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French hostages released from Viet Minh captivity in 1951
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Pathe |
Negative # | 27947 |
Clip | SR002439_03_02.mov |
Date | 1/1/1951 |
Title | French hostages released from Viet Minh captivity in 1951 |
Description | VS aid workers (both European and Indochinese) with French hostages recently released after five years of captivity under the Viet Minh / Indochinese woman walks arm in arm with dazed-looking hostage / woman sobs / aid worker offers a treat to a crying boy / sad little Indochinese girl / French boy dunks bread into glass, eats it as another boy eats bread next to him / young Indochinese girls eat / young Indochinese women / same sad little girl / Indochinese woman holds young girl / boys dunk bread, eat / happy reunion of man, woman, child / VS tearful reunions, hugging / table full of women's shoes / French woman looks over shoes / smiling little Indochinese boy eats a roll / VS Indochinese women and children in aid station with cots (these may be released hostages as well) / family hugging / VS aides and a boy scout offer trays of sweets to children and women / VS a French general tours the facility, greets the women and children / VS women with bedding, clothing / medics bear a released hostage on stretcher / soldier carrying a little girl / boy scout and official with released hostage / hostages in back of truck as truck passes camera / Indochinese woman tightly hugs man's neck / civilians and aid workers with hostages / same woman with dazed hostage / Note: exact day not known; documentation incomplete |
Country | Vietnam |
City | Hanoi |