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White House gunman Robert Pickett carried from ambulance to hospital on stretcher after being shot by security; Tourist describes event during the shooting; Security runs towards White House; SWAT type soldiers on the property; Security locks entry gate to property; Asst police on scene on street outside WH; Police Helicopter comes in for landing on lawn (Cuts off before it touches down); WS of White House through trees;
Footage Information
Source | F.I.L.M Archives |
Title | White House Gunman 1:45; 02/07/01 |
Ref | News Video |
Reel | N0722 |
TimeCode | 18:19:20 |
Shot | White House gunman Robert Pickett carried from ambulance to hospital on stretcher after being shot by security; Tourist describes event during the shooting; Security runs towards White House; SWAT type soldiers on the property; Security locks entry gate to property; Asst police on scene on street outside WH; Police Helicopter comes in for landing on lawn (Cuts off before it touches down); WS of White House through trees; |