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AP-APTN-0600: US America's Got Talent Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US America's Got Talent- NEW David Hasselhoff and Sharon Osbourne talk about finding talent LENGTH: 04:58 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN/NBC STORY NUMBER: 610063 DATELINE: Los Angeles, 21 May 2009 LENGTH: 04:58 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST(including transcript):- AP Television Los Angeles, 21 May 2009 1. Exterior of the Los Angeles auditions of "America's Got Talent" at the Orpheum Theatre 2. Audience members walking into the Orpheum Theatre 3. "America's Got Talent" sign outside the Orpheum Theatre 4. Audience members in line waving to the camera 5. Interior of the Orpheum Theater during auditions 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Piers Morgan/Reality TV Judge, on what to expect this season: "'America's Got Talent' has gone completely crazy. We've had some of the most diluted mad acts I can ever remember on any talent show in the world, but that's part of the magic. We've also had some great talent. I think the Susan Boyle effect has had a huge effect on the show because what she has done is lay the gauntlet down to America. Beat that. She's the biggest star from any talent show ever. See what you can do, America. I like that." 7. "America's Got Talent" sign on the stage inside the Orpheum Theatre 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Piers Morgan/Reality TV Judge, on how Susan Boyle affected him: "I don't think I am being nice. I think the whole Susan Boyle thing meant that everywhere I went, people said, 'Oh, you're so sweet in that video.' This is killing my brand. So I think, if anything, I've stepped up the honesty this year. You have to keep it real. David and Sharon would put through a dancing pig. I have to be there to be the honest one, who says 'look that dancing pig is ridiculous. It's not going to Vegas. How would he get there? Fly?' " 9. Judges talking to a contestant on stage 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sharon Osbourne/Reality TV Judge, on the wackiest act she's seen so far this season: "The most outrageous was a guy whose toe moved to the music. He made this little theatre to put his toe in. He put a little wig on his toe, but the wig fell off, and you couldn't see his toe in his little theatre. It was just insane." 11. Contestant singing and playing the piano on stage 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Sharon Osbourne/Reality TV Judge, on the level of talent this season: "We've got some great dancers, unbelievable dancers and great young dance groups. A lot of the really good talent is kids under the age of 18." 13. Contestant standing on stage listening to the judges 14. SOUNDBITE (English) David Hasselhoff/Actor-Musican-Reality TV Judge, on the Los Angeles auditions: "It's kind of weird, wacky, wonderful, crazy long days sometimes because you never know whose coming through the wings sometimes. We're doing a gig with MySpace, so we're kinda at the mercy of the Internet. You never know what's going to jump out at you. It's been pretty wild today, some pretty good acts. Nothing fantastic so far in Los Angeles, but we've seen a lot of people from all over the country. We've got a great show. It's funny this year, most of the talent is really young. Really young from seven to like 18 years old and then there was an 86-year-old-guy singing a Gene Autry song. So we've run the gamut this year, but some of the most amazing talent this year are the children." 15. Group of singing contestants entering the theatre 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Nick Canon/Actor-Rapper-Reality TV Host, on his first season as "America's Got Talent" host: "It's like a family here. Literally. I've known each judge individually for awhile, you know, Hollywood-know, like, 'Hey, how you doing?' But to come here and them just receive me with open arms and treat me like I'm part of the family is great." 17. Singing group performing and then being buzzed by one of the judges 'AMERICA'S GOT TALENT' SEEKS ITS OWN SUSAN BOYLE "America's Got Talent" has got a problem: Susan Boyle. Will the NBC talent show, which begins its fourth season June 23, be able to find its own version of the 48-year-old Scottish singing sensation? Boyle's first appearance on the British edition earlier this year generated millions of YouTube hits and sparked an immeasurable amount of attention. The show's judges are putting the onus on the auditioning public. "'America's Got Talent' has gone completely crazy," said judge Piers Morgan. "We've had some of the most diluted mad acts I can ever remember on any talent show in the world, but that's part of the magic. We've also had some great talent. I think the Susan Boyle effect has had a huge effect on the show because what she has done is lay the gauntlet down to America. Beat that. She's the biggest star from any talent show ever. See what you can do, America. I like that." Among the acts the judges have seen so far this season that may reach Boyle status stateside: a trio of siblings called Voices of Glory who serenaded their comatose mother, an impressive singer who said she was turned away from auditioning for a cruise line because of her appearance and a chicken farmer who clucked one mean Garth Brooks tune. "It's kind of weird, wacky, wonderful, crazy long days sometimes because you never know whose coming through the wings sometimes," said judge David Hasselhoff. "We're doing a gig with MySpace, so we're kinda at the mercy of the Internet. You never know what's going to jump out at you. It's been pretty wild today. We've had some pretty good acts. Nothing fantastic so far in Los Angeles, but we've seen a lot of people from all over the country. We've got a great show. It's funny this year. Most of the talent is really young. Really young from seven to 18 years old. And then there was an 86-year-old-guy singing a Gene Autry song. So we've run the gamut this year, but some of the most amazing talent this year are the children." This season, the show has scoured for Boyles of all kinds - comedians, contortionists, jugglers, magicians, dancers and singers - in nine cities: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Washington, Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Boston and Houston. Former host Jerry Springer was replaced by actor-rapper Nick Canon, who says he was welcomed by the show's judges. "It's like a family here," said Canon. "Literally. I've known each judge individually for awhile, you know, Hollywood-know, like, 'Hey, how you doing?' But to come here and them just receive me with open arms and treat me like I'm part of the family is great." The show's previous winners - tween crooner Bianca Ryan, ventriloquist Terry Fator and operatic insurance salesman Neal E. Boyd - haven't become household names in the vein of Boyle after winning the $1 million prize. It's usually the odd acts that have viewers talking each season. Sharon Osbourne said the wackiest she's seen so far is a man with a dancing toe. "He made this little theatre to put his toe in," said Osbourne. "He put a little wig on his toe, but the wig fell off, and then you couldn't see his toe in his little theatre. It was just insane. Why would you think to build a theatre around your toe? What's so great about your toe moving to the music? It can only go from side to side and back and forth." "America's Got Talent" premieres June 23 on NBC. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0224EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Sculpture Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Sculpture- NEW Intv with US student arrested for using traffic barrels to make art sculpture LENGTH: 01:18 FIRST RUN: 0530 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION/Joseph Carnevale Stills STORY NUMBER: 610060 DATELINE: Raleigh, 16 June 2009/Recent LENGTH: 01:18 SHOTLIST: Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 1. Various still photos of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: "On Wednesday June 10th I was arrested by Raleigh police department for misdemeanour larceny, misdemeanour destruction of property." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 3. Still of barrel monster sculpture 4. Stlll of crocodile sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 5. Close up of spray paint cans 6. Close up of stencils 7. Wide of Carnevale's car decorated with bottle caps 8. Medium of Carnevale's car Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 9. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: ++FIRST PART OF SOUNDBITE IS OVERLAID WITH PREVIOUS STILL++ "In general the response has been really, really positive. It's surprising about how many people have called attention to it." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 11. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: "They expressed they had no desire to press charges, nor did they have any desire for me to pay for the barrels. They actually want the sculpture back to use it for their own advertising." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 13. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture POLICE NOT IMPRESSED BY STREET ART When Joseph Carnevale chopped up three stolen orange and white traffic barrels from a construction site to create a massive sculpture of a roadside monster thumbing a ride, the North Carolina college student said he saw it as a form of street art. Raleigh, North Carolina, police just saw vandalism. They dismantled the 10-foot (three-metre) "barrel monster" and arrested Carnevale. Hundreds of online supporters want the charges dropped and the publicity has turned the history major and part-time construction worker into a local celebrity. Even the construction company has become a fan, and wants the 21-year-old to create a replica of the figure that led to his arrest on June 10. "It's surprising how many people have called attention to it," Carnevale said. The college junior hadn't spent much time planning when he set out the night of May 31 and snatched the barrels from the site near the North Carolina State University campus where he studies. He went back to his Raleigh apartment and in an hour and a half returned to the site to assemble the freshly painted pieces before driving away. Although photos quickly spread on the Internet featuring the "barrel monster," it was a North Carolina State University newspaper article that offered enough clues to lead police to a Web site that identified Carnevale. Police charged him with larceny and destruction of property, both misdemeanours, and he's scheduled to appear in court next month. Carnevale, an Indianapolis native, prides himself on his street art, but said he's most interested in guerrilla photography - making art and snapping images from restricted locations. His apartment walls serve as a canvas, covered in various hues of paint, with images on the walls and doors of sharks, hollow skulls and even Gandhi. His 1997 Volkswagen Jetta is almost completely covered in hot-glued beer bottle caps. Carnevale has made other street art pieces with stolen barrels, including an alligator and caricatures with small arms. Hamlin Associates, the construction company whose barrels were turned into a monster, doesn't want to press charges and Carnevale is weighing up an offer from the company to reconstruct the monster at their offices in Climax, North Carolina. Raleigh police spokeswoman Laura Hourigan said the charges won't be dropped, despite the company's stance. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0230EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: File Billy Joel Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:File Billy Joel- NEW Singer files for divorce from third wife LENGTH: 01:10 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 610062 DATELINE: File, various LENGTH: 01:10 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT. CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST(including transcript):- AP Entertainment FILE: Hong Kong, Nov 10 2008 1. Wide shot Billy Joel holding gold record for photo opportunity 2. Close up till up Billy Joel holding gold record 3. SOUNDBITE (English), Billy Joel, Singer: " I usually stay out of politics. I didn't get on the soap box to tell people how to vote. I don't even like when people do that, but in this particular case I thought it was something I should do. I think the country need to change. I was excited about Barack Obama and when they asked me I said OK, yes. It was a fun show, Bruce (Springsteen ) and I rehearsed for about two days and had to learn each other's material, deconstruct each other's material. It was a lot of fun." 4. Wide of Billy Joel in the press conference AP Entertainment FILE: Johannesburg, 25 October 2006 5. Mid shot Billy Joel entering press conference 6. Mid shot Billy Joel sitting down 7. Mid shot Joel signs autographs AP Entertainment FILE: Hong Kong, 12 November 2008 8. Billy Joel performing "Angry" AP Entertainment FILE: Paris, France, 1 July 2008 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Katie Joel, wife of Billy Joel: "Well, I've always really admired Lacroix's designs, I've never actually got to wear any of them, so I am hoping today I'll see something that I can sport at some fabulous ball." PIANO MAN AND THIRD WIFE CONFIRM SPLIT Billy Joel and his third wife Katie Lee are confirming a split. In a statement, the pair said that they remain "caring friends with admiration and respect for each other." They got married five years ago at Joel's mansion on New York's Long Island. A representative for Joel did not immediately respond to the question of whether the couple were getting a divorce. This was the Piano Man's third marriage, her first. The 60-year-old Joel is one of pop's most successful singer-songwriters; Katie Lee Joel hosted the first season of Bravo TV's "Top Chef." He recorded the song "All My Life" as an anniversary gift to his 27-year-old wife two years ago. CLEARANCE DETAILS APTN APEX 06-18-09 0233EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Jim Jonsin Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Jim Jonsin- REPLAY Music producer talks about working with Lil Wayne, T.I. and Lady GaGa LENGTH: 04:19 FIRST RUN: 0000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: Various STORY NUMBER: 610038 DATELINE: New York, 11 June 2009 LENGTH: 04:19 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST (including transcript): Atlantic Records 1. Music video clip - 'Whatever You Like' T.I. Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer: "That particular sound that's working 'Lollipop' and the T.I. song ('Whatever You Like') and 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone,' it's like ear candy, like really pretty melodies in there and it just sounds good, feels good, you know. So I approach it like a DJ right, so if I do a record for (Lil) Wayne and it worked, I'm smart enough to know that OK that sound worked, let me make a few like that feels similar, maybe changed a few things." Cash Money Records 3. Music video clip - 'Lollipop' Lil Wayne featuring Static Major Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer: "Well I'll take the artist and try to find their vision. So listening to T.I., if you listened to his last album, his music, what tuned with him in the past, I did something similar to that. You know, and put some popcorn changes in the music to make it a little more epic for someone like him, which almost big like that. And the Lil Wayne thing, to be honest about it, it was more that particular track was being done for another group when I was working on the instrumental. I was working at a studio in Miami, it's called Circle House, for Danity Kane; it was a Diddy session. So they wanted the next 'Show Stopper,' because I had done that, you know, and they wanted something like that so I made that track ('Lollipop') but they weren't really into it too much so I brought it over to Static Major and we wrote the song for Lil Wayne." Interscope Records 5. Music video clip - 'Just Dance' Lady GaGa featuring Colby O'Donis Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on Lady GaGa: "This was right...I mean, it could have been two weeks before her record took off, the dance record ('Just Dance'). And I just met her, she came in the studio, she had a long night in the club, she was out late, I didn't know who she was, she really didn't know me, so she kind of sat in the studio with her glasses on and she's like, 'I'm looking for Jim.' I'm looking like, 'Who's this chick, man?' I didn't know...and so she went over to the room to start writing over some of my tracks and I walked in there and it was like, 'Wow.' She's very talented. So I asked her to come over to the room with us and we ended up writing three songs in a matter of like five hours." Interscope Records 7. Music video clip - 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone' Soulja Boy Tell Em featuring Sammie Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on Soulja Boy: "Actually I made the track and Mr. Colli Park came by the studio in Atlanta, that was during a B.O.B. (new artist) session, and him and Soulja Boy came by to listen to a couple of instrumentals and they liked that one and they took it back to the studio. And I think like a week later, they had that chorus that Soulja Boy and Sammie came up with, which was brilliant." Interscope Records 9. Music video clip - 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone' Soulja Boy Tell Em featuring Sammie Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on future collaborations: "People like Leona Lewis to the possibility of working with Jay-Z, a publisher, Big Jon, talked about Jay-Z getting in, Ludacris, things like that are opening up. And even broader stuff...some rock projects and stuff. Like Linkin Park, they're talks about that." Sony Music Entertainment 11. Music video clip - 'Bleeding Love' Leona Lewis HIP-HOP PRODUCER HOPING TO CROSS OVER James Scheffer, aka Jim Jonsin, is one of the most successful writers-producers in contemporary music. No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 13 weeks (five weeks for "Lollipop" and eight weeks for "Whatever You Like"), Jonsin has stayed in the top five chart positions for 24 weeks. He also scored multiple Grammy nominations for these two songs and took home an award for Best Rap Song for "Lollipop" and a contributing award for Rap Album of the Year, which was awarded to Lil Wayne's "The Carter III." Most recently, he's seen success with "Kiss Me Thru the Phone," Soulja Boy's hit song produced by Jonsin. The producer says his success in hip-hop has opened doors for him to work outside of that genre. "Even broader stuff...some rock projects and stuff. Like Linkin Park," he said in a recent interview. That list also includes Leona Lewis, Backstreet Boys and Jordin Sparks. And he's also been in the studio with Lady GaGa. "She came in the studio, she had a long night in the club, she was out late, I didn't know who she was, she really didn't know me, so she kind of sat in the studio with her glasses on and she's like, 'I'm looking for Jim.' I'm looking like, 'Who's this chick, man?' I didn't know...and so she went over to the room to start writing over some of my tracks and I walked in there and it was like, 'Wow.' She's very talented. So I asked her to come over to the room with us and we ended up writing three songs in a matter of like five hours," he said. Jonsin also produced three records for Beyonce's last album, has two songs on Michelle Williams' album "Unexpected," both singles "The Greatest" and "Hello Heartbreak." He also continues to develop his artist B.O.B. from Atlanta through his label Rebel Rock Entertainment/Atlantic Records. The Brooklyn-born producer, who was raised in South Florida, began his career in music as a scratch DJ. In 2006, BMI named him Urban Songwriter of the Year and added Jonsin to its Top Urban Producers list. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0235EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Salinger Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Salinger- NEW Judge finds similarities between "The Catcher In The Rye" and new book LENGTH: 01:28 FIRST RUN: 2330 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION/AP PHOTOS STORY NUMBER: 610048 DATELINE: New York, 17 June 2009/File LENGTH: 01:28 SHOTLIST: AP Entertainment New York, June 17 2009 1. Wide shot of exterior of federal court house 2. Mid shot of exterior of federal court house 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Edward Henry Rosenthal, lawyer for author Fredrik Colting: "It is a significant case because there are not many cases like this. I think it is significant because criticism evolves and using a work of fiction, as Mr Silverman just said, to criticise another work of fiction is relatively unusual and relatively new, but it is done, at the university level. Post-modern criticism often uses some sort of work in a different genre than typical scholarly criticism in order to make the point and I think this is clearly criticism commentary." 4. Wide shot exterior of federal court house 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Aaron Silverman, president of potential North American distributing company for Colting's book: "I would say that I'm very pleased that she didn't ban the book and agreed with us that there are fair use issues going on." 6. Silverman and Rosenthal walking past camera 7. Salinger's attorney Marcia Beth Paul walking past camera 8. Close of the cover of the book "60 Years Later" 9. Close of the cover of "60 Years Later" 10. Wide of cover of "60 Years Later" AP PHOTOS - NO ACCESS CANADA/FOR BROADCAST USE ONLY - STRICTLY NO ACCESS ONLINE OR MOBILE Location unknown, 1951 11. STILL photo of J.D. Salinger BOOKS TOO SIMILAR A federal judge said on Wednesday (17JUN09) she found substantial similarities between US author J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher In The Rye" and a new book by a Swedish author and questioned whether it should be published in the United States. US District Judge Deborah Batts commented as she listened to lawyers argue whether Salinger had a right to stop publication this summer in the United States of a novel called "60 Years Later" by Fredrik Colting. He writes under the name John David California. The judge said she had read both books and could rule that the substantial similarities left her to decide whether the new book made fair use of Salinger's work by providing commentary, criticism or parody. She temporarily blocked publication of the book until she can decide what she called serious legal questions raised by the dispute. The temporary order makes it likely that a ruling would occur in the next month. Edward Henry Rosenthal, a lawyer for Colting, argued that the book should be allowed to be published because it provided meaningful criticism of Salinger and his chief character, Holden Caulfield. "Post-modern criticism often uses some sort of work in a different genre than typical scholarly criticism in order to make the point and I think this is clearly criticism commentary," he said. Batts said the issue was not that she was having trouble determining whether the criticism in the book was effective. Marcia Beth Paul, a lawyer for Salinger, said the book copied her client's book and was "pure commercialism" meant to capitalise on the spectacular success of Salinger's classic novel. It tells the story of the first days of a disaffected teenager's life after he is thrown out of a boarding school and has a series of experiences in New York City. Paul said it was wrong of the defendants to claim that blocking publication of the book because it infringes copyrights would be the same as banning a book. Salinger lives a reclusive life in rural New Hampshire. He has not published a book in decades and has rarely been heard from except when he takes legal actions to protect his works. In "60 Years Later," scheduled to be published in Great Britain this summer and in the United States soon after, a character very much like Caulfield is 76 years old. Rosenthal did not dispute that the character is meant to be Caulfield years later. In the book, the character, identified as "Mr. C," escapes from a retirement home and has experiences similar to those Caulfield went through decades earlier. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0255EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: UK Bruno premiere Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:UK Bruno premiere- REPLAY Sacha Baron Cohen premieres new mockumentary LENGTH: 04:08 FIRST RUN: 2000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP Television, Universal Pictures STORY NUMBER: 610037 DATELINE: London, 17 June 2009 LENGTH: 04:08 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND BELOW. SHOTLIST (including transcript): AP Television London, 17 June 2009 1. Wide of Leicester Square, London 2. Wide of cinema poster VNR London, 17, June 2009 3. UPSOUND: "Please welcome Bruno!" 4. Various of Bruno marching with Beefeaters 5. UPSOUND: "Ich love you, London! Ich bin Bruno! The Austrians have finally invaded. Let's hear it for mine soldier boys. Ich will be joining them later for the schtupping of the color. Danke schoen for coming to my premiere today. This is the most important movie starring a gay Austrian since 'Terminator 2.' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 6. Wide of Kings of Leon on red carpet 7. Sacha Baron Cohen posing with fans 8. Close-up of Baron Cohen preparing to talk to a reporter 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "I just wanted to do something that was flattering for the royal family. Something that the Queen, I'm not talking about Elton John, would really appreciate, so just came like this. You know the British royal family and the Austrians have got a lot in common, we're still the only people who are proud to wear a Swastika." 10. Close up of Bruno's shorts, pan up 11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "I like to slip in; I don't like to be noticed. I'm not here to promote my film, which is on July 10th. I'm just here wearing something under the radar." 12. Tilt up of Bruno Universal Pictures 13. Clip 'Bruno' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 14. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "You know my baby, at the moment I've got one. Its uber cool, he's black, it's really cool, no? And he does scheisses in his underpants but you know my ex-boyfriend did as well. So it's no big deal." Universal Pictures 15. Clip 'Bruno' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "It's going to be the most important documentary about a gay white guy since the 'Passion of the Christ' enjoy, love you. Love the (inaudible) overcoat." Universal Pictures 17. Clip 'Bruno' GREAT IN BRITAIN: IT'S BRUNO After thrusting his bottom in Eminem's face at the MTV Movie Awards, Sacha Baron had a lot to live up to at the UK premiere of his new film 'Bruno.' Held at the Empire Leicester Square in London on Wednesday evening (17 JUNE 2009) - fans turned out to witness what the comedian would do. Marching around the black carpet in a bearskin hat, with a gold sceptre, red military waistcoat and tight black shorts - complete with back-up soldiers, the flamboyant gay TV presenter character made sure to play up the English angle of the event, even in the rain, by dressing up like a Beefeater. But judging from his wardrobe, this Beefeater moonlights as a stripper. "I like to slip in; I don't like to be noticed," said Cohen in character. "I'm not here to promote my film, which is on July 10th. I'm just here wearing something under the radar." Cohen addressed the crowd as his alter ego Bruno complete with his Austrian accent, and thanked them for coming to his premiere with a short speech paying homage to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bruno said his grand entrance was in honour of the British royal family. "I just wanted to do something that was flattering for the royal family. Something that the Queen, I'm not talking about Elton John, would really appreciate, so just came like this," he said. "You know, the British royal family and the Austrians have got a lot in common, we're still the only people who are proud to wear a Swastika." Bruno is an Austrian fashionista who tends to get on the wrong side of people. This time he's adopting a baby, Madonna- and Angelina Jolie-style, just because it's a trendy thing to do. "He's black," joked Bruno. "It's really cool no? And he does scheisses in his underpants, but you know my ex-boyfriend did as well. So it's no big deal." 'Bruno' is Baron Cohen's follow-up to 'Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan' from 2006, also directed by Larry Charles - another feature aimed at drawing uncomfortable laughs from the audience. And how would Bruno have you view the film? "It's going to be the most important documentary about a gay white guy since the 'Passion of the Christ,'" he said. 'Bruno' opens in the UK on July 10th. Additional release dates: Belgium 8 July 2009 Iceland 8 July 2009 Australia 9 July 2009 Germany 9 July 2009 Greece 9 July 2009 Israel 9 July 2009 Netherlands 9 July 2009 New Zealand 9 July 2009 Portugal 9 July 2009 Switzerland 9 July 2009 (German speaking region) Bulgaria 10 July 2009 Denmark 10 July 2009 Estonia 10 July 2009 Finland 10 July 2009 Norway 10 July 2009 Spain 10 July 2009 Sweden 10 July 2009 UK 10 July 2009 USA 10 July 2009 France 22 July 2009 Switzerland 22 July 2009 (French speaking region) Brazil 31 July 2009 Czech Republic 6 August 2009 Turkey 14 August 2009 Singapore 20 August 2009 Mexico 28 August 2009 Argentina 15 October 2009 APTN APEX 06-18-09 0511EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM -------------------
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Date: | 06/18/2009 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | AP0618090600 |
Content: | AP-APTN-0600: US America's Got Talent Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US America's Got Talent- NEW David Hasselhoff and Sharon Osbourne talk about finding talent LENGTH: 04:58 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN/NBC STORY NUMBER: 610063 DATELINE: Los Angeles, 21 May 2009 LENGTH: 04:58 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST(including transcript):- AP Television Los Angeles, 21 May 2009 1. Exterior of the Los Angeles auditions of "America's Got Talent" at the Orpheum Theatre 2. Audience members walking into the Orpheum Theatre 3. "America's Got Talent" sign outside the Orpheum Theatre 4. Audience members in line waving to the camera 5. Interior of the Orpheum Theater during auditions 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Piers Morgan/Reality TV Judge, on what to expect this season: "'America's Got Talent' has gone completely crazy. We've had some of the most diluted mad acts I can ever remember on any talent show in the world, but that's part of the magic. We've also had some great talent. I think the Susan Boyle effect has had a huge effect on the show because what she has done is lay the gauntlet down to America. Beat that. She's the biggest star from any talent show ever. See what you can do, America. I like that." 7. "America's Got Talent" sign on the stage inside the Orpheum Theatre 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Piers Morgan/Reality TV Judge, on how Susan Boyle affected him: "I don't think I am being nice. I think the whole Susan Boyle thing meant that everywhere I went, people said, 'Oh, you're so sweet in that video.' This is killing my brand. So I think, if anything, I've stepped up the honesty this year. You have to keep it real. David and Sharon would put through a dancing pig. I have to be there to be the honest one, who says 'look that dancing pig is ridiculous. It's not going to Vegas. How would he get there? Fly?' " 9. Judges talking to a contestant on stage 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Sharon Osbourne/Reality TV Judge, on the wackiest act she's seen so far this season: "The most outrageous was a guy whose toe moved to the music. He made this little theatre to put his toe in. He put a little wig on his toe, but the wig fell off, and you couldn't see his toe in his little theatre. It was just insane." 11. Contestant singing and playing the piano on stage 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Sharon Osbourne/Reality TV Judge, on the level of talent this season: "We've got some great dancers, unbelievable dancers and great young dance groups. A lot of the really good talent is kids under the age of 18." 13. Contestant standing on stage listening to the judges 14. SOUNDBITE (English) David Hasselhoff/Actor-Musican-Reality TV Judge, on the Los Angeles auditions: "It's kind of weird, wacky, wonderful, crazy long days sometimes because you never know whose coming through the wings sometimes. We're doing a gig with MySpace, so we're kinda at the mercy of the Internet. You never know what's going to jump out at you. It's been pretty wild today, some pretty good acts. Nothing fantastic so far in Los Angeles, but we've seen a lot of people from all over the country. We've got a great show. It's funny this year, most of the talent is really young. Really young from seven to like 18 years old and then there was an 86-year-old-guy singing a Gene Autry song. So we've run the gamut this year, but some of the most amazing talent this year are the children." 15. Group of singing contestants entering the theatre 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Nick Canon/Actor-Rapper-Reality TV Host, on his first season as "America's Got Talent" host: "It's like a family here. Literally. I've known each judge individually for awhile, you know, Hollywood-know, like, 'Hey, how you doing?' But to come here and them just receive me with open arms and treat me like I'm part of the family is great." 17. Singing group performing and then being buzzed by one of the judges 'AMERICA'S GOT TALENT' SEEKS ITS OWN SUSAN BOYLE "America's Got Talent" has got a problem: Susan Boyle. Will the NBC talent show, which begins its fourth season June 23, be able to find its own version of the 48-year-old Scottish singing sensation? Boyle's first appearance on the British edition earlier this year generated millions of YouTube hits and sparked an immeasurable amount of attention. The show's judges are putting the onus on the auditioning public. "'America's Got Talent' has gone completely crazy," said judge Piers Morgan. "We've had some of the most diluted mad acts I can ever remember on any talent show in the world, but that's part of the magic. We've also had some great talent. I think the Susan Boyle effect has had a huge effect on the show because what she has done is lay the gauntlet down to America. Beat that. She's the biggest star from any talent show ever. See what you can do, America. I like that." Among the acts the judges have seen so far this season that may reach Boyle status stateside: a trio of siblings called Voices of Glory who serenaded their comatose mother, an impressive singer who said she was turned away from auditioning for a cruise line because of her appearance and a chicken farmer who clucked one mean Garth Brooks tune. "It's kind of weird, wacky, wonderful, crazy long days sometimes because you never know whose coming through the wings sometimes," said judge David Hasselhoff. "We're doing a gig with MySpace, so we're kinda at the mercy of the Internet. You never know what's going to jump out at you. It's been pretty wild today. We've had some pretty good acts. Nothing fantastic so far in Los Angeles, but we've seen a lot of people from all over the country. We've got a great show. It's funny this year. Most of the talent is really young. Really young from seven to 18 years old. And then there was an 86-year-old-guy singing a Gene Autry song. So we've run the gamut this year, but some of the most amazing talent this year are the children." This season, the show has scoured for Boyles of all kinds - comedians, contortionists, jugglers, magicians, dancers and singers - in nine cities: Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Washington, Atlanta, Miami, Seattle, Boston and Houston. Former host Jerry Springer was replaced by actor-rapper Nick Canon, who says he was welcomed by the show's judges. "It's like a family here," said Canon. "Literally. I've known each judge individually for awhile, you know, Hollywood-know, like, 'Hey, how you doing?' But to come here and them just receive me with open arms and treat me like I'm part of the family is great." The show's previous winners - tween crooner Bianca Ryan, ventriloquist Terry Fator and operatic insurance salesman Neal E. Boyd - haven't become household names in the vein of Boyle after winning the $1 million prize. It's usually the odd acts that have viewers talking each season. Sharon Osbourne said the wackiest she's seen so far is a man with a dancing toe. "He made this little theatre to put his toe in," said Osbourne. "He put a little wig on his toe, but the wig fell off, and then you couldn't see his toe in his little theatre. It was just insane. Why would you think to build a theatre around your toe? What's so great about your toe moving to the music? It can only go from side to side and back and forth." "America's Got Talent" premieres June 23 on NBC. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0224EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Sculpture Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Sculpture- NEW Intv with US student arrested for using traffic barrels to make art sculpture LENGTH: 01:18 FIRST RUN: 0530 RESTRICTIONS: AP Clients Only TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION/Joseph Carnevale Stills STORY NUMBER: 610060 DATELINE: Raleigh, 16 June 2009/Recent LENGTH: 01:18 SHOTLIST: Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 1. Various still photos of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: "On Wednesday June 10th I was arrested by Raleigh police department for misdemeanour larceny, misdemeanour destruction of property." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 3. Still of barrel monster sculpture 4. Stlll of crocodile sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 5. Close up of spray paint cans 6. Close up of stencils 7. Wide of Carnevale's car decorated with bottle caps 8. Medium of Carnevale's car Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 9. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: ++FIRST PART OF SOUNDBITE IS OVERLAID WITH PREVIOUS STILL++ "In general the response has been really, really positive. It's surprising about how many people have called attention to it." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 11. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture AP Television - AP Clients Only Raleigh, North Carolina - 16 June 2009 12. SOUNDBITE (English) Joseph Carnevale, artist: "They expressed they had no desire to press charges, nor did they have any desire for me to pay for the barrels. They actually want the sculpture back to use it for their own advertising." Still photos by Joseph Carnevale - AP Clients only Raleigh, North Carolina - Recent 13. Still photo of barrel monster sculpture POLICE NOT IMPRESSED BY STREET ART When Joseph Carnevale chopped up three stolen orange and white traffic barrels from a construction site to create a massive sculpture of a roadside monster thumbing a ride, the North Carolina college student said he saw it as a form of street art. Raleigh, North Carolina, police just saw vandalism. They dismantled the 10-foot (three-metre) "barrel monster" and arrested Carnevale. Hundreds of online supporters want the charges dropped and the publicity has turned the history major and part-time construction worker into a local celebrity. Even the construction company has become a fan, and wants the 21-year-old to create a replica of the figure that led to his arrest on June 10. "It's surprising how many people have called attention to it," Carnevale said. The college junior hadn't spent much time planning when he set out the night of May 31 and snatched the barrels from the site near the North Carolina State University campus where he studies. He went back to his Raleigh apartment and in an hour and a half returned to the site to assemble the freshly painted pieces before driving away. Although photos quickly spread on the Internet featuring the "barrel monster," it was a North Carolina State University newspaper article that offered enough clues to lead police to a Web site that identified Carnevale. Police charged him with larceny and destruction of property, both misdemeanours, and he's scheduled to appear in court next month. Carnevale, an Indianapolis native, prides himself on his street art, but said he's most interested in guerrilla photography - making art and snapping images from restricted locations. His apartment walls serve as a canvas, covered in various hues of paint, with images on the walls and doors of sharks, hollow skulls and even Gandhi. His 1997 Volkswagen Jetta is almost completely covered in hot-glued beer bottle caps. Carnevale has made other street art pieces with stolen barrels, including an alligator and caricatures with small arms. Hamlin Associates, the construction company whose barrels were turned into a monster, doesn't want to press charges and Carnevale is weighing up an offer from the company to reconstruct the monster at their offices in Climax, North Carolina. Raleigh police spokeswoman Laura Hourigan said the charges won't be dropped, despite the company's stance. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0230EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: File Billy Joel Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:File Billy Joel- NEW Singer files for divorce from third wife LENGTH: 01:10 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: APTN STORY NUMBER: 610062 DATELINE: File, various LENGTH: 01:10 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT. CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST(including transcript):- AP Entertainment FILE: Hong Kong, Nov 10 2008 1. Wide shot Billy Joel holding gold record for photo opportunity 2. Close up till up Billy Joel holding gold record 3. SOUNDBITE (English), Billy Joel, Singer: " I usually stay out of politics. I didn't get on the soap box to tell people how to vote. I don't even like when people do that, but in this particular case I thought it was something I should do. I think the country need to change. I was excited about Barack Obama and when they asked me I said OK, yes. It was a fun show, Bruce (Springsteen ) and I rehearsed for about two days and had to learn each other's material, deconstruct each other's material. It was a lot of fun." 4. Wide of Billy Joel in the press conference AP Entertainment FILE: Johannesburg, 25 October 2006 5. Mid shot Billy Joel entering press conference 6. Mid shot Billy Joel sitting down 7. Mid shot Joel signs autographs AP Entertainment FILE: Hong Kong, 12 November 2008 8. Billy Joel performing "Angry" AP Entertainment FILE: Paris, France, 1 July 2008 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Katie Joel, wife of Billy Joel: "Well, I've always really admired Lacroix's designs, I've never actually got to wear any of them, so I am hoping today I'll see something that I can sport at some fabulous ball." PIANO MAN AND THIRD WIFE CONFIRM SPLIT Billy Joel and his third wife Katie Lee are confirming a split. In a statement, the pair said that they remain "caring friends with admiration and respect for each other." They got married five years ago at Joel's mansion on New York's Long Island. A representative for Joel did not immediately respond to the question of whether the couple were getting a divorce. This was the Piano Man's third marriage, her first. The 60-year-old Joel is one of pop's most successful singer-songwriters; Katie Lee Joel hosted the first season of Bravo TV's "Top Chef." He recorded the song "All My Life" as an anniversary gift to his 27-year-old wife two years ago. CLEARANCE DETAILS APTN APEX 06-18-09 0233EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Jim Jonsin Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Jim Jonsin- REPLAY Music producer talks about working with Lil Wayne, T.I. and Lady GaGa LENGTH: 04:19 FIRST RUN: 0000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: Various STORY NUMBER: 610038 DATELINE: New York, 11 June 2009 LENGTH: 04:19 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: COMMERCIAL MUSIC, MUSIC VIDEO AND OR PERFORMANCES, MUST BE CLEARED ACCORDING TO YOUR OWN LOCAL MUSIC PERFORMANCE AND COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS WITH YOUR APPLICABLE COLLECTING SOCIETY. DETAILS OF THE TRACKS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND AT THE END OF THE SCRIPT.YOU HAVE EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR USE OF ALL AND ANY CONTENT INCLUDED WITHIN THE SERVICE, AND FOR LIBEL, PRIVACY, COMPLIANCE AND THIRD PARTY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THEIR TERRITORY. SHOTLIST (including transcript): Atlantic Records 1. Music video clip - 'Whatever You Like' T.I. Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 2. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer: "That particular sound that's working 'Lollipop' and the T.I. song ('Whatever You Like') and 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone,' it's like ear candy, like really pretty melodies in there and it just sounds good, feels good, you know. So I approach it like a DJ right, so if I do a record for (Lil) Wayne and it worked, I'm smart enough to know that OK that sound worked, let me make a few like that feels similar, maybe changed a few things." Cash Money Records 3. Music video clip - 'Lollipop' Lil Wayne featuring Static Major Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 4. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer: "Well I'll take the artist and try to find their vision. So listening to T.I., if you listened to his last album, his music, what tuned with him in the past, I did something similar to that. You know, and put some popcorn changes in the music to make it a little more epic for someone like him, which almost big like that. And the Lil Wayne thing, to be honest about it, it was more that particular track was being done for another group when I was working on the instrumental. I was working at a studio in Miami, it's called Circle House, for Danity Kane; it was a Diddy session. So they wanted the next 'Show Stopper,' because I had done that, you know, and they wanted something like that so I made that track ('Lollipop') but they weren't really into it too much so I brought it over to Static Major and we wrote the song for Lil Wayne." Interscope Records 5. Music video clip - 'Just Dance' Lady GaGa featuring Colby O'Donis Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 6. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on Lady GaGa: "This was right...I mean, it could have been two weeks before her record took off, the dance record ('Just Dance'). And I just met her, she came in the studio, she had a long night in the club, she was out late, I didn't know who she was, she really didn't know me, so she kind of sat in the studio with her glasses on and she's like, 'I'm looking for Jim.' I'm looking like, 'Who's this chick, man?' I didn't know...and so she went over to the room to start writing over some of my tracks and I walked in there and it was like, 'Wow.' She's very talented. So I asked her to come over to the room with us and we ended up writing three songs in a matter of like five hours." Interscope Records 7. Music video clip - 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone' Soulja Boy Tell Em featuring Sammie Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 8. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on Soulja Boy: "Actually I made the track and Mr. Colli Park came by the studio in Atlanta, that was during a B.O.B. (new artist) session, and him and Soulja Boy came by to listen to a couple of instrumentals and they liked that one and they took it back to the studio. And I think like a week later, they had that chorus that Soulja Boy and Sammie came up with, which was brilliant." Interscope Records 9. Music video clip - 'Kiss Me Thru the Phone' Soulja Boy Tell Em featuring Sammie Associated Press Television New York - 11 June 2009 10. SOUNDBITE (English) Jim Jonsin, Music Producer on future collaborations: "People like Leona Lewis to the possibility of working with Jay-Z, a publisher, Big Jon, talked about Jay-Z getting in, Ludacris, things like that are opening up. And even broader stuff...some rock projects and stuff. Like Linkin Park, they're talks about that." Sony Music Entertainment 11. Music video clip - 'Bleeding Love' Leona Lewis HIP-HOP PRODUCER HOPING TO CROSS OVER James Scheffer, aka Jim Jonsin, is one of the most successful writers-producers in contemporary music. No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 13 weeks (five weeks for "Lollipop" and eight weeks for "Whatever You Like"), Jonsin has stayed in the top five chart positions for 24 weeks. He also scored multiple Grammy nominations for these two songs and took home an award for Best Rap Song for "Lollipop" and a contributing award for Rap Album of the Year, which was awarded to Lil Wayne's "The Carter III." Most recently, he's seen success with "Kiss Me Thru the Phone," Soulja Boy's hit song produced by Jonsin. The producer says his success in hip-hop has opened doors for him to work outside of that genre. "Even broader stuff...some rock projects and stuff. Like Linkin Park," he said in a recent interview. That list also includes Leona Lewis, Backstreet Boys and Jordin Sparks. And he's also been in the studio with Lady GaGa. "She came in the studio, she had a long night in the club, she was out late, I didn't know who she was, she really didn't know me, so she kind of sat in the studio with her glasses on and she's like, 'I'm looking for Jim.' I'm looking like, 'Who's this chick, man?' I didn't know...and so she went over to the room to start writing over some of my tracks and I walked in there and it was like, 'Wow.' She's very talented. So I asked her to come over to the room with us and we ended up writing three songs in a matter of like five hours," he said. Jonsin also produced three records for Beyonce's last album, has two songs on Michelle Williams' album "Unexpected," both singles "The Greatest" and "Hello Heartbreak." He also continues to develop his artist B.O.B. from Atlanta through his label Rebel Rock Entertainment/Atlantic Records. The Brooklyn-born producer, who was raised in South Florida, began his career in music as a scratch DJ. In 2006, BMI named him Urban Songwriter of the Year and added Jonsin to its Top Urban Producers list. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0235EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: US Salinger Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:US Salinger- NEW Judge finds similarities between "The Catcher In The Rye" and new book LENGTH: 01:28 FIRST RUN: 2330 RESTRICTIONS: See Script TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP TELEVISION/AP PHOTOS STORY NUMBER: 610048 DATELINE: New York, 17 June 2009/File LENGTH: 01:28 SHOTLIST: AP Entertainment New York, June 17 2009 1. Wide shot of exterior of federal court house 2. Mid shot of exterior of federal court house 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Edward Henry Rosenthal, lawyer for author Fredrik Colting: "It is a significant case because there are not many cases like this. I think it is significant because criticism evolves and using a work of fiction, as Mr Silverman just said, to criticise another work of fiction is relatively unusual and relatively new, but it is done, at the university level. Post-modern criticism often uses some sort of work in a different genre than typical scholarly criticism in order to make the point and I think this is clearly criticism commentary." 4. Wide shot exterior of federal court house 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Aaron Silverman, president of potential North American distributing company for Colting's book: "I would say that I'm very pleased that she didn't ban the book and agreed with us that there are fair use issues going on." 6. Silverman and Rosenthal walking past camera 7. Salinger's attorney Marcia Beth Paul walking past camera 8. Close of the cover of the book "60 Years Later" 9. Close of the cover of "60 Years Later" 10. Wide of cover of "60 Years Later" AP PHOTOS - NO ACCESS CANADA/FOR BROADCAST USE ONLY - STRICTLY NO ACCESS ONLINE OR MOBILE Location unknown, 1951 11. STILL photo of J.D. Salinger BOOKS TOO SIMILAR A federal judge said on Wednesday (17JUN09) she found substantial similarities between US author J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher In The Rye" and a new book by a Swedish author and questioned whether it should be published in the United States. US District Judge Deborah Batts commented as she listened to lawyers argue whether Salinger had a right to stop publication this summer in the United States of a novel called "60 Years Later" by Fredrik Colting. He writes under the name John David California. The judge said she had read both books and could rule that the substantial similarities left her to decide whether the new book made fair use of Salinger's work by providing commentary, criticism or parody. She temporarily blocked publication of the book until she can decide what she called serious legal questions raised by the dispute. The temporary order makes it likely that a ruling would occur in the next month. Edward Henry Rosenthal, a lawyer for Colting, argued that the book should be allowed to be published because it provided meaningful criticism of Salinger and his chief character, Holden Caulfield. "Post-modern criticism often uses some sort of work in a different genre than typical scholarly criticism in order to make the point and I think this is clearly criticism commentary," he said. Batts said the issue was not that she was having trouble determining whether the criticism in the book was effective. Marcia Beth Paul, a lawyer for Salinger, said the book copied her client's book and was "pure commercialism" meant to capitalise on the spectacular success of Salinger's classic novel. It tells the story of the first days of a disaffected teenager's life after he is thrown out of a boarding school and has a series of experiences in New York City. Paul said it was wrong of the defendants to claim that blocking publication of the book because it infringes copyrights would be the same as banning a book. Salinger lives a reclusive life in rural New Hampshire. He has not published a book in decades and has rarely been heard from except when he takes legal actions to protect his works. In "60 Years Later," scheduled to be published in Great Britain this summer and in the United States soon after, a character very much like Caulfield is 76 years old. Rosenthal did not dispute that the character is meant to be Caulfield years later. In the book, the character, identified as "Mr. C," escapes from a retirement home and has experiences similar to those Caulfield went through decades earlier. APTN APEX 06-18-09 0255EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- AP-APTN-0600: UK Bruno premiere Thursday, 18 June 2009 STORY:UK Bruno premiere- REPLAY Sacha Baron Cohen premieres new mockumentary LENGTH: 04:08 FIRST RUN: 2000 RESTRICTIONS: Check script for details TYPE: English/Nat SOURCE: AP Television, Universal Pictures STORY NUMBER: 610037 DATELINE: London, 17 June 2009 LENGTH: 04:08 CLIENTS PLEASE NOTE: ALL SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE ENSURE THAT FILM CLIPS ARE CLEARED FOR MEDIA BROADCAST AND/OR INTERNET USE OR THAT THEY COME WITHIN THE PROMOTIONAL WINDOW FOR YOUR TERRITORY. CONTACT DETAILS, WHERE AVAILABLE, MAY BE FOUND BELOW. SHOTLIST (including transcript): AP Television London, 17 June 2009 1. Wide of Leicester Square, London 2. Wide of cinema poster VNR London, 17, June 2009 3. UPSOUND: "Please welcome Bruno!" 4. Various of Bruno marching with Beefeaters 5. UPSOUND: "Ich love you, London! Ich bin Bruno! The Austrians have finally invaded. Let's hear it for mine soldier boys. Ich will be joining them later for the schtupping of the color. Danke schoen for coming to my premiere today. This is the most important movie starring a gay Austrian since 'Terminator 2.' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 6. Wide of Kings of Leon on red carpet 7. Sacha Baron Cohen posing with fans 8. Close-up of Baron Cohen preparing to talk to a reporter 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "I just wanted to do something that was flattering for the royal family. Something that the Queen, I'm not talking about Elton John, would really appreciate, so just came like this. You know the British royal family and the Austrians have got a lot in common, we're still the only people who are proud to wear a Swastika." 10. Close up of Bruno's shorts, pan up 11. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "I like to slip in; I don't like to be noticed. I'm not here to promote my film, which is on July 10th. I'm just here wearing something under the radar." 12. Tilt up of Bruno Universal Pictures 13. Clip 'Bruno' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 14. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "You know my baby, at the moment I've got one. Its uber cool, he's black, it's really cool, no? And he does scheisses in his underpants but you know my ex-boyfriend did as well. So it's no big deal." Universal Pictures 15. Clip 'Bruno' AP Television London, 17 June 2009 16. SOUNDBITE (English) Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno: "It's going to be the most important documentary about a gay white guy since the 'Passion of the Christ' enjoy, love you. Love the (inaudible) overcoat." Universal Pictures 17. Clip 'Bruno' GREAT IN BRITAIN: IT'S BRUNO After thrusting his bottom in Eminem's face at the MTV Movie Awards, Sacha Baron had a lot to live up to at the UK premiere of his new film 'Bruno.' Held at the Empire Leicester Square in London on Wednesday evening (17 JUNE 2009) - fans turned out to witness what the comedian would do. Marching around the black carpet in a bearskin hat, with a gold sceptre, red military waistcoat and tight black shorts - complete with back-up soldiers, the flamboyant gay TV presenter character made sure to play up the English angle of the event, even in the rain, by dressing up like a Beefeater. But judging from his wardrobe, this Beefeater moonlights as a stripper. "I like to slip in; I don't like to be noticed," said Cohen in character. "I'm not here to promote my film, which is on July 10th. I'm just here wearing something under the radar." Cohen addressed the crowd as his alter ego Bruno complete with his Austrian accent, and thanked them for coming to his premiere with a short speech paying homage to Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bruno said his grand entrance was in honour of the British royal family. "I just wanted to do something that was flattering for the royal family. Something that the Queen, I'm not talking about Elton John, would really appreciate, so just came like this," he said. "You know, the British royal family and the Austrians have got a lot in common, we're still the only people who are proud to wear a Swastika." Bruno is an Austrian fashionista who tends to get on the wrong side of people. This time he's adopting a baby, Madonna- and Angelina Jolie-style, just because it's a trendy thing to do. "He's black," joked Bruno. "It's really cool no? And he does scheisses in his underpants, but you know my ex-boyfriend did as well. So it's no big deal." 'Bruno' is Baron Cohen's follow-up to 'Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan' from 2006, also directed by Larry Charles - another feature aimed at drawing uncomfortable laughs from the audience. And how would Bruno have you view the film? "It's going to be the most important documentary about a gay white guy since the 'Passion of the Christ,'" he said. 'Bruno' opens in the UK on July 10th. Additional release dates: Belgium 8 July 2009 Iceland 8 July 2009 Australia 9 July 2009 Germany 9 July 2009 Greece 9 July 2009 Israel 9 July 2009 Netherlands 9 July 2009 New Zealand 9 July 2009 Portugal 9 July 2009 Switzerland 9 July 2009 (German speaking region) Bulgaria 10 July 2009 Denmark 10 July 2009 Estonia 10 July 2009 Finland 10 July 2009 Norway 10 July 2009 Spain 10 July 2009 Sweden 10 July 2009 UK 10 July 2009 USA 10 July 2009 France 22 July 2009 Switzerland 22 July 2009 (French speaking region) Brazil 31 July 2009 Czech Republic 6 August 2009 Turkey 14 August 2009 Singapore 20 August 2009 Mexico 28 August 2009 Argentina 15 October 2009 APTN APEX 06-18-09 0511EDT ------------------- END -- OF -- ITEM ------------------- |
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