
Footage Information

ABCNEWS VideoSource
APTN / RS 055 / 14:00 - 15:17 / 2:00 - 3:17 PM
14:00:00 NEW TAPE 14:14:28 FOOTAGE FROM 1996--HAMMAS COMMANDER GAZA/JERUSALEM 14:21:19 POSTER OF SADDAM 14:21:27 NEWSPAPER 14:21:54 SYRIA DEMOS FROM OCTOBER 4TH ********************************************************************* 14:30:20 NEW FEED 14:30:35 KIRKUK WRAP 14:30:47 KURDS ADVANCE 14:30:51 KURDS IN BACK OF TRUCK 14:30:59 BLACK SMOKE--SPECIAL FORCES IN THE NORTH 14:32:17 SPECIAL FORCES ON THE BACK OF TRUCK 14:34:25 "THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH AND THANK YOU FOR LIBERATING US" 14:34:36 "WE ARE VERY GLAD THAT PEOPLE ARE ASSISTING OUR NATION"HOTLIST: (First Run 1200 Europe Update, April10) APTN - APTN Clients Only 1. Kurdish militia fighters in truck with flag driving towards Kirkuk 2. Various of US Special Forces troops and landrover beside road 3. Large column of black smoke, reported to be from an oil well near Kirkuk set alight by Iraqi forces 4. Various of Special Forces soldier using satellite phone, looking at smoke 5. Various of US Special Forces and Kurdish troops travelling into Kirkuk 6. Saddam Hussein statue in Kirkuk 7. Two shots of dead Iraqi soldiers on ground NTV - No Access Turkey 8. Various of Kurdish militia fighters firing their automatic rifles at a mural of Saddam Hussein in Kirkuk 9. Various of local people destroying pictures of Saddam 10. Various people looting government office and destroying Saddam photograph 11. Tracking shot of soldiers and sound of gunshot 12. Various Kurdish militia milling around 13. Group of men enter official building 14. Various militia attack Saddam poster 15. Road sign 16. Man spraying slogans on wall 17. Crowds carrying goods, possibly looted 18. Two men tear up Saddam picture ****************************************************************** 14:36:20 BAGHDAD WRAP 14:36:26 DRIVING SHOT INTO CITY 14:36:34 SMOKE OVER THE BUILDINGS 14:36:41 LOOTINGHOTLIST: (First Run 0800gmt Europe Morning, April 10) 1. Various of street with smoke in the background 2. Various of people carrying out furniture from building and packing it into cars 3. Tractor pulling trailer full of furniture 4. Streets with people (First Run 1110gmt FLASH April 10) 5. Outside German Embassy 6. Sign in German 7. People carrying furniture from embassy 8. German flag on floor 9. German books on floor 10. Various wrecked offices 11. People carrying furniture from embassy (First Run 0800gmt Europe April 10) 12. People posing next to head of Saddam Hussein statue 13. Wide shot of al Firdaws Square 14. Various tanks in square 15. SOUNDBITE (English) Sergeant Major David Howell, 3 Corps: "There is still work ahead, the tough work is now starting to get under way. You are in a buildup area, you get a lot of people coming out that were oppressed, a lot of militia will be there and it's going to be tough to bring stabilisation." 16. Various Egyptian journalist being escorted by soldiers, put into truck and driven away (First Run 0900gmt Americas April 10) 17. Picture of Saddam Hussein with scales of justice 18. Inside of courthouse 19. Courthouse files 20. Outside of building (First Run 0800gmt Europe April 10) 21. Various of streets with people loading looted goods 22. Driving past government buildings being looted 23. Helicopters in sky (First Run 1200gmt FLASH April 10) 24. Various soldiers mounting checkpoint 25. Various Iraqi men being frisked 26. Checkpoint 27. Street scene 28. Men in trucks with horses following (First Run 1500gmt Europe late April 10) 29. Outside of burning market 30. Various of fire 31. Men carrying sacks out of market 32. Smoke coming from building 33. Man being led away by US soldiers 34. Various of soldier on jeep 35. Various of soldiers guarding checkpoint 36. Soldiers searching car ****************************************************************** 14:42:28 BAGHDAD MARINES REACT 14:42:33 NIGHTTIME CHECKPOINTS IN BAGHDAD 14:42:43 LAYING ON GROUND IN FRONT OF CARS 14:43:00 SOLDIERS WITH FLASH LIGHT 14:43:11 SOLDIERS STANDING ACROSS GROUND 14:43:38 SOT SOLDIER: "INJURING FOUR MARINES" 14:43:50 "I DON'T THINK ITS , WE HAVE SECURITY MEASURES IN PLACE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN, PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BLOWING THEMSELVES" 14:44:20 "MARINES WILL TAKE THEM DOWN LIKE WE HAVE THE PAST COUPLE OF WEEKS" 14:44:38 "WE EXPECTED ALL THE DIRTY TRICKS TO COME OUT" ****************************************************************** 14:44:54 BASRA WRAP 1. Wide of yacht wreckage 2. Pan from Iraqi men on motor boat to yacht wreckage 3. Mid shot of yacht's blown out windows 4. Rescue boat on board yacht 5. Various tracking shots of Iraqi men walking on board yacht wreckage 6. Various interior shots of destroyed rooms inside yacht (FIRST RUN 1700 EUROPE 10 APRIL) 7. Wide shot of yacht wreckage 8. Wide pan of young man paddling past wreckage 9. Pan from exterior to docking yard to anti ship missile 10. Interior wide with anti ship missiles 11. Various close-ups of anti ship missiles 12. Close-up of anti ship missile 13. Various Iraqi's dragging Saddam statue down the street 14. Iraqi men standing on top of bus and waving hands in celebration 15. Iraqi men riding on top of the Saddam statue being dragged down the street 16. Extreme wide of port in Basra (where Saddam's yacht was docked) 17. Looters cornered in city centre near Rafitan Bank 18. Various of Rafitan Bank 19. Coalition troops on guard ******************************************************************* 14:47:26 IRAQ AID WRAP 1. Wide shot people gathering water at broken water pipe 2. Mid shot men with buckets, tilt down to water flowing 3. Mid shot men gathering water 4. Mid shot children crowding round 5. SOUNDBITE (English) Vox pop "The main problem is the shortage of fresh water for people." 6. Children around broken water pipe 7. Water aid convoy going to Basra (FIRST RUN 1700 EUROPE 10 APRIL) UK POOL - APTN CLIENTS ONLY Washington - live video link with Umm Qasr 8. Establisher of press conference 9. SOUNDBITE (English) General John Kern, Military Civil Affairs Unit: "Most of the information we've been looking for right now are the lower level need requirements: food, water, electrical power. Those are the kinds of things that we're working on right now. 10. Wide of press conference. (FIRST RUN 1700 EUROPE 10 APRIL) US POOL, APTN CLIENTS ONLY Qatar 11. Wide of briefing 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, US military spokesman: "We're also expanding our ability to provide medical care on a variety of levels. The arrival of the Spanish ship Galicia yesterday in Umm Qasr brought humanitarian supplies and also a medical bay with over 50 beds, and an off ship field hospital which can pushed out into the area surrounding." 13. Video clip of Galicia unloading supplies (FIRST RUN 1200 EUROPE 10 APRIL) APTN - APTN CLIENTS ONLY Dohuk 11. Convoy of UNICEF trucks entering UNICEF warehouse in Dohuk 12. Supplies being unloaded in warehouse 13. SOUNDBITE (English) Asaad Nakchbandi, Official in charge of UNICEF in Dahuk: "We have just got instructions from the Security Council and the UN as a whole will participate in providing humanitarian assistance for Mosul and Kirkuk." 14. Various of goods being unloaded and stacked ******************************************************************* 14:50:48 QATAR BRIEFING 2 Doha, Qatar - April 10, 2003 1. Brigadier General Vincent Brooks and Renuart arrives for briefing 2. Cutaway media 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Air Force Major General Gene Renuart, Director of operations at US Central Command: "Despite what you see in terms of localised euphoria in places in some of the cities, this operation is a long way from complete. We have localised pockets throughout the area, of the Greater Baghdad area, that we have to deal with, and we have a number of areas throughout the country that are not yet stabilised." 4. Cutaway media 5. Mid shot Brooks 6. Side shot Brooks 7. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Vincent Brooks, Deputy operations director at US Central Command: "There have been pockets of intense resistance in the centre of the city and also near the Imam al-Atham mosque which is located in this area (points to map), and that's where the fighting occurred this morning. At this point the fighting has ended, we know that the mosque was used, and the area around it, for fighting positions, for that intense fight that occurred this morning, and the assessments of the fight are ongoing." (First Run 1500 Europe Late, April 10) Near Haditha Dam, northwest Iraq - April 8, 2003 8. Various night shots of tanks arriving by C-17 aircraft at air field near Haditha Dam 9. Daytime pan of Haditha Dam area 10. Various of coalition tanks rolling across Haditha Dam (First Run 1200 Europe Update, April 10) Doha, Qatar - April 10, 2003 11. Cutaway media 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Air Force Major General Gene Renuart, Director of operations at US Central Command: "We do intend to have a meeting of many of the interested parties from all over Iraq, both inside and outside the country to discuss just this point. I can't tell you what will be the outcome, because this truly is the first in a series of discussions to allow the Iraqi people to begin to voice their preference for the future." 13. Cutaway 14. SOUNDBITE (English) Air Force Major General Gene Renuart, Director of operations at US Central Command: "With respect to Saddam and Uday and Qusay and Mr Aziz, we don't know where they are, but we'll continue our pursuit of any intelligence that might indicate where they are. I don't know that they're alive and I don't know that they're dead, but that's, again, not really important to us." 15. Briefing ends ****************************************************************** 14:53:38 RAMSTEIN/LYNCH 14:53:44 FAMILY WALKS INTO HOSPITAL 14:53:53 MOTHER IS IN CHAIR 14:53:57 DAD SITS DOWN NEXT TO MOM 14:54:06 THREE 14:54:12 MOM AND BROTHER 14:54:16 MOTHER IN CHAIR 14:54:21 MOM AND DAD IN CHARIR 14:54:31 SQUEEZING BALL 14:54:48 FATHER IS LAUGHING 14:54:53 SHOT OF THE AIRBASE 14:55:01 HUMVEE BACKING INTO AIRPLAC 14:55:20 LOADING TANKS INTO PLANE 14:55:34 TANK IN THE PLANE 14:55:41 SOLDIER GETS INTO TANK 14:55:47 PLANE TAXIING ON RUNWAY 14:56:02 PLANE TAKES OFF AT RAMSTEIN STORY: ++Ramstein Lynch - NEW Family of rescued POW give blood, task force board C-17s LENGTH: 2:31 FIRST RUN: 1830 RESTRICTIONS: APTN Clients Only TYPE: Natsound SOURCE: APTN/American Forces STORY NUMBER: 369221 DATELINE: Ramstein - 10 April 2003 SHOTLIST: Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre, Germany APTN 1. Family arriving at Landstuhl hospital 2. Family sitting down, arm being cleaned 3. Close up of mother 4. Blood being taken out of father's arm 5. Various shots of the family on beds donating blood Ramstein Airforce Base, Germany American Forces Video 6. Pull out from tower to C-17 7. Various shots of Humvee being loaded into C-17 8. Mid shot of two soldiers waiting 9. Soldier atop a tank 10. Various shots of a tanks being loaded into C-17 11. Pull back from soldier in tank wide shot of C-17 12. Various shots of C-17 taking off STORYLINE: The parents of Jessica Lynch, the 19 year old US soldier who was taken prisoner, donated blood at Landstuhl Regional Medical Centre in Germany on Thursday. Lynch, and Army supply clerk from Palestine, West Virginia, was captured on 23 March after her 507th Maintenance Company convoy took a wrong near Nasiriyah and ran into an Iraqi ambush. She was rescued on 1 April from a hospital in the southern Iraqi city by US commandos and airlifted to Germany. Also in Germany, a light and ready task force from the US Army's 1st Infantry Division boarded C-17s for rapid departure direct to northern Iraq on Thursday. The tanks and Humvees were loaded at Ramstein Airbase, and will be flown to Bashua airfield. The tanks are for the First Infantry Division based in Wuerzburg, Germany. ****************************************************************** 14:56:16 REPLAY US WOLFOWITZ 1. Side view of Wolfowitz speaking 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Defence Secretary: "I hope that they will think about how they can contribute to helping the Iraqi people get on their feet and build a better country. And there is a great deal they can do. I hope, for example, they will think about the very large debts that come from money that was leant to the dictator to buy weapons and build palaces and build instruments of repression. I think they ought to consider whether it might not be appropriate to forgive some or all of that debt so the new Iraqi government is not burdened with it. There is a great deal that they can do and I know we would welcome their help and I imagine the Iraqi people would imagine their help. This is a time to think about the future." 3. Wide view of audience 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Defence Secretary: "The Syrians are behaving badly, they need to be reminded of that and if they continue then we need to about what our policy is with respect to a country that harbours terrorists, or harbours war criminals or was in recent times shipping things to Iraq. It is very dubious behaviour and by calling attention to it we hope that that may be enough to get them to stop." 5. Wide view of Wolfowitz speaking 6. SOUNDBITE: (English) Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Defence Secretary: "The concern we are raising about Syria is that in recent days the Syrians have been shipping killers into Iraq to try to kill Americans. We don't welcome that, we've stopped it when we have found those people. So, it is a problem, I think it is important that Iraq's neighbours not meddle with Iraq. And we've had clear discussions with Turkey, which has very legitimate concerns about northern Iraq and Turks have behaved themselves very well but we've had ... Secretary Powell was just on the phone this morning with Foreign Minister Gul to assure the foreign minister that there was no need for Turkish intervention." 7. Wide view of hearing 8. SOUNDBITE: (English) Paul Wolfowitz, US Deputy Defence Secretary: "I would note, it's an interesting picture, Chalabi spoke in Nasiriyah to a crowd of some ten thousand people. We did not assemble them. It is interesting he can assemble a crowd of ten thousand. It is useful, as reported by our people on the ground, that he had a calming affect on Nasiriyah which is useful. But, we're not singling him out and I'm a little puzzled at press commentary that suggests we are singling him out. He's one of many Iraqis that we hope will debate and discuss and give the Iraqi people, who are increasingly free to voice their voice, a chance to decide who they like and by what process they want to pick their leaders." 9. Wide view of Senators listening ****************************************************************** 15:03:27 REPLAY IRAQ REAX ****************************************************************** 15:06:19 UK CLERIC ****************************************************************** 15:08:14 REPLAY UN IRAQ WRAP ****************************************************************** IRAQ SPECIAL 15:12:33 US IRAQ REAX: MYERS AND CLARKE 15:13:14 ARI FLEISCHER 15:13:21 REWIND, START OVER 15:13:36 SHOT OF REPORTERS 15:13:39 "THIS REMAINS A DANGEROUS COUNTRY, WE EXPRESS OUR SYMPATHY TO NAJAF, IT WAS DANGEROUS, IT REMAINS DANGEROUS" 15:14:13 "WE KNOW SADDAM HUSSEIN IS THERE, WE ARE STILL IN A WAR, WE HAVE HIGH CONFIDENCE THEY HAVE WMD, AND WE HAVE CONFIDENCE IT WILL BE FOUND" MYERS 15:14:46 "WE JUDGE THEIR CAPABILITY TO HAVE DROPPED SIGNIFICANTLY" 15:15:02 "THEY ARE THE LAST FORMATIONS ON THE BATTLEFIELD" 15:15:11 3 PRE AND POST STRIKES/ ALL FROM THE TIKRIT AREA 15:15:22 BARRACKS 15:15:29 VIP RETREAT HOUSE, RESIDENCE WAS USED BY VIPS WHEN THEY MOVED ABOUT THE COUNTRY 15:15:46 3RD JAM RADIO BROADCASTS 15:15:57 15:16:02 WE CONTINUE TO DISCOVER WEAPONS CACHES, DEATH SQUADS POSE A THREAT, RESISTANCE IN THE NORTH, REMOVING POCKETS OF RESISTANCE IN THE NORTH" END OF BULLETIN ****************************************************************** 15:16:57 LATIN AMERICA 15:17:02 KIRKUK WRAP 15:17:11 REPLAY KIRKUK WRAP 1. Kurdish militia fighters in truck with flag driving towards Kirkuk 2. Various of US Special Forces troops and landrover beside road 3. Large column of black smoke, reported to be from an oil well near Kirkuk set alight by Iraqi forces 4. Soldier using satellite telephone, looking at smoke (First Run 1830 Iraq Special, 10 April 2003) APTN - APTN clients only 5. Various of troops amassing on outskirts of Kirkuk near oil field 6. Various of troops going up hill to take up positions overlooking oil field 7. Various convoy of Kurdish and US troops travelling towards Kirkuk 8. Various Kurdish troops in Kirkuk centre 9. Two shots of dead Iraqi soldiers on ground 10. Various of Kurdish militia fighters firing their automatic rifles at a mural of Saddam Hussein 11. Close-up of damaged mural 12. Mural on fire 13. Kurdish troops on truck 14. Mural burning (First Run 1200 Europe Update, 10 April 2003) APTN - APTN Clients Only 15. Various of local people destroying pictures of Saddam (First Run 1830 Iraq Special 10 April) APTN - APTN clients only 16. Family at road signs giving peace sign: VOXPOP (English): "Thanks very very much for President Bush and Blair and all of us.Thanks very very much for Mr President Bush and Blair and all the countries that help us to liberate us." VOXPOP (English) "We are very glad that the whole world is assisting our nation in getting its liberation from the tyranny of this man." (First Run 1500 Europe 10 April 2003) NTV - No Access Turkey 17. Group of Kurdish men enter official building 14. Various militia attack Saddam poster 15. Road sign (First Run 1830 Iraq Special 10 April 2003) APTN - APTN clients only 16. Various US soldiers patrolling with US flag 17. Youths climbing onto statue of Saddam 18. Various youths hammering statue 19. Plane flies overhead 20. Youths hammer and paint statue 21. US soldiers watching 22. Statue rocks and falls 15:17:45 CHANGE TAPE *****************************************************************