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Source | Historic Films |
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File | STS-81420 @ 00:47:09 |
Reel Summary | NEWSFEED: 7/11-15/05, HURRICANE DAMAGE, SINKHOLE, IRAQ PROTESTERS, STEM CELLS, SCHWARZENEGGER SIGNS CA BUDGET ;DX - EXT Hurricane Dennis, damage to Georgia trees heavy rain falling, police vehicles, fire, power truck on scene ;DX - EXT floods, FL Hurricane Dennis, wind in trees, heavy rain falling, homes flooded, heavy rain, surf under house, blowing palms ;DX - EXT Afghanistan, militants escape custody, US soldiers, check trunk, helicopter in sky, troops with tanks; DX - EXT Iraq, protesters with flags, gun towers, troops, protesters with signs, argue bush barrier, soldiers stop, Israel ;DX - EXT UK, mosques attacked, scared steps, fire damage, bullet marks, mosque w/s ext, damaged pieces cu of various ;DX - EXT GA, Hurricane Dennis, sinkhole damage, cars sitting in watery parking lot, giant sinkhole, flooded cars, churning water ;DX - EXT - generic images of giant sinkhole, created from storm damage, brown water, clods of dirt and grass fall into same ;DX - EXT - Russia, blast kills 17, rescue workers remove injured people, smoke, bomb squad, men try to pry off security bars ; DX - EXT - London, King's Cross station commuters enter, tube entrance, commuters after bombing attacks, got to go on ;DX - EXT - London, memorial King's Cross, to terrorist bombing victims, flowers, balloons, people lay down flowers ; DX -EXT - FL, Hurricane Dennis aerials, Navarre Beach, boarded up beachfront homes, built on stilts, water underneath ;DX - INT - London, House of Commons, Tony Blair speech/address to victims of terrorists bombings, We are United Against Terror ;DX - EXT - FL, Hurricane Dennis, aftermath and damage, downed power lines, overturned bus, damage on beach, jet ski in road ;DX - EXT - London, King's cross security alert, after terrorist bomb, another threat, police response, bomb squad alert ;DX - EXT - WA climbers killed, snowy crevasse, rescue team, helicopters, w/s generic rescue in snow, snow falling helicopter flies ; DX- EXT - AR police chief leaves job to train Iraq forces, celebratory town hall meeting, speech, clapping, audience ;DX - EXT - AZ triple murders, suspect, crime scene tape, investigators at the scene, non-descript, Arizona desert setting ;DX - EXT - FL Hurricane Dennis, damage Pensacola, high winds, rain, trees blowing, damaged buildings, trees down ;DX - EXT - SD Mt. Rushmore gets cleaning, sandblasting and cleaning of national monument, people watching, blasters at work ;DX - EXT - France Langford, singer/actress dies, b/w file footage, WWII area, weird audio ;DX - INT - CIA/White House Leak on Karl Rove press conference, white house orchestrated, press asks questions ;DX - EXT - FL Aerials damage to homes and beach from Hurricane Dennis, roofs off homes, hotels damaged, deserted streets ;DX - INT - CA Schwarzenegger signs state budget, press conference, on California budget signing, actual signing ;DX - INT - Hot Flash Pajama for menopause, woman enters store, special pj's ;DX - EXT -Argentina, Red Panda, people at zoo, view Panda exhibit with Red Panda bear in habitat, small panda ;DX - EXT - IL Lincoln park zoo deaths, press conference, investigation, cu of elephants, gorillas, lions, people enter zoo ;DX - EXT - TX, Sheppard AFB, ext, int, planes, soldiers, main gate, gloomy DX shots, int. hangar with planes, planes lined up ;DX - EXT - TX, Brac commission hearings, base closures, local supporters of base before committee, plea to committee ; DX - EXT - TX, evacuation of coast and oil rigs, hurricane, crowds people, NATIONAL guard, heavy winds blowing, big surf ;DX - EXT - ID, Shasta Groene benefit, lines of harley motorcycles, tickets sold, child victim, benefit checks, stickers, etc ;DX - EXT - CA, 50th birthday celebration Disneyland, rides, gold ears, parades, b/w tv clips, Reagan/Disney/Linkletter ;DX - EXT - TX, traffic jam, Lakewood church inaugural service, crowds of people, t/h, traffic, crowds inside church ;DX - EXT - FL, man dies after taser shock, crime scene/tape, t/h, EMS, leaves scene, police ;DX - EXT - TX, Coastal preps Hurricane Emily, plywood, Home Depot, sandbags being filled ;DX - EXT - IL, hot weather, people cooling off, city pools, cooling center, water sprayed, heat wave ;DX - EXT - Senator Meeks calls for uniform code of conduct on Racial profiling, T/H, white and black speakers ;DX - INT - Senator Durbin calls for stem cell research funding, press conference, invitro stem cells ;DX - EXT - RI troops return to US, shaking hands coming off transport helicopter, local officials, and some families ; |
Genre | 2000s NEWS |
Color | color |
Year | 2005 |