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Chimpanzees performing as teacher and students in zoo in Munich
Source | Sherman Grinberg |
Newsreel | Paramount |
Negative # | Unknown |
Clip | SR005183_01_07.mov |
Date | 4/1/1953 |
Title | Chimpanzees performing as teacher and students in zoo in Munich |
Description | Title "'Ape-B-C's', School daze in Germany!" superimposed over chimpanzee on desk and another hanging from bar, chimp acting as teacher standing next to man in front of them / chimps sitting at desks, chimp acting as teacher sitting at desk in front of them / teacher chimp looking through book / student chimps sitting at desks / two shots of student chimp writing on slate / student chimps at desks / teacher chimp waving pointer / student chimps at desks / teacher chimp wearing glasses looking through book / student chimps playing with abacuses / student chimp playing with abacus / student chimp takes sandwich out of bag, another chimp leans up against him / two shots of chimp eating sandwich / teacher chimp waving pointer / two shots of chimps eating / teacher chimp on desk / two shots of student chimp trying to drink ink from bottle / teacher chimp on desk waving pointer / student chimp pounding pencil into desk / teacher chimp swinging on bar from desk towards student chimps / Note: exact day not known |
Country | Germany |
City | Munich |