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DONALD TRUMP PORTLAND MAINE RALLY 080416 PORTLAND, MAINE- Speaking to a lively crowd of close to 2000, Donald Trump sought to knock down any reports of a "fissure" between him and his running mate. Though he has yet to endorse Speaker Ryan, Trump did praise him today, saying "Paul Ryan is a good guy actually."(A few in the crowd booed). Then Trump went on to discuss how Pence talked to him, seemingly asking permission, before he publicly announced Ryan. 16:00:00 "Mike called me and he said, yesterday, and he said would you mind if I endorse? I won't do that if it cause any complications or problems, I would absolutely not do it. He's the greatest guy. He's the greatest human being. And he said that , he said, But I like him, he's a friend of mine, would you mind if I endorsed him? And I will not do it if you say no. I say, Mike, you like him? Yes, go ahead and do it, 100%. And he endorsed him. And then, and then, we have like a great relationship, it's short but we, you know, it hasn't been that long, but I've known him through the campaign. " Today, for the first time in a while, we saw several protests inside the venue. Near the beginning of the rally a group of protesters silently stood up carrying pocket constitutions in their hands. We also heard shouts of "Trump's a racist" and saw a Bernie supporter yell at Trump to release his tax returns. Footage came in on TVU3. Also, shockingly, Trump AGAIN talked about a tape that he saw of cash being unloaded in Iran. His campaign has admitted that he saw file footage of detainees arriving in Geneva from January used a broll during a Fox News broadcast. ABC News reporting indicates that no such video has been released publicly and likely does not exist; even if it does exist, would not have been shown to Trump, as his intelligence briefings have not started and such video would not normally been shown in such a setting. Here's what he said today: 15:25:32 "I woke up yesterday and I saw $400 million dollars, different currencies they probably don't want our currency. 400 million dollars being flown to Iran. I mean folks, what's going on here? What is going on? You see it, you don't believe it. 400 million in cash! Being flown to Iran on an airplane to Iran. I wonder where that money really goes by the way right. I wonder where it really goes. 15:26:09 Well, it went to -- either in their pockets, which I actually think more so. Or towards terrorism. Probably a combination of both. // 15:26:51 You saw that, with the airplane coming in. Nice plane. And the airplane coming in. And the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us -- has to be -- by the Iranians. And You know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country." I can't underscore how astounding it is that he would reference this video again, the day after his own campaign debunked his claim! Aside from this, Trump stayed largely on message, speaking extensively about radical terrorism, the perils of illegal immigration and the Obama-Clinton administration. He listed off several examples of immigrants coming into the country with aims to do Americans ill. He rattled off a few countries; I would imagine that these would be territories from which he'd ban immigration. Some that he listed: Somalia, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Pakistan. HIGHLIGHTS LOG: WASH 9 DONALD TRUMP PORTLAND ME EVENT POOL C16 080416 highlights 15:24:16 You happen to have a truly great governor. And he said something that really caught my imagination. He used the term: the Queen of corruption. I think we are gonna have to-- we are gonna have to use that a little bit. She is the Queen of corruption. $400 MILLION IN CASH FOR IRAN 15:25:32 I woke up yesterday and I saw $400 million dollars, different currencies they probably don't want our currency. 400 million dollars being flown to Iran. I mean folks, what's going on here? What is going on? You see it, you don't believe it. 400 million in cash! Being flown to Iran on an airplane to Iran. I wonder where that money really goes by the way right. I wonder where it really goes. 15:26:09 Well, it went to -- either in their pockets, which I actually think more so. Or towards terrorism. Probably a combination of both. So $400 million in cash. Now you'd really -- who can authorize even in terms of a president, who can authorize $400,000 in cash? Different currencies. They didn't want the dollar. They wanted different countries, different currencies. They've got a little bit of everything over there. I guess spread it around. How stupid are we. How stupid are we. To allow this to continue to go on. To see what's happening. You know, it was interesting because a tape was made. 15:26:51 You saw that, with the airplane coming in. Nice plane. And the airplane coming in. And the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us -- has to be -- by the Iranians. And You know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country. They want to embarrass our country. And they want to embarrass our president. Because we have a president who's incompetent. They want to embarrass -- they want to embarrass our president. I mean who would ever think that there would be taking all of this money off the plane and then providing us with a tape? It's only for one reason. It's very, very sad. So we have a lot of problems in our country. We have border problems. 15:27:37 People are pouring into our country. We have no idea who they are. We have people -- we're going to build a wall, folks. Don't worry about it. Up here you have tremendous heroin problems. Comes from the southern border. But you have tremendous problems. And I'll tell you what, we're going to get -- we're going to build a wall. You know, we have another thing. We have 16,500 -- you can do whatever you want -- go ahead. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. [USA chants] 15:28:52 Well, you have to say, you know? A trump rally is the safest place in our country to be. Believe me. Believe me. Right? They're safe. But, if we keep going the way it is, our whole country's becoming different. They're shooting our police at record levels. You saw where I said in my speech, 50% higher. And then they went out and they looked -- PROTESTERS [ someone blowing a whistle ] 15:30:00 >> Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? Sort of rude. You know, when you think of it. And what are we looking for? We want strong military. We want jobs. We want good education. Health care. Right? We're all like looking for the first -- we're looking for the same thing, sort of. You want to have a good life. You want to have a good life. You want safety. And then we have people interrupting constantly. But actually, it hasn't been happening much. It's happening a little bit today, but it hasn't been happening much. I sort of missed my protesters. You know? And we don't get them from Hillary because there's no--. Because, you know, the Bernie people had spirit. We don't get it from Hillary. Because they don't care. They don't care. 15:30:51 But you look at what's happening in terms of our police where they're shooting our police at record levels. 50% up. And I said 50%, it's actually much higher than that from last year. So we need law and order. We have to have it. We have to have it. We need law and order. We got to protect our police. And our police have to be careful. And they have to do their job and they have to do it correctly and they will do it correctly. But we have to take care of our police. I'll tell you. They're really going through a tough time. 15:31:25 So, I wrote a little thing down that I thought I'd have. Because in light of the $400 million that just got ripped away from our country, all right, and you know, the real number -- you look at it -- $150 billion. We got nothing. We got nothing. And they think they probably paid the $400 million for the hostages which is even worse. And now since then, I don't know if you know, we have two more hostages right now. Why wouldn't they? We have two more hostages right now were fairly recently grabbed and they're in Iran. And I guess what are we going to do with that one, right? So they do $400 million gets flown at night into Iran. 15:32:08 I think it is so sad and so disgusting and you also wonder about a government, who could approve a thing like that where they take cash into a country and just hand it to them?Bushels and bushels of cash? And then you look at our country where we owe $20 trillion -- I used to a18 trillion. Used to say $17. When I started I was saying 16 and 17. Now it's 18 and 19. It will very soon be 20. It is going to be 22 very soon because we have a budget that is very, very expensive but it doesn't take care of our military. Our military is depleted.We have to mix our military. I know for the Navy, one of the reporters was talking about -- one of the reporters, how do you feel about building ships because you have a lot of ships you're building up here. 15:32:59 Good ones, right? So our Navy, as you know, has one of the lowest numbers of ships that they've had in decades and decades. And we've got to rebuild our Navy. We've got to rebuild our whole military, folks. And we're going to do it. Probably almost never have needed it more than we need it now with all of the people out there that don't like us very much. And we're going to be very strong, we're going to be very smart. We're going to build up our military. It is so depleted. We're going to take care of our vets. We're going to take care of our vets. Our vets -- our vets are so badly treated, you look at what's going on where they wait online six, seven, eight days. Think of it. You're not a vet. Think of it, in the audience, think of it. Six, seven, eight days. People are dying online waiting for doctors. And committing suicide. 15:33:57 The suicides are at numbers that nobody's ever thought possible. We're going to take care of our vets. I put a plan in. People are loving the plan. People are loving the plan. And if you're waiting -- if you're waiting in line for an extended period of time, you're going to walk outside, you're going to go to a doctor who's looking for business, go to a hospital, private or public, you're going to get taken care of and it is going to be less expensive. The government is going to pay the bill. It's going to be far less expensive than what has been happening. People are dying waiting in line for a simple pill or a simple prescription. IS ISIS COMING INTO OUR COUNTRY? 15:34:35 They're dying. Our great veterans are dying waiting on line. And we're not going to do it. We're not going to do it. No more. No more. So, I wrote a few things down, and I just -- the obama-clinton -- she is a disaster. She is a disaster. The obama-clinton foreign policy has handed huge portions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and other areas, to ISIS ok. Huge portions. We don't know. Is ISIS coming into our country? With all of the people that are pouring in, we have no idea who they are. We have absolutely no -- you know the harm they want to inflict. 15:35:17 You look at what has taken place in our country, San Bernardino, and Orlando, and look at what's going on over all over world. I mean, Look at the world trade center, look at what's happening. Look at what's happening-- [Booing] [Booing] [Chanting: trump! Trump] [turns around to shake hands with audience] 15:36:18 Oh boy. It's a wild life. So you look at what we've sacrificed and what we've given up and the level of viciousness, where heads are being dropped off, where people are being drowned in steel cages. We haven't seen this since medieval times. I mean-- 15:36:42 You know I loved history you talked about Medieval times and you would never have thought you would have seen the things you are seeing today and it's gotten out of control and Obama has let it get out of control and then you have Hillary's made tremendous mistakes in every way. I guarantee you this, If Obama had it to do again, he would have never picked her, never, as secretary of state because he has gotten into such trouble with the decisions she probably made or convinced him to make, that it's ridiculous. 15:37:18 So the obama-clinton foreign policy has handed huge portions of Iraq, Libya, and Syria, to ISIS. I mean, huge portions. Undermining the stability and strength in Egypt, and empowered Iran as never before. Iran is like this major power. And when they made this horrible deal, why didn't they solve other problems with iran, you know Iran's fighting us in other places. Right? They're fighting news other places. 15:37:52 Why didn't we say, wait a minute, we're giving you back all of this money, we are giving you all- this is a horrible deal in every way. We got nothing in that deal. We got our hostages back and now we find out what we actually paid for the hostages and it was in cash, which is terrible.Because that sets a terrible, terrible precedent, and it's just sickening, and you'll have four more years of Obama if you elect Hillary Clinton. Four more years. 15:38:21 The most important issues facing civilization right now is radical islamic terrorism, and we have a president-- we have a president that won't use the term, he won't say it. He won't say it. Maybe he doesn't believe it. He right now thinks that global warming is the greatest threat that this world has. So we've just seen many many crimes, getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows 15:39:00 A major destination for Somali refugees. Right? Am I right? They are all talking about it. Maine, somali refugees. We admit hundreds of thousands, you admit into Maine, and to others places in the United States, hundreds of thousands of refugees and they're coming from among the most dangerous territories and countries anywhere in the world. Right. A practice which has to be-- has to stop. Has to stop. This isn't like you're smarter than other people. This is a practice that has to stop. Not like we say oh let's do something we wanna be nice, and we wanna as in the case of Syria we'll build safe havens. We'll do something, we'll get other nations that are near the Gulf states as an example. They don't spend money, they don't spend money. They don't take people. We take people. They don't take people and they are right there/. They'll spend money, believe me folks. They are gonna spend money. They wouldn't be there if it weren't for us. 15:40:09 So the Washington Times reported of a Somali refugee program in Minnesota, that the effort to resettle large groups of Somali refugees is having the unintended consequence of creating an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment that is both stressing the states, I mean the state is having tremendous problems-- its safety net. And creating a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups. It's happening, you see it happening, you read about it. 15:41:00 All you have to do is take a look what's happening in Germany, it's a mess. Take a look what's happening in France two weeks ago NIce, you remember in Paris, in Paris we had the disaster 130 people viciously violently killed. And by the way if you had some guns on the other side of the equation it wouldn't have happened believe me. You wouldn't have had the tragedy that you have. 15:41:52 Remember this, Hillary Clinton essentially wants to take away your rights under the second Amendment. She wants to take away your guns. She wants to take away those bullets. She wants to take away your rights. Now the NRA not only endorsed me, I think they endorsed me earlier than anybody they have ever endorsed. We need to protect our second amendment. Have to do it have to do it. Believe me, believe me you are going to have things happening -if she gets in, remember justices of the Supreme Court goes along with that Second Amendment and they will be ruling very negatively if you put her there. 15:43:12 But you have a situation where she could have, or the next president could have as many as 5, more likely it will be 3 or 4, but it's gonna be perhaps a record number of justices of the supreme court. And if for no other reason you have to go and you have to vote for Trump. Right. You have to. Have to. So just few other instances. The Boston bombers, remember the boston bombers? What a horrible thing that was, arrived through the political asylum process, right. They younger brother applied for citizenship and was naturalized on September 11th 2012. The older brother had a pending application for citizenship, oh that's wonderful, we take them, right, we take them. And you see what happened. How violent and how vicious and how horrible was that? Okay. And if they are not here we don't have that incident which kills so many and so badly wounded so many. 15:44:27 And what I said, and what I said it's so true, so many of these, you look at san bernardino, what I said it's so true, second amendment, if guns, a couple, one, were on one of the people, two of the people, three of the people in san bernardino so the bullets are flying in the opposite direction, number one they probably would not have made the attack, and number two if they were-- right, and number two, the carnage, and it was carnage, 14 people killed many many people in the hospital, even to this day. It wouldn't have happened. Or it certainly would have been a lot less. 15:46:17 Uzbek refugees living in Idaho was arrested and charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization in the form of teaching terror. And this is what they do. Teaching terror recruits how to build bombs. How wonderful, I don't want them in this country. By the way, you gotta turn these people in. 15:47:00 An immigrant from Syria who later applied and received United States citizenship was accused by federal prosecutors of planning to go to a military base in texas and kill 3 or 4 american soldiers, but preferably execution style. We are dealing with animals. Preferably execution style. 15:52:15 We don't even know where they are located. I am telling you, I said it before, this could be the great Trojan horse of all time. They are coming in, they are coming in. And you have many more like that. Many more. Thousands. Thousands, thousands. We have more people right now being looked at by the FBI and others than we've ever had in the history of our country, okay. And it's impossible to do this. Thousands of people are being looked at and studied, thousands. And this is what we are living with. And she wants to allow 550% more than obama has allowed coming into the country. 15:53:00 So, if you wanna, if you wanna let her do it, folks, that's gonna be your choice, but I think you're making a very big mistake. Hillary Clinton, furthermore, can never be trusted with national security- can't [chanting "lock her up"] 15:53:36 In fact we're both supposed to be briefed in the not too distant future, I'm saying you can't breif her. You can't brief her. Let's protest. Her email scandal email scandal put our entire country at risk. Made our sensitive secrets vulnerable to hacking by foreign adversaries, I mean, they hacked all over the place. They're hacked. I guess, who's got them? She lost 33,000 emails. What happened? 33,000 Ok. So What happened? How is this possible? FIrst of all what kind of a number is that? She said it was the wedding and yoga and then they accused her of lying, they said she lied- they said she was negligent, all these things and the other day this weekend she went out and said no no, no, I think you must have misunderstood-- she's a big problem. I mean she's-- she's I don't know, there's something going on there. Look look. MISSING EMAILS: IF ANYONE THINKS THAT WAS WEDDING AND YOGA.. 15:54:38 There's something going on there. Look, look. She has got, a problem-- Did you see this weekend when she was interviewed? She said, no, I think you misunderstood, no we didn't lie-- I've never seen, has anyone ever seen a liar like that ever before? She's made everybody less safe.Those 33,000 emails are potentially a danger to our country. And if anybody thinks that was for a wedding and for yoga- and when she got away with that, I said that's probably the greatest accomplishment that she's ever had in politics. It's true. And I think it's a great insult to our country. 15:56:12 And she walks, and then the president has a meeting for 39 minutes with a very important person, in the back of an airplane. And they talked about grandchildren and golf. No. It's sad, and then deleted the emails to cover up her crime, she deleted them to cover up her crime folks, 100%. Not 99%. 100%. She deleted those emails to cover up what could be a major crime. And it is actually a major crime. I would watch it, I would read and I found it very interesting. DO WE HAVE BERNIE SUPPORTERS HERE? 15:57:26 By the way in all fairness I know we have some bernie sanders people here actually, do we have Bernie Sanders people here? I hear we do, yeah? So we are gonna get a lot of Bernie sanders votes, because of trade. Because Bernie sanders was right about one thing that I really believe it, no, I believe it it's a fact: we are dying with our trade deals. Our trade deals are a disaster. Our trade deals with other countries-- we are going to lose almost 800 billion dollars this year in trade deficit with other countries. China alone 500 billion dollars. He was right on that. He was right on that. But had Bernie Sanders not made that deal- And he made the deal with the devil, I've said it before. Had he not made that deal and then she picked a Vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, Tim Kaine! Now, I thought it would be a really popular guy, cause I just left Virginia, I was in Loudon (?) county virginia, we had a tremendous crowd of people, tremendous crowd. Great people. ABOUT KAINE 15:58:25 I figured he'd be gone--you know really a popular guy. He wasn't popular. You know, when he was governor of Virginia in the first week, he raised taxes by 4 million dollars. Does anyone know that? And unemployment doubled, unemployment doubled under his governorship. I mean, and I said, Oh gee, are we going to have to sacrifice Virginia? Because-- and people said no, I think you probably just won Virginia, he's not popular at all. 15:59:03 And by the way we have a great vice president, we have a great-- Mike Pence, Mike Pence from Indiana, triple A rating. One of the most incredible stories for any state, Indiana great state. ON MIKE PENCE ENDORSING PAUL RYAN 16:00:00 He came to me he called me the other day, said do you mind, cause he likes paul Ryan, Paul Ryan is a good guy actually. Paul Ryan's-- no, he's a good guy. So mike called me and he said, yesterday, and he said would you mind if I endorse? I won't do that if it cause any complications or problems, I would absolutely not do it. He's the greatest guy. He's the greatest human being. And he said that , he said, But I like him, he's a friend of mine, would you mind if I endorsed him? And I will not do it if you say no. I say, Mike, you like him? Yes, go ahead and do it, 100%. And he endorsed him. And then, and then, we have like a great relationship, it's short but we, you know, it hasn't been that long, but I've known him through the campaign. 16:00:47 And then, a couple of the papers, not all of them, I must say, most of them wrote it legitimately, but a couple of them said there is a fissure between Pence and trump. There's a fissure, it's so so dishonest, these newspapers, the media folks, they are so dishonest, there's nothing so dishonest. HILLARY CLINTON AND HEDGE FUND MONEY- TRUMP TRYING TO GIVE IT BACK 16:03:10 Hillary Clinton, and I've been saying this for a long time, Hillary clinton works only for her donors, special interests and lobbyists. You have lobbyists that have stamped on their forehead "I can produce Hilary." And they are very good. And they raise millions of dollars. Did you see yesterday it was announced that Hillary Clinton got 48 million or so from hedge funds and Donald trump got 18,000 from hedge funds. Or 19. I'm trying to figure out who they were, I wanna give it back. Who is it? Folks, folks, look, there was nobody better in the game or certainly much better in the game than I was. I was on the other side for a long time. Don't forget, on June 15th, I was establishment, on June 16th when I announced that I was running coming down that now very famous escalator with Melania. I announced -- She did a great job, did a great job with the speech, she did, and Ivanka did, and eric did, and Don did, and Tiffany did-- great job. [applause] They did a great job. Thank you, that's so- I'm gonna tell them about this. CUTTING TAXES 16:07:06 So we're going to have much lower taxes, we are gonna cut taxes, very importantly, we are gonna cut our taxes for the middle class, we're going to cut our taxes for business, we're going to have massive dollars pouring into this country, and we are going to create jobs like we've never seen before. Taxes are so high that businesses cannot produce jobs. And one other thing which is actually more important to these people, to everybody: regulations. MIKE FLYNN 16:10:45 How about General Flynn, we love General Flynn right? Mike Flynn. We have those people. But I guess we are not using them. I guess we are not using them. We can't defeat ISIS. So here is the story folks-- yes we can, you're right. Very quickly. DRUGS EPIDEMIC 16:13:03 This is so beautiful who would think that you're loaded up with drugs in maine? And they are coming, mostly from the southern border. We are gonna stop it 100%. We are gonna stop it. We are gonna stop it. And then we are gonna work with people to get them unhooked. We gotta get them unhooked. There's tremendous problems-- we gotta get them unhooked. And that's all over the country, by the way, but I really learned more about that problem from New Hampshire than anyplace else, so here is the story folks. We are gonna start winning again. AMERICA FIRST 16:14:08 And we are going to make america safe again, we are going to make america first remember we don't make American first, not anymore, we don't make america, we are more worried about other nations than we are of ourselves, that's why they are ripping us off. We are using the wrong people. We are going to make America First, we are going to make America Great Again. Thank you, thank you everybody. Thank you. -------
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Direct Link: | View details on ABCNEWS VideoSource site |
Date: | 08/04/2016 |
Library: | ABC |
Tape Number: | NYU250228 |
Content: | DONALD TRUMP PORTLAND MAINE RALLY 080416 PORTLAND, MAINE- Speaking to a lively crowd of close to 2000, Donald Trump sought to knock down any reports of a "fissure" between him and his running mate. Though he has yet to endorse Speaker Ryan, Trump did praise him today, saying "Paul Ryan is a good guy actually."(A few in the crowd booed). Then Trump went on to discuss how Pence talked to him, seemingly asking permission, before he publicly announced Ryan. 16:00:00 "Mike called me and he said, yesterday, and he said would you mind if I endorse? I won't do that if it cause any complications or problems, I would absolutely not do it. He's the greatest guy. He's the greatest human being. And he said that , he said, But I like him, he's a friend of mine, would you mind if I endorsed him? And I will not do it if you say no. I say, Mike, you like him? Yes, go ahead and do it, 100%. And he endorsed him. And then, and then, we have like a great relationship, it's short but we, you know, it hasn't been that long, but I've known him through the campaign. " Today, for the first time in a while, we saw several protests inside the venue. Near the beginning of the rally a group of protesters silently stood up carrying pocket constitutions in their hands. We also heard shouts of "Trump's a racist" and saw a Bernie supporter yell at Trump to release his tax returns. Footage came in on TVU3. Also, shockingly, Trump AGAIN talked about a tape that he saw of cash being unloaded in Iran. His campaign has admitted that he saw file footage of detainees arriving in Geneva from January used a broll during a Fox News broadcast. ABC News reporting indicates that no such video has been released publicly and likely does not exist; even if it does exist, would not have been shown to Trump, as his intelligence briefings have not started and such video would not normally been shown in such a setting. Here's what he said today: 15:25:32 "I woke up yesterday and I saw $400 million dollars, different currencies they probably don't want our currency. 400 million dollars being flown to Iran. I mean folks, what's going on here? What is going on? You see it, you don't believe it. 400 million in cash! Being flown to Iran on an airplane to Iran. I wonder where that money really goes by the way right. I wonder where it really goes. 15:26:09 Well, it went to -- either in their pockets, which I actually think more so. Or towards terrorism. Probably a combination of both. // 15:26:51 You saw that, with the airplane coming in. Nice plane. And the airplane coming in. And the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us -- has to be -- by the Iranians. And You know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country." I can't underscore how astounding it is that he would reference this video again, the day after his own campaign debunked his claim! Aside from this, Trump stayed largely on message, speaking extensively about radical terrorism, the perils of illegal immigration and the Obama-Clinton administration. He listed off several examples of immigrants coming into the country with aims to do Americans ill. He rattled off a few countries; I would imagine that these would be territories from which he'd ban immigration. Some that he listed: Somalia, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Pakistan. HIGHLIGHTS LOG: WASH 9 DONALD TRUMP PORTLAND ME EVENT POOL C16 080416 highlights 15:24:16 You happen to have a truly great governor. And he said something that really caught my imagination. He used the term: the Queen of corruption. I think we are gonna have to-- we are gonna have to use that a little bit. She is the Queen of corruption. $400 MILLION IN CASH FOR IRAN 15:25:32 I woke up yesterday and I saw $400 million dollars, different currencies they probably don't want our currency. 400 million dollars being flown to Iran. I mean folks, what's going on here? What is going on? You see it, you don't believe it. 400 million in cash! Being flown to Iran on an airplane to Iran. I wonder where that money really goes by the way right. I wonder where it really goes. 15:26:09 Well, it went to -- either in their pockets, which I actually think more so. Or towards terrorism. Probably a combination of both. So $400 million in cash. Now you'd really -- who can authorize even in terms of a president, who can authorize $400,000 in cash? Different currencies. They didn't want the dollar. They wanted different countries, different currencies. They've got a little bit of everything over there. I guess spread it around. How stupid are we. How stupid are we. To allow this to continue to go on. To see what's happening. You know, it was interesting because a tape was made. 15:26:51 You saw that, with the airplane coming in. Nice plane. And the airplane coming in. And the money coming off, I guess. Right? That was given to us -- has to be -- by the Iranians. And You know why the tape was given to us? Because they want to embarrass our country. They want to embarrass our country. And they want to embarrass our president. Because we have a president who's incompetent. They want to embarrass -- they want to embarrass our president. I mean who would ever think that there would be taking all of this money off the plane and then providing us with a tape? It's only for one reason. It's very, very sad. So we have a lot of problems in our country. We have border problems. 15:27:37 People are pouring into our country. We have no idea who they are. We have people -- we're going to build a wall, folks. Don't worry about it. Up here you have tremendous heroin problems. Comes from the southern border. But you have tremendous problems. And I'll tell you what, we're going to get -- we're going to build a wall. You know, we have another thing. We have 16,500 -- you can do whatever you want -- go ahead. Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. [USA chants] 15:28:52 Well, you have to say, you know? A trump rally is the safest place in our country to be. Believe me. Believe me. Right? They're safe. But, if we keep going the way it is, our whole country's becoming different. They're shooting our police at record levels. You saw where I said in my speech, 50% higher. And then they went out and they looked -- PROTESTERS [ someone blowing a whistle ] 15:30:00 >> Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? Sort of rude. You know, when you think of it. And what are we looking for? We want strong military. We want jobs. We want good education. Health care. Right? We're all like looking for the first -- we're looking for the same thing, sort of. You want to have a good life. You want to have a good life. You want safety. And then we have people interrupting constantly. But actually, it hasn't been happening much. It's happening a little bit today, but it hasn't been happening much. I sort of missed my protesters. You know? And we don't get them from Hillary because there's no--. Because, you know, the Bernie people had spirit. We don't get it from Hillary. Because they don't care. They don't care. 15:30:51 But you look at what's happening in terms of our police where they're shooting our police at record levels. 50% up. And I said 50%, it's actually much higher than that from last year. So we need law and order. We have to have it. We have to have it. We need law and order. We got to protect our police. And our police have to be careful. And they have to do their job and they have to do it correctly and they will do it correctly. But we have to take care of our police. I'll tell you. They're really going through a tough time. 15:31:25 So, I wrote a little thing down that I thought I'd have. Because in light of the $400 million that just got ripped away from our country, all right, and you know, the real number -- you look at it -- $150 billion. We got nothing. We got nothing. And they think they probably paid the $400 million for the hostages which is even worse. And now since then, I don't know if you know, we have two more hostages right now. Why wouldn't they? We have two more hostages right now were fairly recently grabbed and they're in Iran. And I guess what are we going to do with that one, right? So they do $400 million gets flown at night into Iran. 15:32:08 I think it is so sad and so disgusting and you also wonder about a government, who could approve a thing like that where they take cash into a country and just hand it to them?Bushels and bushels of cash? And then you look at our country where we owe $20 trillion -- I used to a18 trillion. Used to say $17. When I started I was saying 16 and 17. Now it's 18 and 19. It will very soon be 20. It is going to be 22 very soon because we have a budget that is very, very expensive but it doesn't take care of our military. Our military is depleted.We have to mix our military. I know for the Navy, one of the reporters was talking about -- one of the reporters, how do you feel about building ships because you have a lot of ships you're building up here. 15:32:59 Good ones, right? So our Navy, as you know, has one of the lowest numbers of ships that they've had in decades and decades. And we've got to rebuild our Navy. We've got to rebuild our whole military, folks. And we're going to do it. Probably almost never have needed it more than we need it now with all of the people out there that don't like us very much. And we're going to be very strong, we're going to be very smart. We're going to build up our military. It is so depleted. We're going to take care of our vets. We're going to take care of our vets. Our vets -- our vets are so badly treated, you look at what's going on where they wait online six, seven, eight days. Think of it. You're not a vet. Think of it, in the audience, think of it. Six, seven, eight days. People are dying online waiting for doctors. And committing suicide. 15:33:57 The suicides are at numbers that nobody's ever thought possible. We're going to take care of our vets. I put a plan in. People are loving the plan. People are loving the plan. And if you're waiting -- if you're waiting in line for an extended period of time, you're going to walk outside, you're going to go to a doctor who's looking for business, go to a hospital, private or public, you're going to get taken care of and it is going to be less expensive. The government is going to pay the bill. It's going to be far less expensive than what has been happening. People are dying waiting in line for a simple pill or a simple prescription. IS ISIS COMING INTO OUR COUNTRY? 15:34:35 They're dying. Our great veterans are dying waiting on line. And we're not going to do it. We're not going to do it. No more. No more. So, I wrote a few things down, and I just -- the obama-clinton -- she is a disaster. She is a disaster. The obama-clinton foreign policy has handed huge portions of Iraq, Libya, Syria, and other areas, to ISIS ok. Huge portions. We don't know. Is ISIS coming into our country? With all of the people that are pouring in, we have no idea who they are. We have absolutely no -- you know the harm they want to inflict. 15:35:17 You look at what has taken place in our country, San Bernardino, and Orlando, and look at what's going on over all over world. I mean, Look at the world trade center, look at what's happening. Look at what's happening-- [Booing] [Booing] [Chanting: trump! Trump] [turns around to shake hands with audience] 15:36:18 Oh boy. It's a wild life. So you look at what we've sacrificed and what we've given up and the level of viciousness, where heads are being dropped off, where people are being drowned in steel cages. We haven't seen this since medieval times. I mean-- 15:36:42 You know I loved history you talked about Medieval times and you would never have thought you would have seen the things you are seeing today and it's gotten out of control and Obama has let it get out of control and then you have Hillary's made tremendous mistakes in every way. I guarantee you this, If Obama had it to do again, he would have never picked her, never, as secretary of state because he has gotten into such trouble with the decisions she probably made or convinced him to make, that it's ridiculous. 15:37:18 So the obama-clinton foreign policy has handed huge portions of Iraq, Libya, and Syria, to ISIS. I mean, huge portions. Undermining the stability and strength in Egypt, and empowered Iran as never before. Iran is like this major power. And when they made this horrible deal, why didn't they solve other problems with iran, you know Iran's fighting us in other places. Right? They're fighting news other places. 15:37:52 Why didn't we say, wait a minute, we're giving you back all of this money, we are giving you all- this is a horrible deal in every way. We got nothing in that deal. We got our hostages back and now we find out what we actually paid for the hostages and it was in cash, which is terrible.Because that sets a terrible, terrible precedent, and it's just sickening, and you'll have four more years of Obama if you elect Hillary Clinton. Four more years. 15:38:21 The most important issues facing civilization right now is radical islamic terrorism, and we have a president-- we have a president that won't use the term, he won't say it. He won't say it. Maybe he doesn't believe it. He right now thinks that global warming is the greatest threat that this world has. So we've just seen many many crimes, getting worse all the time, and as Maine knows 15:39:00 A major destination for Somali refugees. Right? Am I right? They are all talking about it. Maine, somali refugees. We admit hundreds of thousands, you admit into Maine, and to others places in the United States, hundreds of thousands of refugees and they're coming from among the most dangerous territories and countries anywhere in the world. Right. A practice which has to be-- has to stop. Has to stop. This isn't like you're smarter than other people. This is a practice that has to stop. Not like we say oh let's do something we wanna be nice, and we wanna as in the case of Syria we'll build safe havens. We'll do something, we'll get other nations that are near the Gulf states as an example. They don't spend money, they don't spend money. They don't take people. We take people. They don't take people and they are right there/. They'll spend money, believe me folks. They are gonna spend money. They wouldn't be there if it weren't for us. 15:40:09 So the Washington Times reported of a Somali refugee program in Minnesota, that the effort to resettle large groups of Somali refugees is having the unintended consequence of creating an enclave of immigrants with high unemployment that is both stressing the states, I mean the state is having tremendous problems-- its safety net. And creating a rich pool of potential recruiting targets for Islamist terror groups. It's happening, you see it happening, you read about it. 15:41:00 All you have to do is take a look what's happening in Germany, it's a mess. Take a look what's happening in France two weeks ago NIce, you remember in Paris, in Paris we had the disaster 130 people viciously violently killed. And by the way if you had some guns on the other side of the equation it wouldn't have happened believe me. You wouldn't have had the tragedy that you have. 15:41:52 Remember this, Hillary Clinton essentially wants to take away your rights under the second Amendment. She wants to take away your guns. She wants to take away those bullets. She wants to take away your rights. Now the NRA not only endorsed me, I think they endorsed me earlier than anybody they have ever endorsed. We need to protect our second amendment. Have to do it have to do it. Believe me, believe me you are going to have things happening -if she gets in, remember justices of the Supreme Court goes along with that Second Amendment and they will be ruling very negatively if you put her there. 15:43:12 But you have a situation where she could have, or the next president could have as many as 5, more likely it will be 3 or 4, but it's gonna be perhaps a record number of justices of the supreme court. And if for no other reason you have to go and you have to vote for Trump. Right. You have to. Have to. So just few other instances. The Boston bombers, remember the boston bombers? What a horrible thing that was, arrived through the political asylum process, right. They younger brother applied for citizenship and was naturalized on September 11th 2012. The older brother had a pending application for citizenship, oh that's wonderful, we take them, right, we take them. And you see what happened. How violent and how vicious and how horrible was that? Okay. And if they are not here we don't have that incident which kills so many and so badly wounded so many. 15:44:27 And what I said, and what I said it's so true, so many of these, you look at san bernardino, what I said it's so true, second amendment, if guns, a couple, one, were on one of the people, two of the people, three of the people in san bernardino so the bullets are flying in the opposite direction, number one they probably would not have made the attack, and number two if they were-- right, and number two, the carnage, and it was carnage, 14 people killed many many people in the hospital, even to this day. It wouldn't have happened. Or it certainly would have been a lot less. 15:46:17 Uzbek refugees living in Idaho was arrested and charged with providing material support to a terrorist organization in the form of teaching terror. And this is what they do. Teaching terror recruits how to build bombs. How wonderful, I don't want them in this country. By the way, you gotta turn these people in. 15:47:00 An immigrant from Syria who later applied and received United States citizenship was accused by federal prosecutors of planning to go to a military base in texas and kill 3 or 4 american soldiers, but preferably execution style. We are dealing with animals. Preferably execution style. 15:52:15 We don't even know where they are located. I am telling you, I said it before, this could be the great Trojan horse of all time. They are coming in, they are coming in. And you have many more like that. Many more. Thousands. Thousands, thousands. We have more people right now being looked at by the FBI and others than we've ever had in the history of our country, okay. And it's impossible to do this. Thousands of people are being looked at and studied, thousands. And this is what we are living with. And she wants to allow 550% more than obama has allowed coming into the country. 15:53:00 So, if you wanna, if you wanna let her do it, folks, that's gonna be your choice, but I think you're making a very big mistake. Hillary Clinton, furthermore, can never be trusted with national security- can't [chanting "lock her up"] 15:53:36 In fact we're both supposed to be briefed in the not too distant future, I'm saying you can't breif her. You can't brief her. Let's protest. Her email scandal email scandal put our entire country at risk. Made our sensitive secrets vulnerable to hacking by foreign adversaries, I mean, they hacked all over the place. They're hacked. I guess, who's got them? She lost 33,000 emails. What happened? 33,000 Ok. So What happened? How is this possible? FIrst of all what kind of a number is that? She said it was the wedding and yoga and then they accused her of lying, they said she lied- they said she was negligent, all these things and the other day this weekend she went out and said no no, no, I think you must have misunderstood-- she's a big problem. I mean she's-- she's I don't know, there's something going on there. Look look. MISSING EMAILS: IF ANYONE THINKS THAT WAS WEDDING AND YOGA.. 15:54:38 There's something going on there. Look, look. She has got, a problem-- Did you see this weekend when she was interviewed? She said, no, I think you misunderstood, no we didn't lie-- I've never seen, has anyone ever seen a liar like that ever before? She's made everybody less safe.Those 33,000 emails are potentially a danger to our country. And if anybody thinks that was for a wedding and for yoga- and when she got away with that, I said that's probably the greatest accomplishment that she's ever had in politics. It's true. And I think it's a great insult to our country. 15:56:12 And she walks, and then the president has a meeting for 39 minutes with a very important person, in the back of an airplane. And they talked about grandchildren and golf. No. It's sad, and then deleted the emails to cover up her crime, she deleted them to cover up her crime folks, 100%. Not 99%. 100%. She deleted those emails to cover up what could be a major crime. And it is actually a major crime. I would watch it, I would read and I found it very interesting. DO WE HAVE BERNIE SUPPORTERS HERE? 15:57:26 By the way in all fairness I know we have some bernie sanders people here actually, do we have Bernie Sanders people here? I hear we do, yeah? So we are gonna get a lot of Bernie sanders votes, because of trade. Because Bernie sanders was right about one thing that I really believe it, no, I believe it it's a fact: we are dying with our trade deals. Our trade deals are a disaster. Our trade deals with other countries-- we are going to lose almost 800 billion dollars this year in trade deficit with other countries. China alone 500 billion dollars. He was right on that. He was right on that. But had Bernie Sanders not made that deal- And he made the deal with the devil, I've said it before. Had he not made that deal and then she picked a Vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, Tim Kaine! Now, I thought it would be a really popular guy, cause I just left Virginia, I was in Loudon (?) county virginia, we had a tremendous crowd of people, tremendous crowd. Great people. ABOUT KAINE 15:58:25 I figured he'd be gone--you know really a popular guy. He wasn't popular. You know, when he was governor of Virginia in the first week, he raised taxes by 4 million dollars. Does anyone know that? And unemployment doubled, unemployment doubled under his governorship. I mean, and I said, Oh gee, are we going to have to sacrifice Virginia? Because-- and people said no, I think you probably just won Virginia, he's not popular at all. 15:59:03 And by the way we have a great vice president, we have a great-- Mike Pence, Mike Pence from Indiana, triple A rating. One of the most incredible stories for any state, Indiana great state. ON MIKE PENCE ENDORSING PAUL RYAN 16:00:00 He came to me he called me the other day, said do you mind, cause he likes paul Ryan, Paul Ryan is a good guy actually. Paul Ryan's-- no, he's a good guy. So mike called me and he said, yesterday, and he said would you mind if I endorse? I won't do that if it cause any complications or problems, I would absolutely not do it. He's the greatest guy. He's the greatest human being. And he said that , he said, But I like him, he's a friend of mine, would you mind if I endorsed him? And I will not do it if you say no. I say, Mike, you like him? Yes, go ahead and do it, 100%. And he endorsed him. And then, and then, we have like a great relationship, it's short but we, you know, it hasn't been that long, but I've known him through the campaign. 16:00:47 And then, a couple of the papers, not all of them, I must say, most of them wrote it legitimately, but a couple of them said there is a fissure between Pence and trump. There's a fissure, it's so so dishonest, these newspapers, the media folks, they are so dishonest, there's nothing so dishonest. HILLARY CLINTON AND HEDGE FUND MONEY- TRUMP TRYING TO GIVE IT BACK 16:03:10 Hillary Clinton, and I've been saying this for a long time, Hillary clinton works only for her donors, special interests and lobbyists. You have lobbyists that have stamped on their forehead "I can produce Hilary." And they are very good. And they raise millions of dollars. Did you see yesterday it was announced that Hillary Clinton got 48 million or so from hedge funds and Donald trump got 18,000 from hedge funds. Or 19. I'm trying to figure out who they were, I wanna give it back. Who is it? Folks, folks, look, there was nobody better in the game or certainly much better in the game than I was. I was on the other side for a long time. Don't forget, on June 15th, I was establishment, on June 16th when I announced that I was running coming down that now very famous escalator with Melania. I announced -- She did a great job, did a great job with the speech, she did, and Ivanka did, and eric did, and Don did, and Tiffany did-- great job. [applause] They did a great job. Thank you, that's so- I'm gonna tell them about this. CUTTING TAXES 16:07:06 So we're going to have much lower taxes, we are gonna cut taxes, very importantly, we are gonna cut our taxes for the middle class, we're going to cut our taxes for business, we're going to have massive dollars pouring into this country, and we are going to create jobs like we've never seen before. Taxes are so high that businesses cannot produce jobs. And one other thing which is actually more important to these people, to everybody: regulations. MIKE FLYNN 16:10:45 How about General Flynn, we love General Flynn right? Mike Flynn. We have those people. But I guess we are not using them. I guess we are not using them. We can't defeat ISIS. So here is the story folks-- yes we can, you're right. Very quickly. DRUGS EPIDEMIC 16:13:03 This is so beautiful who would think that you're loaded up with drugs in maine? And they are coming, mostly from the southern border. We are gonna stop it 100%. We are gonna stop it. We are gonna stop it. And then we are gonna work with people to get them unhooked. We gotta get them unhooked. There's tremendous problems-- we gotta get them unhooked. And that's all over the country, by the way, but I really learned more about that problem from New Hampshire than anyplace else, so here is the story folks. We are gonna start winning again. AMERICA FIRST 16:14:08 And we are going to make america safe again, we are going to make america first remember we don't make American first, not anymore, we don't make america, we are more worried about other nations than we are of ourselves, that's why they are ripping us off. We are using the wrong people. We are going to make America First, we are going to make America Great Again. Thank you, thank you everybody. Thank you. ------- |
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