
Footage Information

ABCNEWS VideoSource
LONDON / RS 170 / 12:48 - 14:21
12:49:15 #03 Ali arriving in Kuwait 12:49:30 amublance pulls up 12:49:52 ali in stretcher 12:50:42 ali being wheeled on gurney in hospital 12:51:43 VERY GRAPHIC SHOT OF HIS BADLY BURNED ABDOMEN AND STUMP DOPESHEET: 030416#003 Name: 030416#003 Title: KUWAIT ALI APTN 0130G Type: APTN FEED In point: 02:49:47.28 Out point: 02:52:59.10 Duration: 00:03:11.14 Tape ID 6166 Dopesheet AP-APTN-0130: ++Kuwait Ali Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Kuwait Ali - NEW Stricken Iraqi child arrives in Kuwait for lifesaving treatment LENGTH: 3:11 FIRST RUN: 0130 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 369771 DATELINE: Kuwait City - 15 April 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Exterior of Saud A Albabtain Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery 2. Ambulance carrying Ali Ismaeel Abbas arrives at centre 3. Media jostle at rear of ambulance as Ali is lowered out 4. Close up of Ali's face as he is lifted out of ambulance, pull out to wide shot as he is lowered down 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr Imad Najada, plastic surgeon attending to Ali: "We feel sad because of kids with type of injury, especially when they lost some of their vital organs and they've lost a hand, or lost their eyes, we feel sorry for them. Of course, what we can do for our brothers Iraqi, at least to help them in the treatment. It's not only food and water and supplies, as well what they need from medical care especially in this critical time." 6. Various of Ali being wheeled through hospital corridors on gurney, Dr Najada and other staff medical staff walk alongside 7. Wide shot of Ali being wheeled into intensive care treatment room 8. Various of Ali lying on gurney 9. Cutaway of doctor's face 10. Close up of Ali's feet 11. Mid shot of Ali as cover is pulled back to reveal injuries 12. Close up of bandage on Ali's arm stump 13. Cutaway of Dr Najada looking at notes 14. Cutaway of doctors 15. Close up of Ali's face 16. Cutaway of drip 17. Wide shot of Ali on gurney surrounded by doctors STORYLINE: A 12-year-old boy who lost his arms in a missile explosion and became a symbol of Iraqi war suffering arrived on Wednesday at a hospital in Kuwait City after being airlifted from Baghdad. Ali Ismaeel Abbas was carried off an ambulance on a stretcher and taken into the Saud A Albabtain Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery. Ali suffered severe burns and lost his arms when a missile struck his home in Baghdad, killing his father, brother and pregnant mother. It was unclear who fired the missile, but Baghdad was under heavy American bombardment when the family was hit. Doctors gave the boy a quick evaluation before taking him into surgery. He is likely to face a considerable amount of skin grafting. Initial reports said the boy had been burned on over 60 percent of his body, but Najada said that judging from the front of his body, around 20 percent appeared to be burned. The boy was accompanied to the hospital by an uncle, Mohammed al-Sultany, who told reporters he was thankful for Kuwait's help. Dr Imad Najada, the plastic surgeon attending to Ali, said doctors would check the boy's tissue to see how much of it can be used for skin grafts. If there isn't enough, synthetic skin can be used, he said. Ali's plight has attracted worldwide attention as a symbol of Iraqi suffering during the US-led campaign to oust Saddam Hussein. Recovery from such severe burns often takes about a year, and the cost runs into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Several charities from around the world have offered to help with the expenses ================================================================= 12:52:43 #109 Baghdad b-roll, looting, bags of food, street scenes DOPESHEET: 030416#109 Name: 030416#109 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD ZDF EVN1 Type: EVN FEED In point: 16:20:27.10 Out point: 16:22:01.03 Duration: 00:01:33.21 Tape ID Dopesheet BAGHDAD Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: BAGHDAD Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: DEZDF Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: Shotlist: =========================================================================== 12:54:29 #98 Witness on Abbas DOPESHEET: 030416#098 Name: 030416#098 Title: IRAQ ABBAS WITNESSES RAI EVNW Type: EVN FEED In point: 14:30:54.28 Out point: 14:34:54.02 Duration: 00:03:59.02 Tape ID 6194 Dopesheet Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: BAGHDAD Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: ITRAI Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: Palestinian leader Abu Abbas, who leaded the hijacking of an Italian cruise ship in 1985, was captured by U.S. special forces and is in U.S. custody in Baghdad. Shotlist: 1. Front of the house where Abbas was arrested 2. inside the apartment. 3. The balcony, view 4. Blood traces on the floor 5. Witness of identification and arrest of Abbas. Unidentified man (Soud bite: english):"-"I woke up and I was a marine, showing a picture of Abbas. The first time I met him he told me he was an agricultural engineer and then I saw his face on the TV under the name of Abbas". 6. The iraqi witness shows to the journalist how and where Abbas was caught on the street 7. Street with cars nearby in Bagdad =========================================================================== 12:58:44 #83 Willis spot, Abu Abbas home and pix, good file video of him, wanted posters DOPESHEET: 030416#083 Name: 030416#083 Title: IRAQ ABU ABBAS WILLIS SPLIT BBC1300B Type: BBC In point: 13:45:31.24 Out point: 13:47:28.24 Duration: 00:01:56.28 Tape ID 6191 Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: ABU ABBAS / DAVID WILLIS INTRO:US military commanders have described the arrest in Baghdad, of Abu Abbas, as an important victory in the war against terrorism. DATE SHOT: 16/04/03 LOCATIONS: BAGHDAD, IRAQ IN WORDS: "In a leafy suburb ............. OUT WORDS: ... BBC News, Baghdad." DURATION: 1'54" ASTONS: 0'03": DAVID WILLIS, Baghdad SOURCES: ============================================================================= 13:00:55 #78 APTN video of Abbas home DOPESHEET: 030416#078 Name: 030416#078 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD ABBAS APTN 1200G Type: APTN FEED In point: 13:27:59.14 Out point: 13:30:23.12 Duration: 00:02:23.28 Tape ID 6190 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1200: ++Baghdad Abbas Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Baghdad Abbas - NEW Neighbour reacts to capture LENGTH: 2:23 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Baghdad - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST 1. Wide shot exterior Mohammed Abbas' house 2. Mid shot neighbour and camera crew exploring the back of the house 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mohsen, neighbour: "We heard about the Italian ship, Achille Lauro, but we don't understand the problem with this. We're talking about something social, not political, with him." (Question: And this house was donated to him by the government of Saddam Hussein?) "Yes, this house was given to him by the government of Saddam Hussein." 4. Mid shot interior of house 5. Various stills of Abbas with family 6. Various interior of Abbas' house 7. SOUNDBITE (English) Mohsen, neighbour: (Question: So he just lived like a middle class businessman?) "Like a good civilian, he had good relations with his neighbours, he had a very gentle action, very good tradition." (Question: He's probably not very happy now?) "I don't think so." 8. Mid shot Mohsen with another neighbour STORYLINE The Baghdad neighbours of Mohammed Abu Abbas, leader of the Palestinian group that hijacked the cruise liner Achille Lauro in 1985, in Wednesday expressed surprise at his arrest by US marines. Abbas was seized by US special operations forces during a raid in the capital on Monday. He is reported to have lived in an Iraqi government guest house for 17 years. The 55-year-old had eluded arrest in a quiet, middle-class neighbourhood since four of his followers hijacked the Italian vessel as it sailed from Egypt to Israel in October 1985. Neighbours described him as a pleasant and polite man who had a Lebanese wife, Rem, and a son Ali, who lives in Lebanon. Abbas assumed the lifestyle of a local - except for the constant presence of four bodyguards. Neighbours said he left his home 10 days ago and they haven't seen him since. The Palestinian Authority demanded his release on Wednesday, saying his arrest violated a 1995 interim agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. According to the deal, no PLO officials were to be arrested for violent acts committed before the 1993 Israel-PLO pact of mutual recognition, said Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat. US officials would not disclose their plans for Abbas but Italy said it would demand his extradition, according to reports. ========================================================================== 13:03:26 #76 APTN Baghdad wrap 13:03:52 vehicles on road, people returning to Baghdad 13:04:09 marines administer aid to injured iraqi 13:04:24 protestors 13:04:28 close on banner 13:04:56 searching a building DOPESHEET: AP-APTN-1200: +Baghdad Wrap 2 Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: +Baghdad Wrap 2 - WRAP City hall raid, injured looter, refugees return LENGTH: 3:20 FIRST RUN: 1200 RESTRICTIONS: Part UK/CNNi/Ireland/Euronews/Internet TYPE: Arabic/Eng/Nat SOURCE: APTN/SKY STORY NUMBER: 369836 DATELINE: Baghdad - 15/16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: (First Run 0800 gmt Europe Morning 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 1. Pan of car loaded with belongings returning to Baghdad 2. Tracking shot with convoy of returning cars on highway 3. Children and returning residents wave from rear of loaded truck 4. Flat bed van passes, loaded with household paraphernalia 5. Tracking shot of van loaded with people and goods 6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Vox pop, man from Tikrit "We hope that security comes back to our country and services start working as usual and there will be a commitment that services will be provided as before so that people will regain their confidence and go back to work." 15. Various of looters who have been injured by other Iraqis receiving medical help from US Marines 16. Wide shot of demonstration outside Palestine Hotel 17. Banner reading: "Iraqi oil is for the Iraqi people" 18. Protestors chanting "You Arabs, God is great. They have burned our Baghdad." 19. Wide shot two Iraqi military trailers carrying surface-to-air missiles 20. Mid shot of missile on trailer 21. Abandoned Iraqi radar vehicle 21. Iraqi missile launcher (First Run 0715 gmt Asia Pacific Late 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 15 April 2003 22. Wide exterior of Mayor's building, pan to troops approaching 23. Marine special forces at gates pointing guns towards building 24. Night vision of special forces going through corridor 25. Various of troops shooting locks on doors and clearing the building 26. Various of maps on wall being discovered and taken away 27. High shot from mayor's building looking at armoured vehicles in street (First Run 1200 gmt Europe Update 16 April 2003) SKY - No Access UK/CNNi/Ireland/Euronews/Internet 16 April 2003 28. Iraqi woman walking down Baghdad street 29. People queuing for bread 30. Close up of little boy with his bread ration of five pieces of bread (per person, per day) 31. Various of Sudanese migrant worker's shrapnel wounds 32. SOUNDBITE (English) Vox Pop: "He needs another surgery in his head but he couldn't do it because they have stolen everything from the hospital and there is no doctor." 33. Cutaway, view from window over rooftops 34. Midshot of men, AUDIO of gunshot (from what the men call the Iraqi mafia) UPSOUND (English) Vox Pop: "Every night they shoot bullets like that." 35. Men talking UPSOUND: (English) Translator "When the Americans come here everything will be quiet but when they leave everything will come back." 36. Various of mother and children UPSOUND: (English) Translator "The child is sick now and there is no hospital to take her to." 37. Pile of rubbish in corner of stairwell 38. Bridge over Tigris River STORYLINE Less than a week after the fall of Baghdad, families who fled the Iraqi capital are returning in large numbers. On Wednesday, the road from Tikrit was congested with the cars and vans of residents - and any household goods they had managed to take with them. But with no government, there is disorder in many areas of the capital. Looting is still taking place. Summary justice is meted out to some of the offenders - as happened on the fringes of a demonstration outside the Palestine Hotel in the centre of the city. US marines helped two suspects who had been injured by angry Iraqis. Residents say hospitals have been stripped of equipment and supplies and there are no doctors to treat people. Many people are living in squalor in ruined buildings. There are food shortages, prices are rising and the Iraqi currency, the dinar, is virtually worthless. Some civilians say they are terrified of those they call the "mafia" who have allegedly armed themselves weapons taken from Baghdad's government ministries. On the outskirts of Baghdad, abandoned Iraqi military hardware was in evidence. Meanwhile, US forces are continuing to sweep the capital for remaining Fedayeen militia. A US marines special operations unit raided the offices of the mayor of Baghdad on Tuesday night looking for Fedayeen, documents, maps and weapons. APTN =========================================================================== 13:06:52 #74 GOOD SHOTS OF MARINES PATROLLING BAGHDAD, SEARCH, ARRESTS AT A BANK ROBBERY GOOD VIDEO DOPESHEET: 030416#074 Name: 030416#074 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD ROBBERY APTN 1200G Type: APTN FEED In point: 13:00:36.10 Out point: 13:04:20.28 Duration: 00:03:44.16 Tape ID 6190 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1200: ++Baghdad Robbery Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Baghdad Robbery - NEW US marines foil another bank robbery LENGTH: 3:40 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Baghdad - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. US Military vehicles driving through streets 2. Close-up of US soldiers on military jeeps 3. Line of military jeeps with soldiers on top 4. US soldiers storming bank, UPSOUND of shouting 5. Soldiers arresting suspected bank robbers and UPSOUND of shouting: "get down" 6. Suspects being forced to the ground at gun point 7. Suspects being rounded up 8. Close-up suspect with hands being tied behind back 9. Close-up suspect having hands tied behind back shouting "No, no, no" 10. External shot of people cheering and clapping outside bank 11. US soldiers putting suspects up against outside wall of bank 12. US soldier taking money out of bag with suspect on floor beside 13. Suspects up against wall with piles of money behind 14. Close-up bank notes 15. US soldier with stacks of Iraqi bank notes 16. Close-up hands tied behind back 17. Suspects being arrested inside bank 18. US soldier taking money outside bank 19. Close-up prosthetic leg 20. Various injured suspects 20. Various injured suspects 20. Plaque reading: 'Rashid Bank ' 21. Military jeep on street 22. Iraqi police cars arriving 23. Crowds cheering 24. Crowds arguing with Iraqi police 25. Iraqi police chief holds gun up towards the local Iraqis 26. Suspects with hands tied behind back STORYLINE: US marines burst in on bank robbers stealing sack loads of cash at the Rashid Bank in Baghdad on Wednesday. Explosive scare devices were used to lure the suspects out from their hiding places in the bomb-shattered remains of the bank in Al-Sbaa square. The suspects, about 10 of them, were physically dragged out of the bank at gunpoint and handcuffed. One of the suspects became separated from his prosthetic leg. Iraqis watching the scene cheered the US troops, then jeered the Baghdad police who arrived late on the scene. After being humiliated by the crowd, the chief of the Iraqi police threatened to shoot some of the bystanders. He was eventually calmed down. The cash was put into US armoured vehicles and moved to a safer location =========================================================================== 13:10:38 #59 orphanage DOPESHEET: 030416#059 Name: 030416#059 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD ORPHANAGE APF 1035G Type: FEED-LINES In point: 11:36:28.21 Out point: 11:39:04.29 Duration: 00:02:36.06 Tape ID 6187 Dopesheet IRAQ Baghdad Orphanage - NEW Baghdad orphanage averts looters RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Arabic/Nat SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Baghdad - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Wide exteriors of Baghdad orphanage, Banat al-Ulwiyah 2. Wide interiors of children playing on grounds of orphanage 3. Various of children's faces 4. Child being given bottled milk 5. Various of children playing 6. Teenage girls walking by 7. Children playing follow-the-leader game 8. Interiors of women cooking rice 9. Various of children in orphanage dining room eating lunch 10. Various of children eating 11. Orphanage manager walking 12. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Aniba Jabar, Orphanage Manager: "During the night bombing, it was horrifying for us. The children and I used to gather in one room and sleep there." 13. Wide shot of beds in orphanage 14. Pan of room 15. Babies in the orphanage 16. Various of woman feeding baby with milk 17. Wide shot of bedroom with orphans sitting on beds 18. SOUNDBITE (Arabic): Aniba Jabar, Orphanage Manager: "The looters tried to rob the orphanage house. We had one guard who protected the place, together with the men of the neighbourhood. They managed to protect the house." 19. Various of little children in the yard STORYLINE: The main orphanage in Baghdad has survived the war and the post-war looting intact. During the nights of coalition bombing, the children remained in the orphanage. Orphanage manager, Aniba Jabar, said throughout the coalition strikes, the children all slept in the same room. Jabar said they were terrified and cried in fear. When Baghdad fell one week ago, looters tried to break into the orphanage but they were stopped by a security guard and local neighbours. They tried to break into the building a second time, but still didn't manage to get in. Now the children and the caretakers are settling into some semblance of normality. It is one of the few major institutions in Baghdad left relatively unscathed from the war. Non-government organisations provided the orphanage with enough food and medicine to get through the war without any problems. The orphanage takes in children from all age groups - from new-born babies to 18-year-olds. =========================================================================== 13:13:16 #40 special operations unit of marines raides offices of the mayor of baghdad in a sweep for fedayeen DOPESHEET: 030416#040 Name: 030416#040 Title: IRAQ RAID APTN EVNY Type: EVN FEED In point: 09:47:42.23 Out point: 09:50:16.04 Duration: 00:02:33.11 Tape ID 6178 Dopesheet Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: BAGHDAD Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: GBAPTN Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: A Special Operations unit of US Marines has raided the offices of the Mayor of Baghdad, in a sweep for fedayeen, secret documents, maps and weapons. Carrying pump action machine guns and wearing flak jackets and helmits, the Marines entered the building under torchlight. Shooting their way through locks, they moved from room to room until they reached the heart of the building. Inside the Mayor's private suite, Marines found detailed maps and a safe, all of which were confiscated. Shotlist: SHOTLIST: BAGHDAD - 16 April 2003 1. Wide Exterior Mayor's building 2. marine special forces point guns towards the building 3. wide police car and Iraqi onlookers across the street 4. special forces enter, guns first 5. silhouette view marines going outside to inside 6. night vision of special forces climbing steps with guns pointing and ready 7. tight shot looted documents in corridor 8. room-to-room search by special ops, Marines shouting as they go, anticipating resistance 9. marines cracking doors open, penetrating rooms with guns and torches 10. marines pointing guns around the building 11.marines shooting down lock of door with pump action machine gun, then kick it down and go 12. more breaking door down 13. detailed maps inside mayor's office 14. Marines fold up maps and confiscate 15. marines find safe =========================================================================== 13:16:02 #26 Al Faw Simmonds BBC package DOPESHEET: 030416#026 Name: 030416#026 Title: IRAQ SIMMONDS SPLIT BBC0800 Type: BBC In point: 09:06:12.18 Out point: 09:07:57.15 Duration: 00:01:44.27 Tape ID 6170 Dopesheet INTRO: Iraqi political and religious leaders are drawing up plans for a second conference on the future of the country -- to be convened in the next ten days. But as the delegates get to work on the blueprint for Iraq's future, coalition forces are still struggling to impose order, and to start delivering the vital aid desperately needed after four weeks of war. SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: IRAQ/SAMANTHA SIMMONDS DATE SHOT: 15/04.03 LOCATIONS: IRAQ ASTONS: 0.03 SAMANTHA SIMMONDS, reporting SOURCES: gv of delegates inside tent meeting in Nasiriayh/wide shots of delegates - US POOL Bush in the Rose garden set up and sync - US POOL gv of Marine on patrol/bank robbery/Marine counting money - APTN - Subscribers Only Soldiers and people searching at Al Faw - RTV Subscribers Only =========================================================================== 13:17:53 #009 McVeigh BBC package, british troops digging thru concrete mass where kuwait soldiers are thought to have been buried DOPESHEET: 030416#009 Name: 030416#009 Title: IRAQ BUNKER DIG UP BBC CS MCVEIGH *SPLIT* Type: FEED-LINES In point: 05:03:49.16 Out point: 05:05:25.11 Duration: 00:01:35.23 Tape ID _____ Dopesheet ========================================================================= 13:19:39 #99 Mosul hospital DOPESHEET: 030416#099 Name: 030416#099 Title: IRAQ MOSUL SPLIT TF1 EVNW Type: EVN FEED In point: 14:37:09.27 Out point: 14:38:29.02 Duration: 00:01:19.05 Tape ID 6194 Dopesheet Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: MOSUL Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: FRTF1 Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: New shooting accidents have occurred this morning in Mosul, Northern Iraq. At least four people were killed and others wounded because of explosions near the government's buildings. Shotlist: 1. Arrival of wounded at the hospital 2. Sound bite (English) Dr Haitham Nouri 3. Dead arrival 4. One body on the ground and another one on the table 5. Sound bite (Arab) of a witness accusing Americans 6. American helicopters in the sky 7. Inhabitants looking at the helicopters ========================================================================= 13:21:17 #77 Mosul Al Jazeera wounded in hospital, ends with centcom briefing DOPESHEET: 030416#077 Name: 030416#077 Title: IRAQ MOSUL WOUNDED AL JAZEERA/POOL AP1200G Type: APTN FEED In point: 13:25:02.14 Out point: 13:27:51.08 Duration: 00:02:48.24 Tape ID 6190 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1200: ++Mosul Wounded Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Mosul Wounded - NEW Injured in hospital, Iraqi and US reax LENGTH: 2:47 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: Arabic/Eng/Nat SOURCE: AL JAZEERA/POOL DATELINE: Mosul - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: Al Jazeera - No Access MBC/ANN/Abu Dhabi TV and clients are not allowed to block out Al Jazeera's logo Mosul, Iraq - April 16, 2003 1. Various of streets and governor's office in Mosul 2. Pan of Iraqi police and US troops 3. Various injured children on stretchers in hospital 4. Mid shot injured boy with blood on his shirt 5. Various doctors lifting injured boy onto bed and treating him 6. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Injured boy: (Q: Were they Americans?) "Yes I saw them, they were armed. Just nearby the council building." 7. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Injured boy: "The war started (the shooting incident) and Americans came and start shooting at us. (Did they follow the crowd?) Yes." 8. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Name Unknown, Iraqi Police Officer: "The police force went out to arrest some thieves. At that moment the shooting started between the police and the thieves. The Americans were scared, because they are cowards. They opened fire on the civilians and police which resulted in civilian casualties. That's what happened. I don't know, the Americans were just standing there, watching civilians and they are scared. I don't know from what, maybe from the Iraqi stones." 9. Various of Cobra helicopters flying over Mosul POOL - APTN Clients Only POOL - APTN Clients Only Doha, Qatar - April 16, 2003 10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, US Central Command spokesman: "Fire was indeed delivered from coalition forces. It was lethal fire and some Iraqis were killed as a result of that. We think the number was somewhere on the order of seven and there may have been some wounded as well. The attack was occurring from two sides, and there was clear observation of men with weapons involved in firing on the building during the time. The rest of it remains to be examined in detail, and we know the Marine commander and Special Operations commander went to the scene shortly thereafter. They've done their initial assessments and further investigation is under way and we'll put that out." STORYLINE: Angry residents of the northern city of Mosul on Wednesday accused US forces of opening fire on civilians and killing or injuring several on Tuesday. Several of the injured accused American troops of firing at them from rooftops. A Marine sergeant near the scene denied their accounts, however, saying Americans on a rooftop had returned gunfire coming from another roof. The Marine, who would only identify himself as Sergeant Chet, said there had been gunfire from a building across a park and that the Marines responded protectively from another building. Speaking from a hospital in Mosul on Wednesday, two children injured in the incident told Al Jazeera television that American troops had fired at them. An Iraqi policeman who said he witnessed the incident said on Wednesday the US troops"opened fire on the civilians and police which resulted in civilian casualties". On Wednesday, the atmosphere in the city was tense. Marines stood at a sandbagged position at the corner of the street by the governor's office and helicopters could be heard overhead. US Central Command spokesman, Brigadier General Vincent Brooks told reporters on Wednesday the shooting was under investigation, but that US forces opened fire after they were shot at as an angry crowd tried to scale the wall of the government complex. ========================================================================= 13:24:16 #52 marines checkpoint, Kirkuk DOPESHEET: 030416#052 Name: 030416#052 Title: IRAQ IRAQI ARABS SPLIT ARD EVN0 Type: EVN FEED In point: 11:17:22.19 Out point: 11:19:35.01 Duration: 00:02:12.12 Tape ID 6185 Dopesheet Date Shot: 15-APR-2003 Location: KIRKUK Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: DEARD Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: American forces have controlled the Kurdish city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq for five days, but the ethnic conflict there is a long way from being solved. Arabs who moved to Kirkuk while Saddam Hussein was in power pushed many Kurds further north. Now with Saddam gone, the Kurds are pushing the Arabs out of their homes. One Arab man told us Kurdish peshmergas took his house. He was afraid to go there, and would only point it out from the safety of a car. The peshmerga soldier readily showed us the house, explaining the Arab man was a member of the Baath party, and that's why he had to leave. The US Special Forces say they will try to rectify the situation, but in the meantime the Kurdish police force is not helping the man get back his house. Shotlist: US troops at entrance to Kirkuk vs tanks vs city centre NATSOT 1: Arab man saying men came to his place the day before and told him to vacate his house or something would happen NATSOT 2: woman saying she was threatened to leave her house people in street ARD reporter with Arab man who was forced to leave his house PÜK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) sprayed on wall of same house man in car pointing out his house across the street peshmerga soldier showing interior NATSOT 3 I earned this house, I'm a fighter and was wounded three times. Many from my family were killed. That's why I'm in this house. vs US Special forces NATSOT 4 US Special Forces commander in Kirkuk (no name given) (English) long shot police station with kurdish soldiers outside arab man talking to us police zoom in to arab man to end =========================================================================== VERY GOOD HELICOPTER MATERIAL 13:27:47 Handout from the Ministry of Defense of Basra 13:27:59 great helicopter landing shot 13:28:49 cool shot of soldier running from helicopter after refueling 13:29:14 good shot of soldier directing a helicopter, which takes off good shot 13:30:36 good shot of helicopter landing 13:31:14 great shot inside the cockpit, helicopter flying 13:33:11 nice shots of helicopter flying, shot from another helicopter 13:34:39 nice shot of a lynx and gazelle helicopters flying ========================================================================= 13:43: #93 BBC package on aid, great shot of broken water pipe DOPESHEET: 030416#093 Name: 030416#093 Title: IRAQ BASRA SPLIT BBC1300B Type: BBC In point: 14:05:08.22 Out point: 14:06:17.03 Duration: 00:01:08.11 Tape ID 6191 Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: BASRA / VT DATE SHOT: 16/04/03 LOCATIONS: BASRA, IRAQ IN WORDS: "This is what ..... OUT WORDS: .....war shattered infrastructure." DURATION: 1'06" ASTONS: 0'24": ANDREAS KRUESI, Aid worker SOURCES: BBC SHOTLIST: People at water tanks filling up containers with children playing in water/ Andreas Kruesi soundbite/Rupert Wingfield-Hayes PTC/British Forces driving through city/various shots of city damaged by war ========================================================================== 13:45:04 #71 IRIB DOPESHEET: 030416#071 Name: 030416#071 Title: IRAQ SITUATION IRIB EVNA Type: EVN FEED In point: 10:07:24.24 Out point: 10:10:53.26 Duration: 00:03:29.04 Tape ID 6178 Dopesheet IRIB - IRAQ SITUATION Muslim people of the Iraqi holy city of Karbala taking part in demonstrations on Tuesday, protested against the US and British forces' presence in their country and called for self determination of Iraqis and the end of the occupation of Iraq. Meanwhile the British and US forces continued their presence in the Iraqi cities such as the Southern city of Basreh. The invaders controlled people in checkpoints and patrolled the streets on Tuesday. Iraqi wounded civilians are in a very bad condition in various Iraqi cities such as the eastern city of Al-Kot, south of Baghdad. Shotlist: 1. Invaders in Basreh 2. Anti-US demonstration in Karbala 3. Shots of Law Faculty in Karbala and cluster bombs ========================================================================== 13:48:37 #28 fishermen in basra DOPESHEET: 030416#028 Name: 030416#028 Title: IRAQ FISHERMEN SKY AP0800G Type: APTN FEED In point: 09:18:06.22 Out point: 09:19:14.16 Duration: 00:01:07.24 Tape ID 6172 Dopesheet IRAQ Fishermen - NEW Fishermen return to city's main river RESTRICTIONS: No UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Internet TYPE: Arabic/Nat SOURCE: SKY DATELINE: Basra - 15 April 2003 SHOTLIST Shatt Al Arab River 1. View of the gates of Saddam's palace from the river 2. Mid shot of gates 3. Various of boats on river 4. View of Saddam's palace from river 5. Set up shot of fisherman and his son 6. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Fisherman, VOXPOP: "Only now can we reclaim what has been our birthright for centuries. Before, anyone who came near this stretch would be shot at. Now once again the river belongs to us." 7. Various of fishermen and river 8. Iraqi woman by riverbank 10. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Fisherman, VOXPOP: "We used to be menaced constantly by officials of his Baath party. I need these reeds to feed my buffalos, but Saddam's lot took bribes from us just to be here. They showed no mercy." 11. Fisherman dragging reeds in the river STORYLINE The fishermen of the Shatt al Arab river in southern Iraq are enjoying a new freedom since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime. The tidal river, which is 120 miles (193 kilometres) long, is formed by the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. On the banks of the river, near Basra, is one of Saddam Hussein's palaces. The gates of the palace were once a virtual "no entry" sign to the people trying to make a living off the river. Until the fall of his regime, anyone who ventured near Saddam's residence was sailing directly into a danger zone. ============================================================================ 13:49:55 #95 Nasiriyah aid, water cans, tracking shots in town, marines sleeping in armoured vehicle, wounded at hospital DOPESHEET: 030416#095 Name: 030416#095 Title: IRAQ NASSARIAH SPLIT ZDF EVNW Type: EVN FEED In point: 14:17:50.19 Out point: 14:20:36.21 Duration: 00:02:46.02 Tape ID 6194 Dopesheet Date Shot: 15-APR-2003 Location: NASSARIYEH Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: DEZDF Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: Roundup on the political, economic and humanitarian situation in the city of Nasiriyah, where Jay Garner, the man U.S.-President Bush has named to head an interim administration, and vs Iraqi opposition groups tried to develop an Iraqi postwar-regime yesterday. But bargaining on the future of Iraq was quite tough - a democratic Iraqi state is still far away. Significant for the difficult political and economic situation is life in Nasiriyah itself. Shopkeepers and businessmen are still terrified by lootings taking place in the last days. Therefore nearly all shops are still closed. It appears almost absurd that petrol is a rare good in a country, which has one of the world's biggest oil wells. And still dramatic is the humanitarian situation. Who wants to survive has to improvise: People are dashing around for many days and are searching desperately for food, drinking water and petrol. Nasiriyah's hospital is crowded by many wounded and ill people waiting urgently for medicines. Capacities are nearly exhausted. Around 700 persons are taken to Nasiriyah's central hospital every day. Most hospitals are short of running water. They need fuel for the generators to generate electricity and for water to be pumped and sewage to be removed. Many Iraqi medical facilities have been damaged by conflict or looting and must be repaired and kept clean. Shotlist: item shows: shot 15/04 Nasiriyah/Central Iraq: col nat snd Arabic/English speech - cars piling up outside Nasiriyah - improvised gasoline fountain - cu gas can - sot vox pop, man saying authorities had vanished, and Americans simply inactively watched people looting. - man refueling gasoline in car, saying he had been after gasoline and water for days - zoom in shut down refinery, still intact - various of downtown scenes, stores closed due to fear of lootings - cu U.S. soldier resting inside military vehicle - pan to ambulance outside Nasiriyah central hospital - wounded being rolled in on stretcher - hospital staff with x-ray image - sot vox pop, man showing wounded boy, saying look at that, this is not a soldier nor a combatant, he's just a schoolboy who has been hit by Americans inside his residence - cu boy on stretcher with amputated leg - sot vox pop, man claiming there was no difference between the past and the present, there was no relief; asking how the kid deserved his misery. - cu surgeons repositioning extremity - sot Dr. Muquad, physician at Nasiriyah central hospital (English speech) - cu arm with infusion needle - cu face of patient - thru-window-shot ========================================================================== 13:52:46 #110 Ali in Kuwait in hospital DOPESHEET: 030416#110 Name: 030416#110 Title: KUWAIT ALI UPDATE APTN EVN1 Type: EVN FEED In point: 16:27:29.06 Out point: 16:29:54.21 Duration: 00:02:25.15 Tape ID 6199 Dopesheet ALI UPDATE Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: KUWAIT Country: KUWAIT Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: GBAPTN Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: Iraqi orphan Ali Ismaeel Abbas, who was horrifically injured in a Baghdad bomb attack, underwent life-saving surgery Wednesday at the Saud A Albabtain Centre for Burns and Plastic Surgery in Kuwait. The critically-ill 12-year-old, whose plight touched millions around the world, was airlifted out of Baghdad after a direct appeal for help from medics in Iraq. Shotlist: SHOTLIST: KUWAIT CITY - 16 APRIL 2003 wide of nurses putting oxygen mask on face close up Ali's face Ali crying in pain nurses mopping up after operation SOUNDBITE: Dr Imad Najada, plastic surgeon attending to Ali: "we removed all the dead tissue and shaved all his abdomen after that, we almost rached the area of the muscles. There was good bleeding. After that, we did all the stitches and covered it with ... which is a graft we have it from anohter person. It is available at out skin bank." Ali after his operation SOUNDBITE: Dr Imad Najada, plastic surgeon attending to Ali: We operated for an hour and a quarter, we thought he was going to bleed so we rushed. .. Ali wrapped in green post-surgical cloths and white tape Ali groaning and panting in pain Kuwaiti foreign Minister and futrure prime minister arrive with gifts for Ali fruit placed near to Ali Ali in bed ======================================================================= 13:55:22 #92 More Ali in Kuwait, BBC package DOPESHEET: 030416#092 Name: 030416#092 Title: KUWAIT ALI McVEIGH SPLIT BBC1300B Type: BBC In point: 14:03:06.02 Out point: 14:04:31.10 Duration: 00:01:25.08 Tape ID 6191 Dopesheet SLUG/CORRESPONDENT: ALI / ANNITA MCVEIGH INTRO:Ali Ismaeel Abbas, the Iraqi boy who was orphaned and lost his arms in a bombing raid on Baghdad, has finally arrived in Kuwait for the specialist treatment he needs. DATE SHOT: 16/04/03 LOCATIONS: KUWAIT IN WORDS: "War has brought ..... OUT WORDS: .... BBC News, Kuwait City." DURATION: 1'21" ASTONS: 0'41": Dr IBRAHIM GHONEIM, Plastic surgeon SOURCES: BBC SHOTLIST: Ali arriving on stretcher at hospital/Arrivals/More of Ali in hospital with press taking pictures/Ali speaking from hospital bed/Dr Ghoneim speaking/ Other Iraqi children in bed/Annita McVeigh PTC from outside Kuwaiti hospital ======================================================================= 13:56:53 #60 GMA piece on Ali, Ron Claiborne ======================================================================= 13:58:52 #122 TIKRIT APTN, good shot of burning guns DOPESHEET: 030416#122 Name: 030416#122 Title: IRAQ ARMS CACHE APTN EVN2 Type: EVN FEED In point: 17:44:39.05 Out point: 17:47:10.28 Duration: 00:02:31.21 Tape ID 6201 Dopesheet ARMS CACHE Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: TIKRIT Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: GBAPTN Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: US forces in Tikrit found a cache of 50,000 AK47s at a military hospital Wednesday. The massive weapons cache was stored in crates at the facility on the outskirts of Saddam Hussein's hometown. The guns were dumped in a pit, and set alight. Shotlist: SHOTLIST: TIKRIT, IRAQ. 16 APRIL 2003 US Troops in tanks at entrance to military hospital military hospital gates sign across gate Inside hospital - marine carrying AK47s crates of AK47s crates stacked up the walls military loading AK47s into boxes close up AK47s inside boxes Military carrying guns outside AK47s being tossed into a pile AK47s thrown into back of truck; into pile Pile of hundreds of AK47s SOUNDBITE William Wember, executive officer, Charlie company, US Army: "We found 50-thousand gun here.... Taking guns off to be destroyed AK47s moving out in rear of truck AK47s tipped into pit CU burning AK47s Wide of pit full of burning guns CU guns burning in fire Tractor driving over pile of guns; back and forth Three soldiers watching the destruction of guns ======================================================================= 14:01:38 #103 DOPESHEET: 030416#103 Name: 030416#103 Title: IRAQ TIKRIT SPLIT TF2 EVN1 Type: EVN FEED In point: 16:01:43.15 Out point: 16:03:09.01 Duration: 00:01:25.14 Tape ID 6199 Dopesheet TIKRIT Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: TIKRIT Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: FRFT2 Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: French Television FRFT2 report from in and around Tikrit, the birthplace of Saddam Hussein - the Al-Owja village on the southern outskirts of Tikrit. Shotlist: shot today natsot on track 2 Al-Owja village,: the entrance to the village village robbed Saddam Hussein's palace completely destroyed by US bombardements where his former wife used to relax house of Saddam's younger brother, the ex interior minister still intact two boat engines left in the yard ======================================================================== 14:04:23 #61 Tikrit Checkpoint DOPESHEET: 030416#061 Name: 030416#061 Title: IRAQ TIKRIT CHECKPOINTS APF 1035G Type: FEED-LINES In point: 11:39:13.18 Out point: 11:41:33.25 Duration: 00:02:20.09 Tape ID 6187 Dopesheet IRAQ Tikrit Checkpoints - NEW US marines tighten security in city RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: Tikrit - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Bridge crossing point Kirkuk and Tikrit 2. Families arriving into Tikrit across bombed bridge 3. People carrying belongings 4. Various families returning 5. Mother with children returning to Tikrit 6. US marines around checkpoint 7. Marines stopping car 8. Marines searching car 9. Marines inspecting passengers' documents 10. Saddam Hussein portrait on roadside in town 11.SOUNDBITE: (English) Jim Kelly, US Specialist : "A couple of days ago the people had all left, they were all scared, they'd all evacuated the city. They're starting to come back now and things are starting to liven up, we've got more traffic to search, that's about it". 12. US soldier carrying confiscated AK47s away 13. AK47 in pile on ground 14. Various confiscated guns and ammunition 15. Truck driving past STORYLINE: US Marines fortified their grip on Tikrit on Wednesday, manning checkpoints and confiscating guns after the town fell to coalition forces this week. Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's hometown, was the last major Iraqi city to fall. Marines were also manning the road across a bombed bridge on the outskirts of Tikrit where families who fled the coalition bombs were crossing as a means of Tikrit where families who fled the coalition bombs were crossing as a means of returning to their homes. US Specialist, Jim Kelly said things were starting to "liven up" in Tikrit, as more Iraqi's trickle back into the city. ======================================================================== 14:06:46 #126 Baghdad, Iraqis in the city bury the dead in makeshift graves DOPESHEET: 030416#126 Name: 030416#126 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD DEAD APTN 1700G Type: APTN FEED In point: 18:00:40.11 Out point: 18:02:30.14 Duration: 00:01:50.01 Tape ID 6203 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1700: ++Baghdad Dead - Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Baghdad Dead - NEW Families search for dead in makeshift grave LENGTH: 1:48 FIRST RUN: 1700 RESTRICTIONS: No UK/Ireland/CNNi/Euronews/Internet TYPE: Arabic/Nat SOURCE: SKY DATELINE: Baghdad - 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST 1. Pan from makeshift grave in the grounds of a Baghdad hospital, with Iraqi flag draped over it, to wide shot Iraqi men standing next to it 2. Close shot note 3. Men sitting with masks 4. Bottle marking the grave of a one-year old boy, then tilt up to grave of his two-year old sister 5. Wide shot men looking at grave 6. Man picking up bottle containing note with information on victim 7. Man holds note up to camera (it says the victim was wearing a white t-shirt) 8. Wide shot men digging 9. Mid shot man looking for his brother 10. Close shot shovel digging up grave 11. Close shot man wearing mask 12. Various men inspecting body for marks 13. Tilt up from men around grave to people watching 14. Mid shot man saying it isn't his brother 15. Wide shot empty graves 16. Empty grave 17. Flower in foreground, graves in background STORYLINE In the grounds of a Baghdad hospital, staff were forced to bury war victims in a makeshift grave. A brother and sister - aged one and two - were buried side by side. Staff said they were injured by coalition bombs and died later in hospital. In all, about 40 bodies were interred - all unidentified and waiting to be claimed by relatives. All that identifies the graves are small glass bottles - carrying notes containing what little information is known about each victim. One of the notes says the victim was wearing a white t-shirt and had no papers or ID on him when he died. Throughout the day on Wesdnesday, people arrived at the hospital, looking for their lost loves ones. One family was able to recover six of their relatives. Hospital staff helped exhume the remains from the graves so that one man could see if his brother was among them. He inspected the body, but said it was not his brother. Staff said 73 bodies had been retrieved by relatives in the past few days ========================================================================== 14:10:08 #123 Discovery of surface-to-surface missiles in a residential area of Baghdad, more details APTN DOPESHEET: 030416#123 Title: IRAQ MISSILES APTN EVN2 Type: EVN FEED In point: 17:52:01.02 Out point: 17:53:56.24 Duration: 00:01:55.22 Tape ID 6201 Dopesheet MISSILES Date Shot: 16-APR-2003 Location: BAGHDAD Country: IRAQ Sound: NATURAL Language: Source: GBAPTN Restrictions: Web Use Restricted: N Dopesheet: Discovery of surface-to-surface missiles in a residential area of Baghdad, more details tba Shotlist: Discovery of surface-to-surface missiles in a residential area of Baghdad, more details tba ========================================================================== 14:12:08 #113 DOPESHEET: 030416#113 Name: 030416#113 Title: IRAQ BAGHDAD WRAP 3 APTN/SKY AP1500G Type: APTN FEED In point: 16:07:09.03 Out point: 16:11:11.11 Duration: 00:04:02.10 Tape ID 6198 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1500: +Baghdad Wrap 3 - Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: +Baghdad Wrap 3 - WRAP Prayers at bomb site, returnees, looters, City hall raid LENGTH: 4:02 FIRST RUN: 1500 RESTRICTIONS: Part No UK/CNNi/Ireland/Euronews/Internet TYPE: Arabic/Eng/Nat SOURCE: APTN/SKY DATELINE: Baghdad - 16/15 April 2003 SHOTLIST (First Run 1500 gmt Europe Update 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 1. Woman throwing flower into crater where restaurant was 2. Various of wilted flowers lying in rubble 3. Man praying in crater next to flower he has laid 4. Group praying on the rim of the crater 5. Men looking down into crater where restaurant was (First Run 0800 gmt Europe Morning 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 6. Pan of car loaded with belongings returning to Baghdad 7. Tracking shot with convoy of returning cars on highway 8. Children and returning residents wave from rear of loaded truck 9. Flat bed van passes, loaded with household paraphernalia 10. SOUNDBITE: (Arabic) Vox pop, man from Tikrit "We hope that security comes back to our country and services start working as usual and there will be a commitment that services will be provided as before so that people will regain their confidence and go back to work." (First Run 1200 gmt Europe Update 16 April 2003) SKY - No Access UK/CNNi/Ireland/Euronews/Internet 16 April 2003 11. Iraqi woman walking down Baghdad street 12. People queuing for bread 13. Close up of little boy with his bread ration of five pieces breads (per person, per day) 14. Various of mother and children UPSOUND: (English) Translator "The child is sick now and there is no hospital to take her to." 15. View over rooftops (First Run 0800 gmt Europe Morning 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 16. Wide shot of demonstration outside Palestine Hotel 17. Banner reading: "Iraqi oil is for the Iraqi people." 18. Protestors chanting "You Arabs, God is great. They have burned our Baghdad." 19. Various of looters who have been injured by other Iraqis receiving medical help from US Marines (First Run 1500 gmt Europe Update 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 20. Wide of Rashid Bank building blackened from fire and smoke coming out 21. Midshot of burning ground floor of bank, pull out to wide 22. US Marine running up bank, aiming rifle and ordering people in distance to stop 23. Various of Iraqi men sitting on ground with hands up 24. Two Iraqi's being ordered out of underground car park by US marine 25. Various of US marines rounding up suspected looters 26. Wide of US marines in compound full of weapons and ammunition 27. Various close ups of grenades, ammunition and rockets (First Run 0800 gmt Europe Morning 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 16 April 2003 28. Wide shot two Iraqi military trailers carrying surface-to-air missiles 29. Mid shot of missile on trailer 30. Abandoned Iraqi radar vehicle 31. Iraqi missile launcher (First Run 0715 gmt Asia Pacific Late 16 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 15 April 2003 32. Wide exterior of mayor's building, pan to troops approaching 33. Marine special forces at gates pointing guns towards building 34. Night vision of special forces going through corridor 35. Various of troops shooting locks on doors and clearing the building 36. Various of maps on wall being discovered and taken away 37. High shot from mayor's building looking at armoured vehicles in street STORYLINE Residents of the al-Mansour area of Baghdad on Wednesday laid flowers and prayed at the site of a restaurant where 14 people died after it was bombed by coalition forces. Four tons of bombs were dropped on the restaurant during the conflict after intelligence sources put Saddam and his sons inside the establishment. Residents claim Saddam and his son Qusay were in a nearby house and survived the bombing and escaped. Meanwhile, less than a week after the fall of Baghdad, families who fled the Iraqi capital are returning in large numbers. On Wednesday, the road from Tikrit was congested with the cars and vans of residents - and any household goods they had managed to take with them. But with no government, there is disorder in many areas of the capital. Looting is still taking place. Residents say hospitals have been stripped of equipment and supplies and there are no doctors to treat people. ========================================================================== #004 14:18:05 DOPESHEET: 030416#004 Name: 030416#004 Title: TURKEY TRUCKERS EVNM/AP Type: EVN FEED In point: 04:40:04.25 Out point: 04:42:34.06 Duration: 00:02:29.11 Tape ID 6168 Dopesheet TR: TURKEY TRUCKERS; EVNM;16-APR-2003 03:30; Item Start and End Time: 16-APR-2003 03:40:43;16-APR-2003 03:42:35; Origin: GBAPTN;City: LNDN; Source: GBAPTN; Rota: ;;; Status: TRS; Nine Turkish truck drivers arrested by Iraqi security forces three years ago arrived in Turkey on Tuesday after walking and hitch-hiking from an Iraqi prison. The truckers arrived in the border town of Silopi after traveling for five ========================================================================= 14:18:34 #114 turkey convoy DOPESHEET: 030416#114 Name: 030416#114 Title: TURKEY AID APTN 1500G Type: APTN FEED In point: 16:14:18.00 Out point: 16:17:11.04 Duration: 00:02:53.02 Tape ID 6198 Dopesheet AP-APTN-1500: ++Turkey Aid - Wednesday, 16 April 2003 STORY: ++Turkey Aid - NEW WFP trucks carry supplies into NIraq LENGTH: 2:51 FIRST RUN: 1500 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN DATELINE: 16 April 2003 SHOTLIST: 1. Various of parked trucks 2. World Food Programme sign being stuck to truck 3. Mid shot of WFP signs on trucks 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Heather Hill, World Food Programme "The trucks that you see today are part of a group of 146 trucks that were loaded two days ago with wheat flour and lentils and they're going into northern Iraq. The World Food Programme is really increasing the amount of food that we're carrying now into Iraq because we have many local purchases of food commodities that we can draw upon. So we hope to move a minimum 2,000 metric tonnes a day across the border" 5. Various of truck convoy leaving Turkey 6. UN cars escorting convoy 7. Various of trucks and UN vehicle 8. Sign reading "Zaho, 26" 9. Various of truck convoy 10. Convoy passes military checkpoint STORYLINE A convoy of 39 trucks loaded with food and humanitarian aid crossed the border of Turkey into northern Iraq on Wednesday. Heather Hill, a public officer from the World Food Programme said the organisation aimed to transport two thousand metric tons (two (M) million kilogrammes) of supplies per day across the border into war-torn Iraq. Hill said the food supplies were made up of wheat flour and lentils - and that altogether, 146 trucks had been loaded with similar supplies to make the same journey into Iraq. 250 trucks carrying food and aid have already crossed the Turkey-northern Iraq border since the beginning of April. =========================================================================