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501st French Combat unit in France near the town of Ecouche, refugees, collaborationists, civilians wash German signs from buildings
Ecouche, Normandy, France
501st French Combat unit in France near the town of Ecouche, refugees, collaborationists, civilians wash German signs from buildings. FIRE IN FIELD Slate - Free French Combat Jeep driving toward camera - civilians standing in entrance way of building CIVILIANS THROUGH TOWN CU French soldier's food - French soldier eating - CU French soldier talking FRENCH SOLDIERS EATING TS man opening can of food - CU canned food - soldier putting jelly on bread Three women (Collaboration Horizontal) step out of building men laughing at them COLLABORATORS ECOUCHE Free French gathered at dining table writing and talking WS FF soldiers carrying injured soldier WOMAN AT DINNER TABLE TS injured soldier is given water - soldier getting his leg cut off - TS leg cut off TAKING CARE OF WOUNDED WOW LEG CUT OFF TS Tank fires FRENCH TANK FIRING FF in jeep - talking to civilians FRENCHMEN GETTING DIRECTIONS Fire on road SUPPLIES ON FIRE FF escorting prisoners GERMAN POWS WOW GERMAN RIDING ON JEEP WAVING NAZI FLAG Soldier standing in moving jeep holding German flag PILOT HOLDING NAZI FLAG CASUALLY Soldier showing woman German flag Woman and child washing wall men watching CIVILIANS WASHING WORDS OF WALL Sign - SEES jeeps drive past SEES FF soldier walking carrying a bucket - boy and girl walking with him (boy carrying a bucket) (girl carrying a gun) KIDS AND SOLDIER CARRY WATER BUCKETS Slate - August 15th Young girls and boy looking at a tank KIDS CURIOUS AT TANK FF soldiers climb on tank - civilians and FF Soldiers in streets - street sign MORTREE - Jeeps pass SOLDIER GETS IN TANK MORTREE Civilians climbing on tank FV tanks passing Jeeps pass - little boy runs across the street toward camera MEDAVY VIMOUTIERS SIGN Tanks roll by civilians look on US TANKS JEEPS THRU MORTREE Jeeps driving past Cannon in front of a field jeeps passing US JEEPS THRU FARM LAND AND TOWN TS cannon on side of road jeeps pass by WS people in center of town truck drives through RELIGIOUS FIGURES Priests talk to civilians Civilians in streets jeeps and tanks drive past Turned over tank - jeeps drive past CU turned over tank WS people in center of town truck drives past Men talking in horse and buggy parked in front of church FV people in front of church - jeeps pass CIVILIANS OUTSIDE CHURCH Crowd of people coming out of church. WWII in HD