MS United Nations delegates arrive at San Francisco Opera House celebrating United Nations' 20th anniversary. 00:36:54:00 B W 1965 MS Tourists view United Nations exhibit. 00:37:08:00 B W 1965 MS Mural of United Nations Charter signing. 00:37:13:00 B W 1965 CU United Nations Charter signatures. 00:37:16:00 B W 1945 MS United Nations Charter signing (archival 1945 footage). 00:37:20:00 B W 1945 MS Dr. Wellington Koo signs United Nations Charter (archival 1945 footage). 00:37:27:00 B W 1945 MS Andrei Gromyko signs United Nations Charter (archival 1945 footage). 00:37:35:00 B W 1945 MS Delegates sign United Nations Charter (archival 1945 footage). 00:37:50:00 B W 1945 MS US Secretary of State Edward R. Stettinius Jr. signs United Nations Charter (archival 1945 footage). 00:37:55:00 B W 1945 MS President Harry S Truman shakes hands w Stettinius (archival 1945 footage). 00:38:06:00 B W 1945 MS Standing ovation (archival 1945 footage). 00:38:27:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ addresses 20th Anniversary United Nations Assembly (with audio of speech). 00:39:50:00 B W 1965 MS Standing ovation. 00:40:00:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ receives commemorative medal from U Thant. Next: 1965 Dominican Republic Insurrection, April 1965: 00:40:27:00 B W 1965 MS Insurgents march through streets of Dominican Republic sign placard "Constitution del 1963 Si! Junta Militar NO!" . 00:40:38:00 B W 1965 MS Rebel leader Colonel Francisco Caamano Deno holds press conference. 00:41:17:00 B W 1965 MS US soldiers & Peace Corps workers unload relief food from ship & distribute it among Dominicans. 00:41:52:00 B W 1965 MS Soldiers & rebels take to streets of Santo Domingo. 00:42:08:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ press conference, LBJ attempts to justify US invasion of Dominican Republic (WITH AUDIO). 00:43:21:00 B W 1965 MS US task force evacuates US from Dominican Republic. 00:43:28:00 B W 1965 CU Father holds son. 00:43:38:00 B W 1965 CU Women in turban w cat-eye glasses. 00:43:40:00 B W 1965 CU Woman in schmata caresses daughter. 00:43:42:00 B W 1965 MS Soldiers run from camera. 00:43:48:00 B W 1965 MS US Marines & tanks take to streets of Santo Domingo. 00:44:26:00 B W 1963 MS October 1963: West German Chancellor Adenauer makes retirement speech. 00:44:42:00 B W 1963 CU Chancellor Adenauer. 00:44:56:00 B W 1963 MS Adenauer reviews West German troops. 00:45:30:00 B W 1963 MS St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. 00:45:32:00 B W 1963 MS Pope Paul VI and Chancellor Adenauer visit, exchange gifts. 00:45:56:00 B W 1963 MS Cocktail party in Beethoven Hall, Bonn, West Germany. 00:45:58:00 B W 1963 MS New West German Chancellor Ludwig Erhard. 00:46:12:00 B W 1940s, 1950s, 1960s MS Konrad Adenauer shaking hands. Next, death of Eric Johnston (August 1963), former President of the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America): 00:46:35:00 B W 1940s 1963 MS 1940s footage of Eric Johnston at desk 1963 St. John's Episcopal Church, Washington DC. 00:46:39:00 B W 1963 MS Averell Harriman attends funeral. 00:46:47:00 B W 1963 MS Ike Eisenhower. 00:46:58:00 B W 1963 MS Supreme Court Justice Goldberg. 00:47:02:00 B W 1963 WS Church steeple. 00:47:03:00 B W 1963 MS Crowd before church. 00:47:11:00 B W 1963 CU Edward R Murrow. 00:47:13:00 B W 1963 MS Eric Johnston's immediate family leaves his funeral service Next, long segment on death of Adlai Stevenson (July 1965), with archival 1940s, 1950s and 1960s footage of Stevenson: 00:47:28:00 B W 1965 MS National Cathedral, Washington DC. 00:47:38:00 B W 1965 MS Adlai Stevenson's coffin lies in state. 00:47:39:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ, Lady Bird Johnson sit in church by Hubert Humphrey and Muriel Humphrey. 00:47:51:00 B W 1965 MS Flag-covered coffin. 00:47:55:00 B W 1965 MS Stained-glass windows. 00:47:57:00 B W 1965 MS 2 navy officers carry coffin. 00:48:09:00 B W 1965 MS Church steeple. 00:48:09:00 B W 1965 MS Coffin borne down church steps, loaded into hearse. 00:48:27:00 B W 1950s MS Adlai Stevenson selects book from shelf, begins reading it. 00:48:42:00 B W early 1960s MS UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson addresses United Nations on southeast Asia. 00:49:41:00 B W 1965 MS Woman flips through scrapbook of photos from Adlai's childhood onwards. 00:49:54:00 B W 1948 MS Stevenson sworn in as Governor of Illinois. 00:50:03:00 B W 1948 MS Illinois State Capitol Building. 00:50:07:00 B W Ca. 1950 MS Governor Stevenson dictates letter to secretary while eating lunch and drinking milk. 00:50:19:00 B W 1952 MS 1952 Democratic National Convention. 00:50:24:00 B W 1952 MS Adlai Stevenson & VP nominee John Sparkman raise hands high 00:50:41:00 B W 1952 and or 1956 MS Stevenson smiles, waves, shakes hands while campaigning. 00:51:18:00 B W 1961 MS Secy. of State Dean Rusk & Adlai Stevenson shake hands upon latter's appointment as Ambassador to the United Nations. 00:51:26:00 B W early 1960s MS White House. 00:51:30:00 B W early 1960s MS Stevenson, JFK & U Thant pose for photographers. 00:51:46:00 B W Ca. 1964 MS Stevenson, LBJ & Lady Bird. 00:52:00:00 B W 1965 MS LBJ speaks emotionally upon Stevenson's death (with audio). Ca. 1950 - Stevenson outside Illinois State Capitol, boy holds hands with statue of Abe Lincoln (Americana, Patriotism) 00:52:49:00 B W 1965 MS United Nations General Assembly. 00:52:54:00 B W 1965 CU U Thant speaks warmly of Adlai Stevenson. 00:53:24:00 B W early 1960s MS Stevenson shakes hands w fellow United Nations delegates. 00:53:28:00 B W 1960s WS United Nations EXT. 00:53:47:00 B W 1965 MS Flags of nations are lowered to half-mast. |