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[NEW YORK CITY, NY USA] 2004 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION / RS 109 / 7:40PM - 9PM / POOL SWITCHED. [RNC / RS 109 / 7:40PM - 9PM] 19:36:48 nats int ftg of convention in progress 19:40:57 Virginia delegate roll call 19:42:09 Washington delegate roll call 19:43:58 West Virginia delegate roll call 19:44:49 Wisconsin delegate roll call 19:45:59 Wyoming delegate roll call 19:47:30 Coleman: closing roll call 19:48:20 ws of convention floor and band playing 19:48:56 cu of delegate wearing "I'm a red hot republican" button 19:49:09 ms of delegate holding up "(President George W) Bush is Courage in Action" sign 19:51:20 musical interlude 19:57:07 shot of large gathering of delegates in arena stands holding up pro bush signs 19:57:37 Promotional Video of President George and First Lady Laura Bush "Fulfilling America's President" 19:58:37 Introduction of Becky Brown (1 millionth volunteer for George W. Bush) 19:59:29 Becky Brown describing volunteer experience 20:00:23 pan of convention floor 20:00:28 Announcement of Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) 20:01:35 ** shot of former president George Bush Senior shaking hands and taking his seat 20:02:00 **cu of George Bush Senior sitting next to Bob Dole 20:02:35 Elizabeth Dole: we still believe that character is king/ we saw that lived out in the life of (late president) Ronald Wilson Reagan/ Ronald Reagan who called an empire evil and won the cold war/ we still believe that liberty is the birth right of every soul, that's why in Afghanistan, women were freed from virtual slavery/ that's why in Afghanistan and Iraq, the dark cloud of oppression have parted for 50 million people/ 20:03:51 Elizabeth Dole:And until they can see the blue clouds of freedom/ we are standing by then/ we are a great nation because we are a good people/ and we are a good people because of what we believe/ we believe/ in the divinity of our soul/ we believe in life 20:04:31 Elizabeth Dole: The new life of a man and woman jointed together under god/ marriage is not important because it's a convenient invention/ it is the cornerstone of civilization and the foundation of the family/ 20:04:59 Elizabeth Dole: Marriage between a man and a woman isn't something republicans invented but it is something republicans will defend 20:05:17 Elizabeth Dole: we value the sacred life of every man, woman and child/ including the most vulnerable in our society/ the frail elderly/ and those not yet born 20:05:37 Elizabeth Dole: Protecting life isn't something republicans invented, but it is something republicans will defend 20:05:53 Elizabeth Dole: we believe in the treasured life of faith, in America I have the freedom to call that man lord, and I do 20:06:14 Elizabeth Dole: in the USA we are free to worship without discrimination/ without activist judges trying to strip the name of God from our pledge of allegiance, money in our pocket/ 20:06:45 Elizabeth Dole: The constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion 20:06:58 Elizabeth Dole: the right to worship god is not something republicans invented, but it is something republicans will defend 20:07:11 Elizabeth Dole: We believe in the compassionate life of service/ they do not know America/ as the president said, if you want to help against the war on terror/ love America/ love America/ if neighbors are hungry/ we feed them/ if a storm named Charlie strikes/ we help them 20:07:58 Elizabeth Dole: serving other isn't something Americans invented but it is a calling we will always acceptance 20:08:18 Elizabeth Dole: despite what you may hear on the news/ they are the shared truths of the American people/e they are true from sea to shining sea 20:09:01 cu of Bob Dole 20:09:06 Elizabeth Dole: The last century was known as the American century/ in a single century we are now in the earliest years of a new century/ if we reaffirm these timeless and unchangeable truths/ we will honor those who came before us and inspire the children of tomorrow 20:10:03 Elizabeth Dole: It will be said of us that we lived in the times of great challenge and great hopes/ and let it also be said that we loved our country and chose leaders wisely/ I'm honored to stand in front of you to nominate a great president/ George W. Bush 20:10:43 cu of former senator Bob Dole (r-kans) and former president George Bush Senior 20:10:59 congresswoman Anne Northup (r-ky): Introduction of Adoption Video 20:12:37 Video on Adoption 20:15:41 John Quinones: Introducing George P. Bush, nephew of president george w bush. 20:17:06 George P. Bush: No matter how often I visit New York, I never tired of looking at the statue of liberty/ give me your tired/ your poor/ your huddled masses/we meet in NY to reaffirm the commitment from these individuals/ that commitment begins with our children 20:18:48 George P. Bush: President bush introduced the No Child Left Behind/ it's based on a simple but revolutionary idea/ that every child can learn 20:19:07 George P. Bush: And every child deserves our best effort to help them succeed/ we are already seeing impressive results/ for example/ in the great state of Florida/ we are above the national average in reading/ writing/ 20:19:47 George P. Bush: Thanks to President Bush' leadership, more people than ever own their own home and more than half of minorities are home owners/ 20:20:49 George P. Bush: President Bush will uphold the promise of Social Security/ 20:21:16 ms shot of former new jersey governor Christine todd Whitman walking through convention floor 20:23:43 Announcement of Dana Glover 20:24:49 Musician Performance: Dana Glover singing 20:28:10 pan of convention floor during Dana Glover performance 20:30:04 Dana Glover sings second song 20:34:28 pan of convention floor 20:34:32 Announcement of Miss American 2003 Erica Harold 20:34:40 Erika Harold: we often see images of Americans serving in our military, their sacrifices and valor exemplify the very best of the American spirit/ but we seldom see the images of those fighting against the war on despair/ 20:35:23 Their call to service comes from diverse teachings/ Faith Based initiatives/ the presidents initiative enables Americans to meet the desire of their heart/ turn compassion into action/ 20:36:02 As Miss America/ I have seen it's triumph of human spirit first hand/ No where was this most evident that in the Louisiana State Penitentiary 20:36:27 While this may seem a strange place for Miss America to tour/ Inmates there are working in prison ministries/ spreading hope/ the results are astounding/ violence between inmates has been cut in half/ 20:37:43 The president's compassion for those who seek a second chance is inspiring/ if given the chance, we will help our neighbors rise up/ although we will never able to thank all those who wage war against despair/ we are able to join them in their crusade through passion 20:38:38 In those solitary uncelebrated moments in a soup kitchen/ orphanage/ perhaps we will truly know what it is to see the face of god/ Thank you very much 20:39:07 I am also very honored to introduce our next speaker/ an inspiring man of great faith and passion/ retired NYS police officer Steven McDonald 20:40:05 ms Steven McDonald in wheelchair and family 20:40:27 Steven McDonald: I am like so many of you everyday I live to serve and everyday I serve to live/ in a lifetime of transforming events/ both hopeful and faithful/ one thing is constant/ my need to serve 20:41:12 Steven McDonald: I served with honor as a Untied States Navy corpsman/ and I served this great city as a New York's finest/ a New York City police officer/ 20:41:49 Steven McDonald: Then and especially now, I have followed St. Paul's guidance that all of us really walk by faith/ today because of President Bush's leadership and values/ we are now recognizing and promoting the good work of American's Faith based groups and communities/ organizations which help the youngest and the oldest/ the poorest and the weakest among us/ 20:42:48 Steven McDonald: The federal government is no longer discriminating against charitable groups with a religious mission/ in fact/ it is welcoming them as partners/ I am proud to be an American led by a president who makes sure that the promise of America is not the privilege of a few/ but the birthright of all 20:43:33 Steven McDonald: As a democrat who is putting principle above politics, this election/ i say we need George W. Bush to secure our future and fulfill this promise 20:44:05 Steven McDonald: Thank you/ earlier today/ many delegates and convention guests participated in more than 25 community service projects throughout New York City/ here's a look at some of the community service work they performed 20:44:50 Video: The Bowery Mission 20:51:37 Senator Sam Brownback (r-kans) "Aids Initiative" : "Under president Bush' leadership, we will work to protect every human life/ from the HIV AIDS patient in Uganda/ this nation and this president will fight for you" 20:52:57 Why? Because each is wonderfully made/ We are leading the world in a heroic rescue of human life. This is the essence of compassionate conservatism/ it is the medal of George W. Bush/ God bless you and God bless America 20:53:33 Introduction of Jaci Velasquez 20:53:50 Musical Performance: Jaci Velasquez 20:59:22 Introduction of senator Bill Frist (r-tenn) 20:59:38 Bill Frist: Ten years ago on my first day as a Senator/ my dad payed me a visit/ as we sat in my new office/ 21:00:39 He has won some huge victories to help health care cost lest and be there when you most need it 21:00:16 end of tape
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Date: | 08/31/2004 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | NYBF18575Y |
Content: | [NEW YORK CITY, NY USA] 2004 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION / RS 109 / 7:40PM - 9PM / POOL SWITCHED. [RNC / RS 109 / 7:40PM - 9PM] 19:36:48 nats int ftg of convention in progress 19:40:57 Virginia delegate roll call 19:42:09 Washington delegate roll call 19:43:58 West Virginia delegate roll call 19:44:49 Wisconsin delegate roll call 19:45:59 Wyoming delegate roll call 19:47:30 Coleman: closing roll call 19:48:20 ws of convention floor and band playing 19:48:56 cu of delegate wearing "I'm a red hot republican" button 19:49:09 ms of delegate holding up "(President George W) Bush is Courage in Action" sign 19:51:20 musical interlude 19:57:07 shot of large gathering of delegates in arena stands holding up pro bush signs 19:57:37 Promotional Video of President George and First Lady Laura Bush "Fulfilling America's President" 19:58:37 Introduction of Becky Brown (1 millionth volunteer for George W. Bush) 19:59:29 Becky Brown describing volunteer experience 20:00:23 pan of convention floor 20:00:28 Announcement of Senator Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) 20:01:35 ** shot of former president George Bush Senior shaking hands and taking his seat 20:02:00 **cu of George Bush Senior sitting next to Bob Dole 20:02:35 Elizabeth Dole: we still believe that character is king/ we saw that lived out in the life of (late president) Ronald Wilson Reagan/ Ronald Reagan who called an empire evil and won the cold war/ we still believe that liberty is the birth right of every soul, that's why in Afghanistan, women were freed from virtual slavery/ that's why in Afghanistan and Iraq, the dark cloud of oppression have parted for 50 million people/ 20:03:51 Elizabeth Dole:And until they can see the blue clouds of freedom/ we are standing by then/ we are a great nation because we are a good people/ and we are a good people because of what we believe/ we believe/ in the divinity of our soul/ we believe in life 20:04:31 Elizabeth Dole: The new life of a man and woman jointed together under god/ marriage is not important because it's a convenient invention/ it is the cornerstone of civilization and the foundation of the family/ 20:04:59 Elizabeth Dole: Marriage between a man and a woman isn't something republicans invented but it is something republicans will defend 20:05:17 Elizabeth Dole: we value the sacred life of every man, woman and child/ including the most vulnerable in our society/ the frail elderly/ and those not yet born 20:05:37 Elizabeth Dole: Protecting life isn't something republicans invented, but it is something republicans will defend 20:05:53 Elizabeth Dole: we believe in the treasured life of faith, in America I have the freedom to call that man lord, and I do 20:06:14 Elizabeth Dole: in the USA we are free to worship without discrimination/ without activist judges trying to strip the name of God from our pledge of allegiance, money in our pocket/ 20:06:45 Elizabeth Dole: The constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion 20:06:58 Elizabeth Dole: the right to worship god is not something republicans invented, but it is something republicans will defend 20:07:11 Elizabeth Dole: We believe in the compassionate life of service/ they do not know America/ as the president said, if you want to help against the war on terror/ love America/ love America/ if neighbors are hungry/ we feed them/ if a storm named Charlie strikes/ we help them 20:07:58 Elizabeth Dole: serving other isn't something Americans invented but it is a calling we will always acceptance 20:08:18 Elizabeth Dole: despite what you may hear on the news/ they are the shared truths of the American people/e they are true from sea to shining sea 20:09:01 cu of Bob Dole 20:09:06 Elizabeth Dole: The last century was known as the American century/ in a single century we are now in the earliest years of a new century/ if we reaffirm these timeless and unchangeable truths/ we will honor those who came before us and inspire the children of tomorrow 20:10:03 Elizabeth Dole: It will be said of us that we lived in the times of great challenge and great hopes/ and let it also be said that we loved our country and chose leaders wisely/ I'm honored to stand in front of you to nominate a great president/ George W. Bush 20:10:43 cu of former senator Bob Dole (r-kans) and former president George Bush Senior 20:10:59 congresswoman Anne Northup (r-ky): Introduction of Adoption Video 20:12:37 Video on Adoption 20:15:41 John Quinones: Introducing George P. Bush, nephew of president george w bush. 20:17:06 George P. Bush: No matter how often I visit New York, I never tired of looking at the statue of liberty/ give me your tired/ your poor/ your huddled masses/we meet in NY to reaffirm the commitment from these individuals/ that commitment begins with our children 20:18:48 George P. Bush: President bush introduced the No Child Left Behind/ it's based on a simple but revolutionary idea/ that every child can learn 20:19:07 George P. Bush: And every child deserves our best effort to help them succeed/ we are already seeing impressive results/ for example/ in the great state of Florida/ we are above the national average in reading/ writing/ 20:19:47 George P. Bush: Thanks to President Bush' leadership, more people than ever own their own home and more than half of minorities are home owners/ 20:20:49 George P. Bush: President Bush will uphold the promise of Social Security/ 20:21:16 ms shot of former new jersey governor Christine todd Whitman walking through convention floor 20:23:43 Announcement of Dana Glover 20:24:49 Musician Performance: Dana Glover singing 20:28:10 pan of convention floor during Dana Glover performance 20:30:04 Dana Glover sings second song 20:34:28 pan of convention floor 20:34:32 Announcement of Miss American 2003 Erica Harold 20:34:40 Erika Harold: we often see images of Americans serving in our military, their sacrifices and valor exemplify the very best of the American spirit/ but we seldom see the images of those fighting against the war on despair/ 20:35:23 Their call to service comes from diverse teachings/ Faith Based initiatives/ the presidents initiative enables Americans to meet the desire of their heart/ turn compassion into action/ 20:36:02 As Miss America/ I have seen it's triumph of human spirit first hand/ No where was this most evident that in the Louisiana State Penitentiary 20:36:27 While this may seem a strange place for Miss America to tour/ Inmates there are working in prison ministries/ spreading hope/ the results are astounding/ violence between inmates has been cut in half/ 20:37:43 The president's compassion for those who seek a second chance is inspiring/ if given the chance, we will help our neighbors rise up/ although we will never able to thank all those who wage war against despair/ we are able to join them in their crusade through passion 20:38:38 In those solitary uncelebrated moments in a soup kitchen/ orphanage/ perhaps we will truly know what it is to see the face of god/ Thank you very much 20:39:07 I am also very honored to introduce our next speaker/ an inspiring man of great faith and passion/ retired NYS police officer Steven McDonald 20:40:05 ms Steven McDonald in wheelchair and family 20:40:27 Steven McDonald: I am like so many of you everyday I live to serve and everyday I serve to live/ in a lifetime of transforming events/ both hopeful and faithful/ one thing is constant/ my need to serve 20:41:12 Steven McDonald: I served with honor as a Untied States Navy corpsman/ and I served this great city as a New York's finest/ a New York City police officer/ 20:41:49 Steven McDonald: Then and especially now, I have followed St. Paul's guidance that all of us really walk by faith/ today because of President Bush's leadership and values/ we are now recognizing and promoting the good work of American's Faith based groups and communities/ organizations which help the youngest and the oldest/ the poorest and the weakest among us/ 20:42:48 Steven McDonald: The federal government is no longer discriminating against charitable groups with a religious mission/ in fact/ it is welcoming them as partners/ I am proud to be an American led by a president who makes sure that the promise of America is not the privilege of a few/ but the birthright of all 20:43:33 Steven McDonald: As a democrat who is putting principle above politics, this election/ i say we need George W. Bush to secure our future and fulfill this promise 20:44:05 Steven McDonald: Thank you/ earlier today/ many delegates and convention guests participated in more than 25 community service projects throughout New York City/ here's a look at some of the community service work they performed 20:44:50 Video: The Bowery Mission 20:51:37 Senator Sam Brownback (r-kans) "Aids Initiative" : "Under president Bush' leadership, we will work to protect every human life/ from the HIV AIDS patient in Uganda/ this nation and this president will fight for you" 20:52:57 Why? Because each is wonderfully made/ We are leading the world in a heroic rescue of human life. This is the essence of compassionate conservatism/ it is the medal of George W. Bush/ God bless you and God bless America 20:53:33 Introduction of Jaci Velasquez 20:53:50 Musical Performance: Jaci Velasquez 20:59:22 Introduction of senator Bill Frist (r-tenn) 20:59:38 Bill Frist: Ten years ago on my first day as a Senator/ my dad payed me a visit/ as we sat in my new office/ 21:00:39 He has won some huge victories to help health care cost lest and be there when you most need it 21:00:16 end of tape |
Media Type: | Tape |