
Footage Information

F.I.L.M Archives
2313B, 3549B


Map of United States shows wheat belt. ;Aerial view of field in Kansas. ;Tractor plows field. Farmer loads seeder.;Tractor tows seeder. Seeder drops seeds.;Farmer looks up at sky
walks in wheat field. ;Farmer tests wheat. Farmer on telephone. ;Mother making bed. Farmer drives combine. ;Girl makes bed. Mother waves from window. ;Combine heads out to field. ;Farmer drives combine through field. ;Combine reaping
thrashing. ;Tank full of wheat. Wheat emptied into truck. ;Combine in fields. Convoy of combines ;in formation in field. Small town. ;Truck full of wheat rides onto scale. ;Wheat dumped from truck. ;Truck on lift
pan up to silos. ;Combine reaps wheat. Boy operates combine. ;Father eats at picnic table in field. ;Father washes up. Boy drives combine. ;Combine in sunset. Cloudy sky over field.;Violent clouds. Windmill turning. ;Farmer looks up at sky. Combine cutting. ;Wheat being hauled in truck. ;Truck drives to grain elevator. ;Train at grain elevator. Farmer tests wheat. ;Farmer walks in field of wheat. Wheat blowing in wind.;;llustrated map shows graphics for wheat production. ;Farmer drives a tractor through wheat field. ;Farmers use pitchforks to gather wheat from tractor. ;Wheat kernels pour into a pile. ;Wheat kernels flow from a holding compartment. ;View of a mill.