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Hull, Humberside. The steam trawler 'Norman' has been lost at sea with 20 men onboard.
Trawlers / fishing boats moored alongside (first 6' super title.) LV. Trawler 'Thornella' enters dock gates. CU. Pan name on bows 'Thornella' GV. Deserted 'Rosamond Street' A.S. Street nameplate 'Rosamond Street' SV. Poor looking houses. A.S. Nameplate 'Cumberland Avenue' Pan down to small houses.
S.S. 'Jupiter' alongside at night at Newcastle. SV. Crew lining rails. CU. Norman Spencer waving from 'Jupiter' LV. Passengers and crew disembarking. SV. John Parsons, British Pathe interviewer, greeting Norman Spencer at Foot of gangway. SV. Pressmen LV. Parsons interviewing Spencer (lead in for commentary.) Interview (NAT. snd.) Spencer. N.S. 'After the order to abandon ship, we all dived into the sea. Big waves were rolling along and I was trying to swim. I suppose you could call it swim - to nearest rock. Waves washed me four or five times onto rock and washed me down again. Well it must have been a big wave that came along and washed me right to the top of them.' CU. Spencer I could hear the ships blowing around, but I couldn't see any of the, because it was thick fog. Well I prayed that fog would lift - it did.' CU. Spencer. J.P: 'What are your plans now? Do you think you'll give up the sea?' N.S. 'No, I don't think so. I don't think I'll go back to Greenland - not yet, not till they get it properly charted.'
GV. Trawlers getting up steam prior to sailing. & SV. SV. Trawler puts to sea
(Orig. Neg.) (Orig. Track 'D') (Title Scene 'E')
Selected Originals exist for this item - see other records.
Footage Information
Source | British Pathé |
Description | Hull, Humberside. The steam trawler 'Norman' has been lost at sea with 20 men onboard.
Trawlers / fishing boats moored alongside (first 6' super title.) LV. Trawler 'Thornella' enters dock gates. CU. Pan name on bows 'Thornella' GV. Deserted 'Rosamond Street' A.S. Street nameplate 'Rosamond Street' SV. Poor looking houses. A.S. Nameplate 'Cumberland Avenue' Pan down to small houses. Newcastle-on-Tyne. S.S. 'Jupiter' alongside at night at Newcastle. SV. Crew lining rails. CU. Norman Spencer waving from 'Jupiter' LV. Passengers and crew disembarking. SV. John Parsons, British Pathe interviewer, greeting Norman Spencer at Foot of gangway. SV. Pressmen LV. Parsons interviewing Spencer (lead in for commentary.) Interview (NAT. snd.) Spencer. N.S. 'After the order to abandon ship, we all dived into the sea. Big waves were rolling along and I was trying to swim. I suppose you could call it swim - to nearest rock. Waves washed me four or five times onto rock and washed me down again. Well it must have been a big wave that came along and washed me right to the top of them.' CU. Spencer I could hear the ships blowing around, but I couldn't see any of the, because it was thick fog. Well I prayed that fog would lift - it did.' CU. Spencer. J.P: 'What are your plans now? Do you think you'll give up the sea?' N.S. 'No, I don't think so. I don't think I'll go back to Greenland - not yet, not till they get it properly charted.' Hull GV. Trawlers getting up steam prior to sailing. & SV. SV. Trawler puts to sea (Orig. Neg.) (Orig. Track 'D') (Title Scene 'E') Selected Originals exist for this item - see other records. |
Archive | British Pathe |
Year | 1952 |
Duration | 00:01:41:00 |
Stock | Black & White |
Sound | Sound |
Film ID | 38.13 |