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[South Carolina Democratic Candidate Debate 2200 - 2230] [COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA] SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE DEBATE RS 1 XDECK83 5/3/03 22:00:21 2.5 billion in south carolina, what plan would you bring forward 22:00:33 graham 22:00:38 has been given a dismissal notice because of the cutbacks. 22:00:51 problems that the states are experiencing are results of issues that we haven't taking care of 22:01:09 medicaid so we could give relief to the states.. 22:01:18 to be used to pay that teacher of 22:01:24 GS ends session COMMERCIAL TWO 22:03:46 GS intro to third session, question to Kerry 22:04:04 kerry 22:04:05 I've heard that for a long time, and I am attracting support from all over the country. 22:04:34 strength 22:04:59 GS question to Graham 22:05:06 graham 22:05:09 running to be the next president of the united states of america. 22:05:19 one, they want someone with executive experience, for years I was governor of the fourth largest state of this nation. 22:05:43 you don't set policy from the end zone, you do it from the 50 yard line. 22:05:56 who have been the last three democratic elected presidents..bill clinton from arkansas. 22:06:14 GS question to Edwards 22:06:31 two things about that.. 22:06:37 strength, character, conviction, good judgement, I am happy to have people judge me on that basis. 22:06:54 all his life, my mother's last job 22:06:59 first in my family to go to college.. 22:07:06 that I had grown up with, this is what I have done my entire life. 22:07:18 doing it in the united states senate, and I will be a champion for those people in the white house. 22:07:32 GS question to Dean 22:07:45 with security issues like homeland security.. 22:07:55 has got to have executive experience. 22:08:04 voted for or supported for the tax cut. 22:08:15 putting forth plans early on.. 22:08:21 change the democratic party.become the next president so we can have a balance budget. 22:08:35 regaining our strength, building a strong military. 22:08:46 GS question Moseley Braun 22:08:54 Moseley Bruan 22:08:58 to rebuild this country, both spiritually and physically. 22:09:12 be the country that we need to be for the rtes. of the world. 22:09:19 get included 22:09:23 run against the odds, I went ahead and did it. 22:09:33 African american in the united states senate. 22:09:40 breaking barriers down all of my life, I have a record of p 22:09:53 bob kerry or bob graham, I hope 22:09:59 it's time for a woman to be considered for the highest office in the land. 22:10:14 GS question to Lieberman 22:10:21 lieberman 22:10:24 you don't have to be a screamer to be tough. 22:10:32 when I was attorney general of connecticut. 22:10:42 some of the biggest interests groups. 22:10:54 spoke out against the president, to whom I was devoted, because he 22:11:10 the right thing for our country, that is what strength is about 22:11:17 GS question to Sharpton 22:11:29 sharpton 22:11:30 and jesse jackson proved that we registered many votes that we were able to regain the senate in 1986 22:11:49 sitting supreme court judge..humming dixie. 22:11:57 waving the confederate flag, they didn't wave it in baghdad. 22:12:07 equal protection under the law, I think the republicans 22:12:17 forty years of Birmingham this weekend 22:12:29 GS question to Gephardt 22:12:35 gephardt 22:12:37 I'm probably not your candidate, if you are looking for somebody who was real experience. 22:12:51 then I may be your candidate, the fight for working families is in my bones. 22:13:13 every opportunity that I person could have.. 22:13:21 in that oval office, I am going to think and represent for people like my parents 22:13:40 GS question to Kucinich 22:13:48 kucinich 22:13:52 a long shot won the derby. 22:13:59 badge of honor for me, I stood up for the people of Cleveland. 22:14:13 enrons of america, monopolies in energy, health care, transportation and communications. 22:14:29 fight for working men and women. 22:14:34 expectation that I will be the next president of the united states. 22:14:43 to save a municipal electric system f 22:14:58 GS ends session COMMERICAL THREE 22:17:03 Kucinich closing remark 22:17:11 our cities and schools, as president I will repeal the patriot act. 22:17:25 from your cities your 22:17:30 at me and take back america 22:17:44 Moseley-Braun 22:17:49 across the Rio Grande.we are all in the same boat now. 22:17:59 make certain that americans come together. 22:18:07 we can be the country that we want to believe that we are. 22:18:17 last generation a lot of opportunity. 22:18:24 that I'm afraid is being lost, as democrats I am happy to sit with these men. 22:18:39 administration in place now has taken america down the wrong road. 22:18:51 want to do it working with other democrats. 22:19:00 we can turn this around again 22:19:06 Edwards closing remarks 22:19:13 most of young life was spent moving from mill town to mill town. 22:19:25 working in the post office, because of their hard work.. 22:19:36 I am running for president because this president has betrayed people like my parents. 22:19:52 just because you speak the language of regular americans. 22:20:03 with a big buckle, doesn't mean you understand and stand up for rural americans. 22:20:17 but it has be based on the values of hard work. 22:20:26 I want to bring your wall street and Pennsylvania avenue.I want to give this white house back to america. 22:20:54 graham closing remarks 22:21:01 and the people are hurting, I am running for president because I believe that america must.. 22:21:19 one million new jobs, built schools and balanced budget. 22:21:30 senate intelligence committee, I know how vulnerable we are.. 22:21:43 side by side with americans. 22:21:47 my name is bob graham, I come from the executable wing of the democratic party.. 22:22:03 gephardt closing remarks 22:22:15 people don't vote, we have got to have a president in this country. 22:22:29 make life better for all americans. 22:22:37 diagnosed with terminal cancer.many a night when we were in the hospital with him..many of them did not have insurance. 22:22:5 I want to have a teacher corps..will pay your college loans.. 22:23:15 if we understand we are all tied together in a single garment in that oval office 22:23:31 dean closing remarks 22:23:36 us and the republicans, the great unspoken political lie is elect me and 22:23:50 the future of this country stands in your hands, not mine. 22:24:00 harm he has done to this country, you have the power to create jobs. 22:24:11 the reason why people don't vote in this country is because we don't give them a reason to vote. 22:24:27 from this earth, president bush has forgotten the people of this country.. 22:24:40 sharpton closing remarks 22:24:47 democratic party because it is mandatory 22:24:58 we need to deal with an america that is open and promising 22:25:08 rights of every americans, not just new programs,. 22:25:16 to quality education, but the only way we can win this education if we bring in the majority of america. 22:25:32 the young people, the hip hop generation.. 22:25:38 we need a movement, and I am the candidate to put that party 2004 22:25:52 lieberman closing remarks 22:25:58 marched with dr. king in mississippi.. 22:26:10 early presidential primary next year.. 22:26:19 that they have every had, that thrills me I am proud of it. 22:26:30 to take this country forward, they deserve not an either or choice.. 22:26:45 strength in both and I have that to offer. 22:26:57 beat him where he is weak, on the economy and his divisive right wing agenda. 22:27:07 already did it, and with your help we'll do it again. 22:27:28 Kerry closing remarks 22:27:34 that moment was seared in me, as were the words he quoted so often. 22:27:52 time for this country to ask again, why not. 22:27:58 health care for all of our citizens, health care, affordable and accessible... 22:28:13 energy independence for america. 22:28:18 ideals around our global, and why not have 22:28:25 did not belong to any one party it belongs to all americans.. 22:28:34 make america safer, stronger and more secure 22:28:41 GS closing remarks EVENT END
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Title: | South Carolina Democratic Candidate Debate 2200 - 2230 |
Date: | 05/03/2003 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | DCBH1035G |
Content: | [South Carolina Democratic Candidate Debate 2200 - 2230] [COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA] SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE DEBATE RS 1 XDECK83 5/3/03 22:00:21 2.5 billion in south carolina, what plan would you bring forward 22:00:33 graham 22:00:38 has been given a dismissal notice because of the cutbacks. 22:00:51 problems that the states are experiencing are results of issues that we haven't taking care of 22:01:09 medicaid so we could give relief to the states.. 22:01:18 to be used to pay that teacher of 22:01:24 GS ends session COMMERCIAL TWO 22:03:46 GS intro to third session, question to Kerry 22:04:04 kerry 22:04:05 I've heard that for a long time, and I am attracting support from all over the country. 22:04:34 strength 22:04:59 GS question to Graham 22:05:06 graham 22:05:09 running to be the next president of the united states of america. 22:05:19 one, they want someone with executive experience, for years I was governor of the fourth largest state of this nation. 22:05:43 you don't set policy from the end zone, you do it from the 50 yard line. 22:05:56 who have been the last three democratic elected presidents..bill clinton from arkansas. 22:06:14 GS question to Edwards 22:06:31 two things about that.. 22:06:37 strength, character, conviction, good judgement, I am happy to have people judge me on that basis. 22:06:54 all his life, my mother's last job 22:06:59 first in my family to go to college.. 22:07:06 that I had grown up with, this is what I have done my entire life. 22:07:18 doing it in the united states senate, and I will be a champion for those people in the white house. 22:07:32 GS question to Dean 22:07:45 with security issues like homeland security.. 22:07:55 has got to have executive experience. 22:08:04 voted for or supported for the tax cut. 22:08:15 putting forth plans early on.. 22:08:21 change the democratic party.become the next president so we can have a balance budget. 22:08:35 regaining our strength, building a strong military. 22:08:46 GS question Moseley Braun 22:08:54 Moseley Bruan 22:08:58 to rebuild this country, both spiritually and physically. 22:09:12 be the country that we need to be for the rtes. of the world. 22:09:19 get included 22:09:23 run against the odds, I went ahead and did it. 22:09:33 African american in the united states senate. 22:09:40 breaking barriers down all of my life, I have a record of p 22:09:53 bob kerry or bob graham, I hope 22:09:59 it's time for a woman to be considered for the highest office in the land. 22:10:14 GS question to Lieberman 22:10:21 lieberman 22:10:24 you don't have to be a screamer to be tough. 22:10:32 when I was attorney general of connecticut. 22:10:42 some of the biggest interests groups. 22:10:54 spoke out against the president, to whom I was devoted, because he 22:11:10 the right thing for our country, that is what strength is about 22:11:17 GS question to Sharpton 22:11:29 sharpton 22:11:30 and jesse jackson proved that we registered many votes that we were able to regain the senate in 1986 22:11:49 sitting supreme court judge..humming dixie. 22:11:57 waving the confederate flag, they didn't wave it in baghdad. 22:12:07 equal protection under the law, I think the republicans 22:12:17 forty years of Birmingham this weekend 22:12:29 GS question to Gephardt 22:12:35 gephardt 22:12:37 I'm probably not your candidate, if you are looking for somebody who was real experience. 22:12:51 then I may be your candidate, the fight for working families is in my bones. 22:13:13 every opportunity that I person could have.. 22:13:21 in that oval office, I am going to think and represent for people like my parents 22:13:40 GS question to Kucinich 22:13:48 kucinich 22:13:52 a long shot won the derby. 22:13:59 badge of honor for me, I stood up for the people of Cleveland. 22:14:13 enrons of america, monopolies in energy, health care, transportation and communications. 22:14:29 fight for working men and women. 22:14:34 expectation that I will be the next president of the united states. 22:14:43 to save a municipal electric system f 22:14:58 GS ends session COMMERICAL THREE 22:17:03 Kucinich closing remark 22:17:11 our cities and schools, as president I will repeal the patriot act. 22:17:25 from your cities your 22:17:30 at me and take back america 22:17:44 Moseley-Braun 22:17:49 across the Rio Grande.we are all in the same boat now. 22:17:59 make certain that americans come together. 22:18:07 we can be the country that we want to believe that we are. 22:18:17 last generation a lot of opportunity. 22:18:24 that I'm afraid is being lost, as democrats I am happy to sit with these men. 22:18:39 administration in place now has taken america down the wrong road. 22:18:51 want to do it working with other democrats. 22:19:00 we can turn this around again 22:19:06 Edwards closing remarks 22:19:13 most of young life was spent moving from mill town to mill town. 22:19:25 working in the post office, because of their hard work.. 22:19:36 I am running for president because this president has betrayed people like my parents. 22:19:52 just because you speak the language of regular americans. 22:20:03 with a big buckle, doesn't mean you understand and stand up for rural americans. 22:20:17 but it has be based on the values of hard work. 22:20:26 I want to bring your wall street and Pennsylvania avenue.I want to give this white house back to america. 22:20:54 graham closing remarks 22:21:01 and the people are hurting, I am running for president because I believe that america must.. 22:21:19 one million new jobs, built schools and balanced budget. 22:21:30 senate intelligence committee, I know how vulnerable we are.. 22:21:43 side by side with americans. 22:21:47 my name is bob graham, I come from the executable wing of the democratic party.. 22:22:03 gephardt closing remarks 22:22:15 people don't vote, we have got to have a president in this country. 22:22:29 make life better for all americans. 22:22:37 diagnosed with terminal cancer.many a night when we were in the hospital with him..many of them did not have insurance. 22:22:5 I want to have a teacher corps..will pay your college loans.. 22:23:15 if we understand we are all tied together in a single garment in that oval office 22:23:31 dean closing remarks 22:23:36 us and the republicans, the great unspoken political lie is elect me and 22:23:50 the future of this country stands in your hands, not mine. 22:24:00 harm he has done to this country, you have the power to create jobs. 22:24:11 the reason why people don't vote in this country is because we don't give them a reason to vote. 22:24:27 from this earth, president bush has forgotten the people of this country.. 22:24:40 sharpton closing remarks 22:24:47 democratic party because it is mandatory 22:24:58 we need to deal with an america that is open and promising 22:25:08 rights of every americans, not just new programs,. 22:25:16 to quality education, but the only way we can win this education if we bring in the majority of america. 22:25:32 the young people, the hip hop generation.. 22:25:38 we need a movement, and I am the candidate to put that party 2004 22:25:52 lieberman closing remarks 22:25:58 marched with dr. king in mississippi.. 22:26:10 early presidential primary next year.. 22:26:19 that they have every had, that thrills me I am proud of it. 22:26:30 to take this country forward, they deserve not an either or choice.. 22:26:45 strength in both and I have that to offer. 22:26:57 beat him where he is weak, on the economy and his divisive right wing agenda. 22:27:07 already did it, and with your help we'll do it again. 22:27:28 Kerry closing remarks 22:27:34 that moment was seared in me, as were the words he quoted so often. 22:27:52 time for this country to ask again, why not. 22:27:58 health care for all of our citizens, health care, affordable and accessible... 22:28:13 energy independence for america. 22:28:18 ideals around our global, and why not have 22:28:25 did not belong to any one party it belongs to all americans.. 22:28:34 make america safer, stronger and more secure 22:28:41 GS closing remarks EVENT END |
Media Type: | Tape |