Caucasian woman discussing a financial graph on the screen in meeting room with her African-American colleague
Medium handheld shot of a Caucasian woman discussing a graph shown on the screen in the meeting room with her African-American male colleague. Shot in Slovenia.
24h Pujadas: [program of 07 November 2023]
Strange But True - Volume 1, c.1930-60
United States Delightful 8-Year Old Show Us His Eye-Popping Look Of Surprise It's an eye-popping experience when this child shows us his amazing facial trick United States Heavyweight Wrestlers Blindfolded Then Let Loose In A Battle Royal Turn a bunch of blindfolded heavyweight wrestlers loose in a Battle Royal and the result in shocking, to say the least. The referee’s the only one who can see, but he takes a beating anyhow. United States Man Eats Metal Bolts And Parts In A Sit Down Dinner The year’s goofiest diet crops out when an 'Algerian' visitor to these shores warms up a plate of nuts and bolts with a blowtorch and proceeds to feast on the strange assortment of hardware. England Inventor Demonstrates His New Life-Saving Vehicle Bumper Accident proof device expected to lessen fatalities by 75%. United States Inventor Creates First Air Conditioned Suit Last summer was so hot that it inspired the first “air-conditioned” suit, a queer arrangement of tubes supplying a breeze through the whole costume from bellows fastened to the wearer’s shoes. United States Couple Get Married While Encased In A Giant Block Of Ice Just to prove the warmth of their affections, a couple get themselves married while each is immured in a huge block of ice. It’s a pretty shivery proposition before the knot is finally tied. United States Inventor Shows Off His New Aviation Creation - A Gyro Plane A be-whiskered inventor’s strato-gyro-plane rumbles and bumps, but somehow doesn’t quite get anything but a cloud of smoke into the blue. The pilot has to walk back from his “flight.” United States Birds Of A Feather Celebrate Together Actor-cockatoos, on 25th birthday, show how they entertained soldiers in France. Russia Children In Charge Of New Community New gypsy community controlled and run by children United States Local Bolys Build A Working Wood Burning Automobile You'll get a kick out of this novel vehicle built by three local boys. The contraption uses kindling wood and rumbles down the road like some prehistoric monster. No speed records, but thrills and stares galore! United States Draftees' Play Time Has A Military Purpose 'Recreation Hour' for troops of the 12th Infantry doesn't mean the soldier boys take a rest. Oh, no! They engage in pushball and other games that sharpen their wits and harden their muscles. United States Women Wrestling Gets Down And Dirty Meet Elvira Snodgrass, the 'Hill Billy Wrestler'. She takes on all comers to make money and plans to retire to her 'hawg' farm in Tennessee. Just watch her finish the 'Blonde Wildcat' in one wild match. United States Soldiers Stage Their Own 'Girlie' Show Modern 'Doughboys' doff their usual khaki and don, of all things, women's clothing to star in their own version of 'Swing Fever'. Singing and dancing a la Broadway. You'll howl with delight when you see this! United States Rocket Powered Helicopter Is Demonstrated First films of the Pinwheel – the first rocket-powered helicopter. A tiny, ultra-lightweight craft on a stilt-like landing gear, it’s the successful result of four years development. United States Athletes At Home In The Water - Simply Amazing Mermaids making sports news – Olympic divers and swimmers. A novel heli-boat takes to the air; kayak racers in a thrilling contest Germany Humourous Musing On How To End Drunk Driving Half-humorous films fantasy. German gadgeteers show how a device to end drunken driving might work – by dousing the driver and smoking him out of the car, if his breath is too high-octane! France French President Charles DeGaulle Observes Air Show France opens her 25th annual air show by unveiling some radical craft. President Charles De Gaulle sees a plane that flies with super-sonic speed and then stands still in midair. There’s also a demonstration of the U.S. one-man jet pack that lifts a soldier over the terrain. United States Moscow Circus Tours U.S. And Delights Audiences The Moscow Circus begins a seven-city tour of the United States with a stand at New York’s Madison Square Garden. Stilt-wearing acrobats, Cossack Riders and- above all, an amazing bear act- delight American audiences in this cultural exchange between the U.S.A. and the USSR. United States Ever See An Elephant Ski Up The Hudson River? Not for the first time ever, but for the first time on the Hudson River. Novelty enough is the sight of Beatty Hamid zipping up the Hudson on water skis, is simply pachyderm preposterous. circus sideshow freak freak show - exhibition of human biological rarities, referred to in popular culture as "freaks of nature". Typical features would be physically unusual humans
Bridgeman Images Details
Pack It Right
The U.S. Army presents “Pack It Right” (1978) This is a short film about how to best pack materials for shipping. Switches between a white family on the beach who demonstrate the different ways of packing, a shipping warehouse where the objects are being packed by African American men, and a bunch of “joe six-pack” types sitting in an office discussing the different types of packing and the importance of it. This is has lots of great shots of how warehouses worked in the 60’s, a family at the beach, has a H-Bomb explosion, and men in an office. **This one clearly shows racial politics of the day, with whites at the beach and the office and African Americans in the warehouse. There is a great opening sequence with the family at the beach and the piggish husband checking out a girl in the bikini and the wife catching him. Also shots of men in a laboratory. The final shot is a very blond girl in a bikini who says “You heard the man: Pack it right” then walks away with a shot of her booty. SHOT BREAKDOWN: 14:06 - 14:46 - Young boy fills bucket with sand, man and wife sit on chairs, wife yells at man to stop looking at girls, blonde woman walks past and man stares. Woman puts down beach towel and bends over in front of camera, title of program appears on screen. 14:48 - 15:51 - Three men talk about packing items properly. Film shows how if you pack items badly they will be damaged, packed too well and its expensive and people cannot open them and if packed correctly they will be safe, this is demonstrated by a voluptuous blond woman rolling over on a beach towel. 15:52 - 18:15 - Three men sitting in office talking about packing boxes. Shots of men packing boxes in factory and back and forth between child on beach packing his things. 18:16 - 20:04 - Three men sitting in an office talking about packing different types of items, some require more packaging than others. This is demonstrated by a woman in a bathing suit rising up from her towel. Last shot shows a woman unpacking a Venus de milo statue. 20:04 - 22:06 - Three men in an office, man jokes that if packaging regulations were in place ""back in the old days"" they could have saved Venus de milo arms. Men continue discussing packaging, shots of equipment in factory, forklifts. One forklift carries a large drum and another forklift collides with it, crash animation appears on screen and cuts to shot of atom bomb exploding. 22:07 - 24:12 - Three men in an office talking about being careful while transporting packages. Shots of packages on back of pick-up truck in pouring rain, packages on trains cars and cars slamming into one another, shot of leaking packages, shot of forklift loading a truck, shot of an overheating military jeep, shot of two men in winter gear head out into the snow with sled. Last shot is a PAN of a woman sunbathing. 24:12 - 25:38 - Three men in office talk about commercial packaging. Shots of working packing boxes and other items. 25:39 - 28:09 - Shot of a group of men standing around talking about various packing tasks for the day, more shots of factory and workers packing items. Shot of office workers using typewriters and other machines of that era. 28:10 -29:33 - man puts tape spool onto computer, nice shot. Nice shots of old computer equipment with flashing lights, shot of damaged package,man tries to repair it and places new labels on it. 29:35 - 31:15 - Men talking about safety on the job, man at work coughing, shot of scientists working on new packaging materials. If materials are not suitable then a report must be written, shot of a man typing in uniform and a fish wrapped in a paper bag sits on his desk. 31:17 - 32:09 - Boss tell other men to be sure to read up on regulations. Cut to shot of blonde woman getting up and walking off the beach, The final shot is a very blond girl in a bikini who says “You heard the man: Pack it right” then walks away with a shot of her booty.
Ladies display the hair styles of coiffures during a competition in Paris.
French hairstylists competition in Paris, France. Hairstylists snipping and styling hair of women. A female hairdresser combs the hair of a woman. Another hairstylist combs the curly bun of a blond woman. A woman models her "poodle bob" hair. Two women, a brunette and a blond, sporting stylish "Italian cut" with tousled curls. Blond and dark-haired women model curled coiffures and bobs styled by French hairdressers. A blond woman, wearing an elaborate costume, demonstrates her heart-shaped bobbed hair. Location: Paris France. Date: April 9, 1953.
00:00:00:00 [April 15 Brings Tax Protest at Lafayette Park]---VS Unid blonde female speaker at bank of microphones set up on platform in Lafayette Park in DC protests waste in spending and corpor ...
Buenos Aires, Argentina <br/> <br/>Men and women walk towards camera carrying banners. Close-up of man beating drum camera pans to various members of assembled crowd some carrying banners in support of Eva Peron. Good panning shots of crowd and close-ups showing demonstration. Camera zooms in and out of crowd showing close-ups of various men. Close-ups of men with brass instruments. Various shots of boisterous crowd assembled at airport. close-up shots of blonde woman, possibly Isabel Peron (?). Camera pans left to right showing assembled crowd waving emphatically.
b&w with sound - physical training in Sweden - children - teens - athletics parade on giant field for demonstration - crowded outdoor stadium King Gustaf arrives flags of Sweden - mass exercises for the demonstration crowd reaction - flags in background - callisthenics - aryan - blondes - race
Fast Images Library
Side POV of horseback riding cowboy in green plains, cowboy mounts horse, VS of Side POV horseback riding cowboy, 01:06:32 CU of horse's head/features, cowboy mounts horse rides off screen, VS of horseback riding cowboy, CU of horse's eye, CU of blonde girl with arms folded, CU of rope and saddle on horse, blonde girl pets horse's face, LOS ANGELES downtown buildings, Hollywood Boulevard: 'El Capitan' theatre marquee showing "101 Dalmatians", 'Ripley's Believe It Or Not' Odditorium - dinosaur out of roof, 'Elvis Presley's star on the Walk of Fame, Hollywood 'Guinness World of Records Museum' exterior, LA guy and girl walk by mural wall, John Travolta's star on Hollywood Boulevard, 01:12:15 Portrait - CU of blonde blue-eyed boy, cat playing with stick, sits in front of camera, two cats, vs of gray cat, SLO-MO two cats, SLO-MO VS of gray cat, VS of white cat (doing something weird with its eye), SLO-MO gray cat stares at camera swipes paw at camera, 01:19:21 white mouse/rat on rock eating sunflower seeds, blonde girl holding/playing with mouse/rat, blonde boy holding/playing with mouse/rat, Portrait blonde boy with cat, American Flag blowing in wind, SLO-MO ripples across flag, Various Speeds, CU of flag, VS Various Speeds of American Flag 01:28:48 Outdoor political demonstration, demonstrators/protestors holding signs protesting the Mexican border policies, VS of police/cops/L.A.P.D. on the scene, blonde girl in bathing suit throwing rocks into rocky creek, protestor/demonstrator holding 'Close The Border' sign pan to crowd, CU of U.S.A. seal, CU of white mouse/rat, Various Shots, CU white mouse eating seeds YELLOWSTONE N.P. 01:33:35 scenic - curved road w/snow covered mountains, Road POV towards snow-covered mountains, VS of road POVs to mountains, SLO-MO pans of snow-covered mountains, WS PAN of mountain range on horizon, snow field and pine trees, visitors/tourists observe old faithful geyser, WS of Old Faithful geyser, 'Old Faithful Geyser' wooden sign in forest, Telephoto PAN to snowy waterfall, 01:44:32 buffalo/bison grazing, two buffalo/bison grazing, a herd of buffalo/bison, VS of herd grazing, PAN of desert rocks and mountains, Side POV of canyon, Side POV of southwestern landscape, red rocks, VS blonde girl and blonde boy pose with basket and pitchfork before corn stalks, VS blonde boy and girl fly airplane kite, girl holds kite while boy wraps up string, Portrait shots of boy and girl by corn stalks, CU of corn in basket, WS PAN of corn stalk field, girl and goy hold watermelon, girl and boy eat watermelon slices, 01:55:58 blonde boy and girl pose before sunflower field, boy puts sunflowers into basket, PAN field of sunflowers, Boat POV down river surrounded by rocky bank, VS of Boat POV
TS Real estate agent showing the house to a middle aged couple as they stand on the staircase
Wide tracking shot of a middle aged couple following a male real estate agent as he walks up the staircase as they view the house. Shot in Croatia.
Rise & Fall of the Borscht Belt outtakes
Rise & Fall of the Borscht Belt outtakes (see 10898_001) This is 1960s promotional film showing guests at Grossinger’s Catskill Resort Hotel living the good life as they partake in the Borscht Belt hotel’s many amenities. 00:18-01:05 - POV driving shot of a car arriving at a hotel and man opening the door. - MFS of a multigenerational people shaking hands an older woman kissing a young boy’s head. - MFS of a woman picking up and placing a hotel key on a counter. - MFS of an old man putting on a golf course. 01:05- 02:52 From “The Good Life at Grossinger’s” - 1960s POV driving shot of a car driving past a waving security guard towards Grossinger’s Hotel and valet opening the door. - MFS of a family walking up steps into a lobby and greeting friends or family with an older woman kissing a young boy on the head. - MFS of a woman picking up and placing a hotel key on a counter. - POV shot of a man carrying luggage. - Various MFS of a men putting on a golf course. - WS of a game of doubles tennis. - HA FS of people clapping poolside. - MS of a people looking up. - Nice LA Panning FS of a person diving into a pool. - Nice HA FS of man diving into a pool. - MFS of poolside spectators looking towards the diving board. - Nice LA tracking shot of a person diving into a pool. - Panning FS of spectators clapping. 02:52-03:25 - WS of an instructor leading an exercise class. - MS of exercise instructor with microphone around his neck. - MS Tilt of women’s legs and faces as they exercise. - Various shots of people laughing. - MS of people raising their arms. 03:25-04:04 - FS of a child on a fancy swing and people playing knock hockey in background. - CU of people playing knock hockey. - MFS Tilt of children climbing in a tree. - FS of a woman watching children in a tree. - MFS Pan of three simultaneous ping pong games. - Various shots of a knock hockey game. - MFS of people at an outdoor bar. - LA Tilt MFS of a child in a tree. 04:04-04:30 - INT HA FS of a waitress and waiter serving a table - INT MS of a with covered plate, taking the cover off and placing it on table. - INT CU of a coffee being poured - INT MS Tilt of a waiter lighting a woman’s cigarette - MFS of couples eating at a round table. 04:30-05:20 - CU Pan of flowers. - HA WS Pan of people in rows of lounge chairs. - FS PAN of people lying on lounge chairs. - MFS of a people talking. - FS Pan of volleyball game. - MCU of a woman with blonde hair. - Slow motion MFS of a couple running hand in hand in golden light. - MFS of people at an outdoor bar w/woman smoking cigarette. 05:20-06:39 - INT MFS of a waitress with a platter serving a woman. - INT CU of fork and fruit plate. - INT MS Pan of a waitress serving a fruit plate. - Various CU of flowers. - WS of people at an outdoor table with umbrella. - MFS of a man smoking a cigarette. - EWS of people at an outdoor table with umbrella and flowers in the foreground. - Various shots of young adults sitting outdoors conversing. - OTS shot of a woman in a bikini running towards a lake. - Various shots of woman in a bikini with a man in bathing suit running on a doc, divingg in a lake and swimming. - FS of a couple passing the camera in a paddle boat. - MFS of a man pulling a lawn chair with a woman in yellow bikini lying it. - MFS of a man in glasses on a lawn chair. 06:39-07:10 - WS of a large pool. - FS of a woman in bikini in the pool. - Good MS Pan Tilt of legs in the water revealing three women sitting on edge of pool and then one woman pushed in by a man in bathing suit. - MFS of a woman in zebra-striped one-piece bathing suit putting on swim cap. - MFS of a woman taking off a robe poolside with men watching. - FS of woman diving into a large pool. - Nice MS of a woman swimming. - MS of a man treading water. 07:10-07:57 - MS of trumpet, bongo and accordion player jamming. - MFS Pan of older couples dancing. - MS of an older couple dancing and looking at the camera. - HS FS of younger couples dancing. - MS of older couple dancing. - FS of couples of all ages dancing with band performing in background. - HA WS of couples dancing 07:57-08:50 - WS of a couple walking up a hill at sunset. - INT MFS of women shopping for pants. - INT OTS MS of a looking at a rack of dresses. - INT MFS of men receiving a massage with a sign that says “Massage Room.” - INT FS of young men in shorts lifting weights and exercising. - INT OTS MS of man entering a sauna. - INT FS of men seated on chairs in a sauna shot through door window. - INT MS of a barber giving a haircut. - Nice MS reflection of a woman in a salon window with a sign that says “house of albert.” - INT MFS of a woman a cigarette as she gets a manicure. - INT MS of a woman getting her hair styled. 08:50-09:31 - HA WS PAN of couples outdoors in late afternoon light. - HA MFS PAN of well-dressed couples having cocktails in late afternoon light. - OTS MFS Pan of hotel staff serving cocktails and appetizers in late afternoon light. - MS Tilt of bartender serving a drink in late afternoon light. - Various MS of people chatting during cocktail hour in late afternoon light. 09:31-11:27 - INT WS of well-dressed couples entering a wood-paneled dining room and shown to their table. - INT Various shots of well-dressed people being served and eating dinner. - INT MCU TILT of hands playing a piano and pianist singing. - INT Good OTS of a pianist playing with well-dressed people gathered around the piano clapping and singing. - INT Various shots of people singing and clapping along with a piano player. - INT Various shots of performers on a stage. - INT B/W photographs of various performers over the years. - INT Good Pan Tilt MS of a rock and roll band performing. - INT MFS of well-dressed couples watching and clapping as band performs. - INT MS in a man in tuxedo rock and roll dancing. - INT Various good shots of well-dressed couples dancing. 11:27-12:11 - WS of trees in fall with multicolored leaves blowing off of a tree. - CU of an orange fall leaf. - FS Pan of an older couple walking through the woods in the fall. - WS Tilt of a trees in the fall with leaves blowing off revealing couple waking and lake in background. - Various shots trees with multicolored leaves in the fall. 12:11-12:34 - INT MFS of people in old west costumes dinning. - INT HA WS of people square dancing in old west costumes. 12:34-13:52 - EWS Tilt of snow-covered mountain with skating rink. - WS of people ice skating. - WS Pan of audience clapping. - FS of a man figure skating. - MFS of a woman figure skating with audience in background. - Various shots of people on a toboggan sled going down a ramp and hill. - Good POV FS from a toboggan going down a fast hill. - WS of skiers and a couple on a ski lift. - Good FS of a skier traveling fast down a hill and woman passing and smiling on a ski lift. 13:52-14:50 - INT WS of a person jumping off of a diving board into a large indoor pool. - Aerial WS of Grossinger’s hotel (possibly a photograph). - Various shots of flowers. - EWS of people at an outdoor table with umbrella and flowers in the foreground. 15:04-16:55 B/W, 1940s - WS of men in same attire marching on a path. - WS Pan of an equestrian jumping a fence. - WS of people exiting Grossinger’s and in lounge chairs. - Woody Wagon wood-paneled station wagon with luggage sticking out of the back passing an “Entering the Grossinger” billboard. - WS POV driving shot of past parked 1940s cars. - WS Wood-paneled station wagon stopping, being met by valet at Grossigner’s, couple exiting and bell boy retrieving luggage. - EWS of a couple playing golf. - Various HA shots of Grossinger’s grounds. - Various shots of people chatting on a tennis court, a woman removing a long skirt and revealing a shorter skirt and being handed a racket by a tennis instructor. - Various shots of a woman receiving a tennis lesson. 16:55-18:22 - MS of hanging swing sign that says “Golf Course and Lake.” - WS of a couple riding horses in the woods. - WS of equestrians, people watching and a barn. - OTS of people leaning on a fence watching equestrians. - MS of a woman while she watches equestrians. - Various shots of equestrians walking their horses with barn in background. - WS of people lined up on a fence to watch equestrian. - MFS of equestrians riding past camera. 18:22-29:11 Color, 1950s - Various great EXT shots of female guests walking towards the camera in shorts, capris and bathing suits during a beauty contest at Grossinger’s. - Great FS of a procession of female guests in bathing suits walking along the side of a pool during a beauty contest at Grossinger’s. - FS of female guests in bathing suits hitting a volley ball. - Good EXT WS Pan of female guests in bathing suits doing the Twist during a beauty contest at Grossinger’s. - MFS of a man with a microphone with women around him making an announcement during the beauty contest. - MFS funny shot of a shirtless man with a big belly standing in front of guest beauty contest contestants and announcer laughing. - MFS of guest beauty contest contestants speaking into a microphone held by announcer. - FS of guests in lounge chairs and under colorful umbrellas watching the beauty contest - MFS of contestants, announcer and guests during the beauty contest. - Various shots of guest beauty-contest contestants lined up and following along with announcer’s body movements during a game. - MFS of two older men in bathing suits dancing together. - MFS of couple in lounge chair. 29:11-30:33 - Great FS of a weight lifting contest or exhibition at Grossinger’s. - WS of people along the side of the pool. - Various good shots of a diving contest or exhibition at Grossinger’s pool. - WS PAN of people lining the pool during diving contest/exhibition. - Various shots of clowns entertaining on the diving boards and diving into the pool. - WS of two clowns on a trampoline. 30:33-31:21 - Various EXT shots of ice sculptures and well-dressed people mingling and dancing for the camera. 32:00-33:12 FS of a man getting out of a 1950s convertible.MS of a man chewing gum with American flag in the background looking at the camera.WS of Eddie carrying luggage and walking towards camera with two men.FS to MS of Eddie Fisher carrying luggage.MS of Eddie Fisher sitting on luggage wiping sweat of his head.MFS of Debbie Reynolds leaning on a fence then Eddie Fisher walking into frame, holds her hand, and they walk away. 33:45-34:14 Aerial tracking WS of Catskills’ countryside, lake and Grossinger’s pool.FS of a man putting sun tan lotion on a woman’s legs.WS of a young woman in bathing suit walking along the side of a pool.MFS of a woman on a diving board ladder. 34:16-40:23 Various shots of a parade at Grossinger’s.MS Tilt of actor Sam Levene holding an American flag.MFS of two men standing in front of an American flag.Various PAN shots of people w/microphone during a dedication of Broadway Sam Field.MFS of a Sam Levene, singing into a microphone wearing a Broadway Sam jersey and with an old woman.MS of Jennie Grossinger and Sam Levene.FS of a man in long tail tuxedo wearing a baseball mitt and joking around.Various shots a baseball game at Grossinger’s with players posing for the camera, lots of clowning around and having a good time.EXT LA WS of waiters walking down steps towards the camera with a platter.CU Pan of a platter of hot dogs.Aerial tracking WS of Catskills countryside. 40:50-43:36 B/W, 1940s INT WS of waiters picking up plates of food inside a kitchenHA WS of cooks preparing numerous plates of food.MS of plates of food.CU of a plates of food.Various shots of men in chef’s hats cutting sides of beef.CU of stamp on a side of beef.CU of a chef’s hands cutting thick slices of beef.MFS of a chef cutting thick slices of beef.MFS ZI MS of a waiter taking an order from a couple with menus and couple talking.FS Pan of a room at Grossinger’s.FS of a maid making a bed in a room at Grossinger’s.WS of women walking towards camera with lake in the background.MS of a man pushing a woman on a swing.LA WS of a man pushing a woman on swing.WS of a couple riding horses in the woods.EWS of Grossinger’s grounds and buildings. 43:47-46:21 Color 1950s Aerial Tracking WS of a lake with a dock and boats, Catskills countryside, golf course. with shadow of a plane and woods.MFS to MS of Jennie Grossinger.Various shots of a man in a blue tuxedo and people in lawn chairs.Various shots of well-dressed older women walking towards the camera.Various shots of older men looking at the cameraVarious shots of older couples in lawn chairs and some playing cards. 46:21-47:48 Slow Motion tracking WS of a man diving into a pool and people watching.Various shots of women in bathing suits on lawn chairs.MFS to MS of a couple in bathing suits walking towards the camera and woman blowing a kiss.LA MFS of a woman in bathing suit possibly on a diving board.Various shots of people in lounge chairs in bathing suits, sitting on the edge of a pool, swimming, and posing.MS of a life preserver ring with “Grossinger Country Club” written on it.MFS of a young woman in a blue bathing suit on a lounge chair.MFS of three young women in bathing suits on wood lounge chairs waving. 47:57-49:25 MFS to MS of Jennie GrossingerMFS to MS of a man wearing a Grossinger’s t-shirt walking towards the camera.MFS of a man in a blue short-sleeve blazer with bow tie looking at camera.MFS of a man with a beard looking at the camera.MFS of two older woman walking towards camera and one spinning.MFS to MS of a man in blazer walking towards camera smiling.MFS of a man in red shirt in front of flowers smiling.Various shots of older couples in lawn chairs and some playing cards.Slow Motion tracking WS of a man diving into a pool and people watching.Various shots of people in lounge chairs in bathing suits, sitting on the edge of a pool, swimming, and posing.MFS to MS of a couple in bathing suits walking towards the camera and woman blowing a kiss.LA MFS of a woman in bathing suit possibly on a diving board.MFS of two older men sitting on wood lounge chairs with their shirts open.MFS of two older women sitting on wood lounge chairs.Various shots of people in lounge chairs in bathing suits, sitting on the edge of a pool, swimming, and posing.MFS of a women in blue bathing suit and red hat standing on a pool ladder and waving.MFS of a young woman in a blue bathing suit on a lounge chair.Aerial Tracking WS of a golf course and Catskills’ countryside. 49:28-52:53 B/W, 1929 MS OTS of a woman looking at and paging through a brochure.WS ZI of through and old door revealing EXT of Grossinger’s Hotel.WS PAN of EXT of Grossinger’s Hotel with people walking on its grounds.Various shot s of Grossinger’s Hotel and its grounds.MFS of a woman in an office setting throwing papers in the air.WS of a woman in 1920s hat, conductor, and men with golf clubs entering the “Mountaineer Limited” train.Various INT shots of passengers seated in a train car.Various INT shots of passengers getting out of their seats and exiting a train car.LA WS of a steam train passing the camera and stopping at a rural station.MFS of passengers exiting a steam train passenger car.MFS of two men with golf clubs being greeted and shaking hands with a man.MFS of a chauffeur holding open a door for a woman and two men with golf clubs entering a 1920s car.MFS of a man tripping after exiting a car and people laughing at him.MFS of Jen and Harry Grossinger greeting guests.MFS Pan of a bellhop carrying luggage followed by a man in a cap.MFS Pan of a bellhop carrying golf clubs and luggage followed by a woman in 1920s hat. 52:53-55:46 Good FS of a couple hugging and kissing in front of a “No Parking” sign and then a man placing his blazer over the sign.WS of bell hops and guests entering the hotel.MFS of a woman and man shaking hands.FS of people watching as a man dives into a pool, feigns drowning, and then is rescued by another man who dives into the water who then puts on a shirt that says “Guard.”Various shots of a woman in a canoe on a lake.Various shots of members of the Grossinger family trying to tee off surrounded by people in 1920s golfing outfits.WS of Golf Pro Cliff Drake teeing off surrounded by people in golfing outfits.FS of a man wearing a blindfold attempting to tee off. 55:46-57:57 INT MFS of all-around athletic man Abe Sharkey walking on his hands in front of a backdrop.INT MFS of tennis pro Bill Homans swinging his racket in front of backdrop.INT MFS of life guard and swimming instructor Del Davidson showing swimming strokes in front of a backdrop.INT MFS of riding instructor Bill Hardey demonstrating how to hold reigns.INT MFS of golf instructor Jack Mayers showing how to swing a golf club.INT MFS of tennis instructor Jack Blaustein showing how to swing a racket.INT MFS of customer Ethel Fisher “who glorifies The Grossinger Girl” posing.INT MFS of kindergarten instructor Janet Birnbaum.INT WS of Murray Shore and His Blue & White Dance Orchestra performing. 57:57-1:03:19 OTS Tracking FS of a couple walking through groups of people.FS of people playing horseshoes surrounded by a crowd of spectators.MFS of people playing ping pong surrounded by spectators.MS tracking shot of a couple walking.HA WS of a tennis match and group tennis instruction.MF of a man with a tennis racket pacing and looking at his watch on a tennis court, meeting with a man in catcher outfit and who then performs a comedy act, juggles and then leaving with a woman.WS of a man bursting through a set of doors with a golf bag and tennis racket.Various shots of a basketball game.WS of a game of handball.EWS of a couple walking in the grass towards the camera with Grossinger’s Hotel behind them.FS of woman sitting in the grass reading a book panning to Grossinger’s Hotel.WS Pan of men running up a hill.EWS Pan of a baseball game with a barn in the background.MFS Pan of couples and a man getting ready to bat.FS of man comically batting during a baseball game.Various shots of a man hitting a homerun and people clapping. 1:03:19-1:05:29 EWS Pan of a woman walking and lakes.Various shots of a couple walking together and getting into a canoe.Various shots of a couple in a canoe.WS Pan of women exercising on a dock in a lake.Various shots of people sitting on a dock kicking their feet in the water in a lake in unison.FS of a lifeguard showing swim strokes on a dock surrounded by a crowd and a man jokingly jumping into the water, flailing, having a life preserver ring thrown to him and pretending to eat it. 1:05:36-1:05:38 - Color, 1940s WS of a man exiting a hotel. 1:05:56-1:06:47 MS of man looking at the cameraWS Pan of a lake with small boats.WS of birds flying over a lake.WS of a lake at dusk or sunrise seen through trees.WS PAN of bungalows at dawn or dusk.WS of a two-level platform in a lake. 1:06:47-1:08:05 WS of a 1940s car driving past a sign the says “Public Golf Course Entrance.”Good WS driving shot through a Catskills town with signage, 1940s cars and building facades.MS of a sign that says “Entering Sullivan County -- The Vacation Spot of America.” 1:08:07-1:11:11 FS of a 1940s car driving past the camera.Various shots of people doing yard workFS of a man sitting on a toilet that’s in the grass and being handed a tissue.Various INT shots of a painter and cans of paint.WS of men working with a shovel and pickaxe with bungalows in the background. WS PAN of a 1940s pickup truck, car, trellis and bungalows under construction.LA WS of a painter leaning out of window painting a window frame.Various shots of a man with tie and suspenders and a notebook.Good WS to MFS of a man on a riding lawnmower riding towards and past the camera.Various shots of women playing cards.Various shots of a man clipping the hedges.Various shots of men working on the exterior of a building.Various shots of men painting a fence.Various shots of men building a baseball field. 1:11:11-01:14:46 WS Pan of shirtless men next to a building with a gas pump and a sign that says “Stop.”FS of valets parking a 1940s car.Various panning shots of a parking lot full of 1940s cars.Various good HA shots of a basketball game.HA FS of a boxing children boxing.Various panning shots of people sitting on the side of pool with their feet in the water.OTS shot of a woman diving into a pool.Various shots of women swimming.HA FS of a couple dancing and people watching.MS Pan of people writing on paper. 1:15:02-1:17:46 MFS of people playing cards and walking towards the camera.WS of men working the woods.WS of men working in front of bungalows.MFS of a couple arm in arm.MFS of a woman wagging her finger in front of a man who pretends to bite it.ECU of a woman sticking out her tongue.MFS of women sitting on lounge chairs.MFS PAN of people sitting on lounge chairs with a person reading a broad sheet paper and man with a cigar in his mouth.WS Pan of a pool with workers with a ladder.FS of men diving into a pool during a swimming race and WS of spectators watching.FS of a couple on a towel kissing.OTS shot of a man diving into a pool.Various shots of people sitting on the side of a pool.MFS of a woman in a bathing suit walking away from and back towards the camera.FS of a couple on a towel kissing.Various shots of young women in both one-piece bathing suits and bikinis strutting pools side during a beauty contest.FS of men playing cards.HA WS of a woman dancing with a child at people watch.MFS of a men dancing with people who are filling out paperwork. 1:18:01-1:18:45 FS of men preparing a baseball field.Various shots of people playing cards.WS Pan of bungalow and other buildings at dusk. 1:18:45-1:19:08 WS of a car driving past a sign that says “Public Golf Course Entrance.”WS of a man golfing.WS Tilt a building in a Catskills town. 1:19:57-01:21:52 MS of man looking at the cameraWS Pan of a lake with small boats.WS of birds flying over a lake.WS of a lake at dusk or sunrise seen through trees.WS PAN of bungalows at dawn or dusk.WS of a two-level platform in a lake.WS of a 1940s car driving past a sign the says “Public Golf Course Entrance.”Good WS driving shot through a Catskills town with signage, 1940s cars and building facades
00:00:00:00 VS Goddess of Democracy w crowds around :44/ rally :10/ Canadian blond woman spch in English :37/ entrance to party ldr hq, peaceful crowd of demmos, sleeping law students on steps 1:4 ...
Titles read: "Beauty's daily dozen!". <br/> <br/>Pathe Studio. <br/> <br/>Various shots of the pretty, blonde contortionist Merial Gaunt demonstrating "her daily dozen" - how to keep fit! In fact, she does several eye-watering back bends, stretches and balances. She wears a sequinned top and panties plus some diaphanous armlets. <br/> <br/>Commentator tells us "Just do these movements fifty times a day and you won't ever need a doctor - no, you'll probably need an undertaker!".
One of a series of the General Newsreel Company offerings, this episode of "Yesterday's Newsreel" features various segments. First, the French Fleet is shown. It’s 1913 as the new elected President of France Raymond Poincare is seen reviewing the fleet (1:10). The President is shown with Monsieur Baudin, the nation’s Minister of the Navy (1:20), who gets a satisfying look at his battle ships and destroyers. After the war in 1914, then there is peace and another war with the Nazis. Here in 1942, the fleet of France is again reviewed (2:08) at Toulon, where it lies destroyed at anchor. <p><p>Next segment is "Preferred by Gentlemen." (2:59) Shown is Dr. William Marston demonstrating a device whereby he claims can determine comparative emotions of blonde, brunette and redheads. Marston explains his theory (3:10). A test is carried out on the girls’ reactions to gambling (3:31) as they all show their emotions and their reactions recorded (4:00). Then reactions of the girls’ are determined on love affairs (4:11). (4:30) is a test to show which of the girls’ is more susceptible to shock as it shows blondes are easiest to scare. At 4:40, "Gypsy Queen Dies" -- Washington DC is the scene of the funeral of Queen Empress Elenora in 1923. Next segment shows various famous personalities including Lord and Lady Montbatten in October 2nd, 1922 (5:27) arrive at New York on visit. At (5:34) is the famous sports woman Eleanora Sears with British publisher, Lord Northcliffe. Also shown is Carter Glass, a 62 year old Congressman (6:10) who was secretary of treasury under Wilson. He’s in his 22nd year as Senator. <p><p>Next, 2nd of December 1920 are shown ruins of nine story apartment building at the corner of New York Broadway in 52nd street. Injuring passersby and killing six persons.Chicago’s famous art fair is seen at (8:00). At (8:18) the first sheet of new five cent stamp bearing portrait of Theodore Roosevelt is shown. <p>At 8:50 men of the Army and Navy are seen having a competition to sail ballons from the St. Louis Air Base. Army competitors gets in the balloon at (9:21). The balloons hit the sky one after the other (9:53). Fashions of the day from 1929 is shown at (10:20). The newsreel ends with sports and the Boston Marathon of 1926. <p>John Miles is featured (11:07) and wins the first marathon he entered (11:28). Finally, 1935 harness racing is seen at Maniola (12:15).<p><p>We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."<p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit