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Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
File Number: | GEO-20 Beta SP |
Color: | Color |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1970s, 1980s |
Subjects: | Aerials |
Description: | 00:00:10:00 - 00:00:10:00 Color Sound 1970s, 1980s Miscellaneous Hawaiian television news feature stories, mostly sync-sound with reporter's narration - dangerous weather natural disasters, fires, accidents, crime scenes, politics, etc. Excellent Ferdinand Marcos footage. Some sequences shot on video. 00:00:10:00 - 00:03:30:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature - Honolulu, Oahu: panorama Honolulu skyline cityscape, POV roof of Grosvenor Center skyscraper building TU the Grosvenor Center building, which has a mirror-glass curtain-wall EXT VS window-washer men (employees of the Hawaiian Building Maintenance Company) working on the roof setting up rope-hoist rigging, on the ground setting up the window-washing platform, and on the platform itself washing the windows of the building VS microphone interviews with the employees who talk about fear-of-heights and the like one shot of a window-washer at work from POV office INT, where a woman types at her desk in FG ZO from reporter Dalton Tanonaka standing on the window-washing platform and signing-off. 00:03:30:00 - 00:05:59:00 Color Sound 1970s, 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Chris Parsons - Honolulu, Oahu: VS two union men on strike (during an illegal picket direct action) in small motor-boat just off shore of city waterfront, holding placard signs inscribed "PWU UCAW - AFL-CIO on strike against Chevron, USA" harbor policemen try to apprehend the men by ramming their patrol boat into the motor-boat and poking at one striker man in the boat with a pole other striker man jumps out of the motor-boat and swims to pier, where he is almost crushed by docking oil tanker ship as it pulls alongside policemen arrest striker on pier, other striker confronts police and is pushed aside microphone interviews with a determined union spokesman and a dry, cliche Chevron spokesman. 00:05:59:00 - 00:08:57:00 Color Sound 1970s, 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Dalton Tanonaka - Honolulu, Oahu: PAN the parking lot and EXT facade of the crime and poverty-riven, ugly Kuhio Park Terrace low-income housing project building complex groups of children playing in ugly courtyard and lobby of building very poor woman and her children in meagerly furnished apartment VS a shantytown in Palama district - poor man points out the poor sanitation and construction of his hovel shack, INT and EXT reporter makes closing statement to CAM and signs-off. 00:08:57:00 - 00:11:00:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii - VS a riot civil unrest protest demonstration on high school campus in Waianae, Oahu: VS group of young people students walking around directionlessly with policemen among them, fist-fight erupts between policeman and one of the students pickup truck carrying group of young people driving away from CAM, one man yelling angrily group of policemen walking down road together some young people running through traffic, away from CAM VS good shots of angry young man being arrested and handcuffed by policemen, yelling and struggling with them. 00:11:00:00 - 00:15:00:00 Color Sound 1970s Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii - a Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Dalton Tanonaka on an official state visit (to the place of his future exile) by President dictator of the Philippines Ferdinand Marcos, excellent shots: a Philippine Airlines passenger plane pulling toward terminal gate VS crowds of smiling pro-Marcos Filipinos gathered at airport to greet Marcos, carrying various signs, banners and the like Marcos is greeted at airport gate by Hawaii Governor George Ariyoshi, his wife Jean (who places lei around his neck), Admiral Robert Long, former Secy. of State Dean Rusk and other VIPs CU two of Marcos' teenage children Marcos greets crowd from lectern before making his speech, VIPs in BG VS the crowd of supporters CU reporter asking Marcos a question about "criticism of his administration: during press conference, Marcos, sitting next to Governor Ariyoshi, responds with very disingenuous, shady, ironic answer, saying that freedom of the press is guaranteed in the Philippines VS Marcos shaking hands and greeting people in huge crowd of enthusiastic supporters Filipino expatriates on street Marcos is escorted toward his presidential limousine by security entourage VS small but loud and angry group of anti-Marcos demonstrators protesters carrying banners inscribed "Unite against the Marcos dictatorship" and insanely yelling "Marcos! Hitler! Murderers! Torturers!" 00:15:00:00 - 00:22:16:00 Color Sound 1970s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Dalton Tanonaka - Honolulu, Oahu - very good poverty homelessness footage: microphone interview with filthy homeless man carrying many bags, he talks about being happy and independent, shows reporter his belongings and his jug of "soda" good shot of him picking things out of a garbage can CU interview with city official bureaucrat woman about the homeless population microphone interview with alcoholic homeless man who speaks in a raspy voice about being homeless and takes a swig from his beer in brown paper bag, a sad picture microphone interview with bearded, hippie-ish, drawl-voiced homeless man who tells a somewhat vague story about getting very drunk and waking up to discover he had been robbed and about trying to find government assistance offices, he is unintentionally a little funny microphone interview with a priest outside of church-run homeless shelter community outreach center INT of the shelter with a few people sitting around VS detectives and police on the scene of a discovered dead body of homeless man, inside the cab of an abandoned truck angry, mentally ill homeless "bag lady" woman yells "Get out of here you fucking bastards!" at CAM homeless man sitting on curb next to his shopping cart full of belongings and junk. 00:22:16:00 - 00:22:57:00 Color Sound 1970s VS CUs of various breeds of cute dogs, dogs having their heads patted pet by owners, and people standing around in convention hall with their dogs (probably a dog show), POV a dog walking around near the floor. Silly soundtrack of funny circus-like music. 00:22:57:00 - 00:24:04:00 Color Sound 1970s Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii - crime scene - a shooting, possibly a sniper shooting spree attack: Policeman speaking into walkie-talkie VS policemen running in a hurry toward surrendering man in front of a building, frisking him and placing him under arrest handcuffed suspect man with bloody face is helped to sit in backseat of police car police car with flashing beacon lights pulls up to sidewalk, crowd on sidewalk in BG paramedics attend to injured man on gurney etc. See GEO-18 for similar footage of same event. 00:24:04:00 - 00:27:10:00 Color Sound 1970s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Scott Sherei (sp?) - Honolulu, Oahu - McKinley High School teacher's staff strike: crowd of picketers demonstrators, some of them raise their fists and chant "Go home" to replacements scabs picket line-crossers microphone interviews with union and school personnel VS policemen escort picket line-crossing teachers through the crowd onto school campus, some students try to link arms and block them policemen scuffling with demonstrators in shoving match school official speaks at press conference group of teachers entering school building together. 00:27:10:00 - 00:28:20:00 Color Sound 1970s Hawaii: VS CU a dead, freshly killed great white shark as it is towed through the water toward marina and as it hangs over side of boat microphone interview with callous fisherman who killed the shark VS men hang the shark up at dock before a small crowd. 00:28:20:00 - 00:30:50:00 Color Sound 1970s Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii - man-hunt crime scene: VS good generic shots of policemen and policewomen (some wearing white helmets, some wearing "Police" jackets) running down narrow city street with their guns drawn policewoman in parking garage cautiously stands against wall with her gun drawn, peeks around corner of wall before running forward VS handcuffed crime suspect under arrest with bloody face is helped into the backseat of police car obnoxious police officer pushes CAM and cameraman away from crime scene, saying "You have to move all the way back" and flashing a smile smiling like a the Cheshire Cat, CU other brutal policemen pushing and shoving a press photographer away from crime scene, he yells "Keep your hands off me" injured crime victim is loaded into ambulance on gurney ambulance and motorcycle cops leaving crime scene Honolulu cityscape, POV building roof ledge. 00:30:50:00 - 00:31:15:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii: a few shots of firemen fighting a blazing building fire at night. 00:31:15:00 - 00:35:55:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Scott Sherei (sp?) - Sand Island, Oahu - eviction of homeless from shantytown squats: a group of state officials, policemen and reporters arrive at shantytown settlement microphone interview with a drunk, angry, crying, elderly Hawaiian man, who makes an emotional, desperate, gut-wrenching speech about his rage over the eviction and demolition of his squatters' camp - he threatens suicide, repeats "this is too much," says "the only way I'm leaving is in a pine box," and also talks about mistreatment of poor Hawaiians by the American government VS a bulldozer demolishing shanty shack houses VS police leading handcuffed, arrested squatters away from the shantytown, one man lucidly makes speech about "killing Hawaiian culture and eliminating the race" woman cries on her friend's shoulder as she watches bulldozer demolish her shack house group of police patrolling the area, encounter the last remaining squatters bulldozer overturns an old bus angry, shirtless squatter man yelling at local official as news cameramen, policeman and others stand around and watch etc. reporter signs-off at end of story. 00:35:55:00 - 00:37:25:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Dalton Tanonaka - Waikiki, Oahu: firemen putting on their equipment next to their yellow firetruck at scene of building fire at night microphone interview with elderly man who recounts with slurred speech how he rescued woman in burning apartment VS INT of ruined, wet building after the fire reporter signs-off at the scene. 00:37:25:00 - 00:38:37:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature - weather heavy rain storm flood landslide: parked cars sunk in flood-waters, night man with camera wading through flood-water, night man in relief shelter wearing a Red Cross windbreaker jacket flood victim sleeping on couch in shelter woman making bed roads affected by landslides, night. 00:38:37:00 - 00:39:27:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature - beach swimming hiking accident: police take notes while talking to bereaved woman sitting on ground TU a steep, slippery cliff on ocean coast police rescuers drag dead body of man who fell down cliff out of water onto rocky shore bubble-dome helicopter hovering over the scene. 00:39:27:00 - 00:40:37:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii - building fire: TU from flames leaping out of first-floor windows of high-rise apartment building and black smoke billowing up alongside it to roof VS firemen hosing down the building EXT dazed policeman is escorted away from fire by paramedic EXT the blackened facade of the skyscraper after the small fire had been extinguished. 00:40:37:00 - 00:42:18:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Scott Sherei (sp?) - Honolulu, Oahu - building fire in store, possible insurance fraud scheme: firetrucks parked outside of drugstore as cloud of smoke shrouds the scene fireman climbing up ladder to roof fireman fasten their gas-masks before walking into the smoky store microphone interviews inside the store (the next day?) with the store owner and fire department investigators about the possible causes of fire reporter signs-off. 00:42:18:00 - 00:43:28:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Dalton Tanonaka - fire scene: VS burning building, night VS firemen unloading hoses from firetruck and hosing down the fire CU microphone interview with eyewitness boy who tells how he discovered the fire and called 911. 00:43:28:00 - 00:44:54:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature by reporter Scott Sherei (sp?) - high-rise fire scene - Hyatt Regency hotel - night: firemen and policemen on the scene after the fire has been extinguished, firemen cleaning up VS dazed, tired hotel guests gather in lobby, draped in blankets CU smoke inhalation victim breathing from oxygen mask. 00:44:54:00 - 00:47:18:00 Color Sound 1976 Hawaii: VS POV AV of an fiery, erupting volcano crater and heavy, long lava flow streams. This is more than likely Kilauea in 1976. Some good shots. 00:47:18:00 - 00:49:07:00 Color Sound 1970s, Hawaii - oil spill pollution - environmental accident: VS POV AV of a burning oil tanker at sea, engulfed by column of black smoke and burning oil in the water. 00:49:07:00 - 00:51:20:00 Color Sound 1980s Hawaii television news story feature: musicians Leonid and Natasha Igudesman, recent Russian-Jewish immigrants to America, playing violins together in their home microphone interview with a spokesman of the Hawaii Jewish Welfare Fund about immigration microphone interview with the expatriate couple who speak with thick Russian accents about living in America. 00:51:20:00 - 00:52:33:00 Color Sound 1980s Christmas montage of an elaborate outdoor holiday display, at night, while "Silver Bells" plays on soundtrack - a decorated Christmas Tree, animatronic creches tableaux of penguins, reindeer sleigh, Santa Claus, ice-skaters, etc. 00:52:33:00 Color Sound 1970s Hawaii - Bakersfield College football: VS group of huge, muscular, well-built athlete men boarding the team bus, one man is shirtless, one wears tight "Property of" tee-shirt, etc. bus drives out of parking lot bus pulls up in front on Holiday Inn hotel, the men get off of bus and enter the building VS the members of the team walking through the hotel and sitting at team meeting together listening to the coach: VS the really big, classic dumb jock-looking men eating an unappetizing-looking steak-and-eggs meal together in hotel restaurant VS trainers tape-up the players' feet with bandages before practice or game VS team coaching staff sitting around paper-strewn table in darkened room planning game strategy line of players boarding bus again EXT Aloha Stadium at night VS good shots of football players suiting-up and getting for a game in locker room. |