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F.I.L.M Archives
Fast Images Library
Contemporary Film
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THE BLACK TULIP. NOTE: CANNOT READ SUBTITLES DUE TO TIMECODE 00:00:00 Helicopter flies toward camera, CU hand strumming guitar, pan up to young man singing in Arabic (?), title below: "In Afghanistan." Title page; "The black tulip" in black with silhouette of helicopter," sound of young man singing and playing mixed with helicopter buzzing. Title page fade to helicopter flying around in bright white sky. Vague outlines of buildings seen below through haze, sightline of rifle briefly visible. Clearer shot, CU side of tank (?) traveling quickly along road, CU large gun. Ground shot of two helicopters flying over buildings. Overhead shot of two soldiers running on ground. CU ground shot of rear of one soldier firing rifle. Rear shot of soldier operating machine gun from top of stone barricade. Another soldier firing, crouched behind stone wall. Very bright pan of bare countryside, gunshots continuous. 00:01:16 Military band marching and playing in formation, man singing song fades into band playing (not American). Military band marches past camera out of frame. Voiceover begins. Hundreds of soldiers marching in formation behind band cross frame right to left. Zoom in to white building and translation (of sign on building?) fills screen). Man of Afghanistan, with certain cities starred/marked. Map of Iran, Afghanistan, USSR, Pakistan. Map of Afghanistan outlining borders of ethnic populations. Rear view of same soldiers marching away from camera. Pan left to road sign in Russian with photo of man, "Marchenko for Heroism."