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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | MOR-7 Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Documentary |
Year: | 1990 |
Description: | Color 1990 The dangers, trials, and rewards of a jockey's life.01:00:07:00 Color 1990 Excellent opening - horses line up for steeple chase and race begins. Good slow motion shots of horses jumping over hurdles, and horses and jockeys falling - horses and jockeys in ditch. Ambulance driving through grounds of race track. Talking heads montage - trainers, jockeys, assistant trainers, talking about horse racing - interspersed with real time and SM footage of racing. CU yellow starting gate - race starts and horses emerge.01:03:40:17 - 01:04:26:06 Color 1990 Excellent footage of brutal accidents - horses and jockeys go down - one crashes into barrier around perimeter of racecourse.01:06:38:16 Color 1990 Pan race track at dawn. VS young jockey, Aaron Gryder, at stables - exercising race horses. Good shot of horse, ridden by Gryder, galloping around track. Interview with Gryder interspersed with stable footage and experts talking about his prospects as a rider. VS of Gryder in jockey's locker room, reading newspaper, waiting to compete. Interview with ? McCarron - talks about locker room atmosphere. Jockeys chose saddles. VS jockeys in steam room. Laffit Pincay, Jr., discusses maintaining weight at 117 lbs. He weighs food, eats one meal a day. VS Pincay on horse, preparing for race, at starting gate. Pincay friend recounts story about his diet - confirming Pincay's dedication to riding.01:15:18:21 Color 1990 Laffit Pincay Jr., stretched out on massage table - VS massage therpist working on his body.01:16:00:06 - 01:19:37:13 Color 1990 Aaron Gryder polishes riding boots in locker room. Walks to track with other young jockey - his VO talks about having to ride losers to get to ride winners. He mounts horse and warms up - is led to gate.01:19:37:14 Color 1990 Man stands on race track, wearing red riding jacket, and top hat, blows long horn. Interview with jockey who wins race and shot of him jumping up in the air and propelling himself out of saddle and landing on his feet, effortlessly. Gryder helped up on horse. VS race. Gryder in winnner's circle with owner, trainer, grooms etc. Gryder signs autographs. Gryder and other jockeys watch replay of races on television in locker room.01:24:46:03 - 01:30:52:15 Color 1990 Starting gate, shot from rear, as race begins. Talking head doctor talks about discipline and skill in prevention of accidents, injury. VS horse race. Jockeys discuss race in locker room. Gryder and other jockey talk about safety, fear, and injury.01:30:52:15 Color 1990 James Corral asks bunch of kids, "Who wants to be a jockey?" They raise hands. INT Corral dressing for race, weighing in, walking to track with other jockey. POV of race from ambulance following riders. VO race at Oak Tree, Santa Anita, where Corral's horse jumps the rail and throws him. Jockey writhing around on ground - placed in ambulance. Corral interviewed after fall. VS Corral undergoing CAT scan, good. X-ray. Fractured vertebrae.01:35:50:09 Color 1990 Race in which Laffit Pincay's horse jumps the rail, good shot. Pincay interviewed, as various grainy SM shots of accident are shown. Horse trying to stand, keeps falling back down into ditch, on top of Pincay. Pincay in recovery, walking briskly along beach. INT Pincay rides stuffed horse at home - looks ridiculous, funny. VS Pincay with fans, spectators cheer him when he mounts horse upon return to sport. Nice shot of horses being led out to track. Pincay in winner's circle after race, horse gets frisky, Pincay dismounts, shakes a few hands and hurriedly leaves circle.01:41:41:27 - 01:47:55:11 Color 1990 Horse riding accident at Belmont. Richard Migliori is thrown into air and lands on his face - breaks his neck. Interview with Migliori. Migliori wins race upon return after injury - very happy.01:47:55:12 Color 1990 Terry Lippon tells story of riding accident, when his horse broke its leg and caused pile up on track - interview interspersed with accident footage. ? McCarron interviewed about same accident - broke his leg when Pincay fell on him. His wife tells her verison. CU metal plate (internal fixation) with screws.01:51:13:01 Color 1988 Shot of race course from spectator stand. 1988, Churchill Downs. INT jockeys wearing silks come down stairs towards CAM. Horses led out onto track - entire race filmed with shots of McCarron's wife watching, sometimes through binoculars. Exciting race, good finish. Much celebration when he wins. McCarron in locker room with other jockeys after big win - being congratulated, high five hand shakes, talking to reporters, embracing other jockey. Credits roll. |