
Footage Information

Stars of movie 'A gathering of Eagles' at Strategic Air Command Base before the World Premiere of the movie.
The Strategic Air Command Base in Omaha. View of lawn and building with rocket in front. Press and United States Air Force Officers on airfield. Officers are greeted by Mary Peach and Rock Hudson, stars of the movie 'A gathering of Eagles' which is set against Strategic Air Command background. They see the master switchboard connecting SAC bases around the world. Billboard of new movie 'A gathering of Eagles' at the World Premiere in Chicago. Crowd at Premiere. Stars Mary Peach and Rock Hudson getting out of the car to enter the theater. Location: Omaha Nebraska USA. Date: June 21, 1963.
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Rock Hudson
Omaha Nebraska USA
Premiere of 'A gathering of Eagles'
Strategic Air Command Base
Mary Peach