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ISSUE_NO = 929A NO_OF_ITEMS = 5 ITEM_NO = 5 DESCRIPTION : Laurel and Hardy attend the 21st birthday party of the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway. CARD_FILE = 48364 CARD_TITLE : RAILWAY BIRTHDAY PARTY SHOT_LIST : CUT STORY: KS Front of engine, of miniature railway travelling along route, fromt being decorated "21st Birthday". Small train at Romney station, Oliver Hardy with "golden key". Hardy walks along track. MS Hardy trying to place key in lock, doesn't succeed, turns away from door and inspects key. laurel walks behind him pushes door open without key. Background sound of crwods laughing. At platform, hardy being pushed into coach by laruel, tracking shot of Stan Laurel and Hardy in coach, drinking and smoking. Alighting at station, shaking hands with Mayor, laurel and hardy also shake hands. hardy beckons Mayor over to engine, inspecting same, when driver releases steam valve, Hardy jumps also Laurel. Laurel and Hardy seated in engine blow whistle. Hardy assisted by laurel pushing train. CUTS: Travelling shots of train across country. CU's of Laurel & Hardy. Swop hats with driver. INDEX : Ceremonies & Celebrations, Entertainment - Comedy, film Starts, Mankind, Personalities - Stan laurel, Oliver Hardy, Railways, Towns and Cities, Geography - countryside, Sound and Speeches. MATERIAL : DUPE - CAN 0854 DUPE - CAN 01073 16MM COMB. DUPE NEG - CAN 08061 GAUMONT LAV - CAN 9227 DUPE NEG OF ISSUE - CAN 10039 TWTD - TAPE 72 LENGTH_SHOT = 137 DATE_SUBD = 03/24/1947
Footage Information
Source | ABCNEWS VideoSource |
Date: | 03/27/1947 |
Library: | BMT |
Tape Number: | VSBMT929A05 |
Content: | ISSUE_NO = 929A NO_OF_ITEMS = 5 ITEM_NO = 5 DESCRIPTION : Laurel and Hardy attend the 21st birthday party of the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway. CARD_FILE = 48364 CARD_TITLE : RAILWAY BIRTHDAY PARTY SHOT_LIST : CUT STORY: KS Front of engine, of miniature railway travelling along route, fromt being decorated "21st Birthday". Small train at Romney station, Oliver Hardy with "golden key". Hardy walks along track. MS Hardy trying to place key in lock, doesn't succeed, turns away from door and inspects key. laurel walks behind him pushes door open without key. Background sound of crwods laughing. At platform, hardy being pushed into coach by laruel, tracking shot of Stan Laurel and Hardy in coach, drinking and smoking. Alighting at station, shaking hands with Mayor, laurel and hardy also shake hands. hardy beckons Mayor over to engine, inspecting same, when driver releases steam valve, Hardy jumps also Laurel. Laurel and Hardy seated in engine blow whistle. Hardy assisted by laurel pushing train. CUTS: Travelling shots of train across country. CU's of Laurel & Hardy. Swop hats with driver. INDEX : Ceremonies & Celebrations, Entertainment - Comedy, film Starts, Mankind, Personalities - Stan laurel, Oliver Hardy, Railways, Towns and Cities, Geography - countryside, Sound and Speeches. MATERIAL : DUPE - CAN 0854 DUPE - CAN 01073 16MM COMB. DUPE NEG - CAN 08061 GAUMONT LAV - CAN 9227 DUPE NEG OF ISSUE - CAN 10039 TWTD - TAPE 72 LENGTH_SHOT = 137 DATE_SUBD = 03/24/1947 |
Media Type: | Summary |