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Women's Strike for Equality March - 2
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In NYC, womens rights and labor activists participate in the Women's Strike for Equality. Sponsored by feminist writer Betty Friedan and the National Organization for Women (NOW), the strike took place on the 50th anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment. The participants walk down Fifth Avenue carrying signs with slogans like Women Unite. Attended by 50,000 people, the strike was a significant event in the history of second wave feminism and the women's liberation movement.


5th Avenue 70s 1970s 1970 abortion activism activist activists anger anniversaries anniversary assembly Betty Friedan close up close ups closeup closeups crowd crowded crowds CU CUs demonstration demonstrations demonstrator demonstrators dense densely employee employees employment equality females feminism feminist feminists Fifth Avenue free freedom of speech gathering group groups job jobs labor laborer laborers manhattan Manhattan Manhatten many NYC National Organization for Women new york city New York City Nineteenth Amendment NOW NY NYC on demand packed populated prochoice protest protester protesters protesting protestor protestors protests second wave feminism sign signs social justice tight woman women womens lib womens liberation womens rights Womens Strike for Equality work worker workers working