18:00:59:09, Third Avenue "El" passing, Man shot, runs out of doorway and shoots at getaway car. Dies, Detectives interrogate man in hospital, Building plaque: Police headquarters, Detectives view police line-up, Gangsters talking on shortwave radio, Prison laundry, CU note stuffed into envelope, CU hands file through photos of faces with scars, Gangster smokes cigar and looks at photo, Prison wall, guards on top. (Classic), Prison guards take prisoner from cell to wardens office, Prisoners playing checkers in cell. CU Multi jump move, Guard tower, Headline: Rocky Thorp leaves prison, Reporters mob Gangster as he exits prison, CU Man's foot on car starter button, Smoke comes from under car hood, Gangster and Woman embrace and kiss, Gangster mixes drinks. Toasts to woman. They Drink, Gangster makes threatening phone call, Lighted sign: Club Troc, Interior Club, Gangsters at club table in suits, Gangster Smokes cigar and opens envelope, Gangsters in suits come down hallway and enter dressing room, Gangster at club table receives package from waiter, Gangsters Examine, open package. Skunk inside, runs across table, CU Skunk running across club table, Headline: Kitty upsets Rocky's welcome, Gangsters talk tough on telephone, Birds eye shot of gangsters getting out of car. (Nice), Gangster enters walk-up sign: MADDOCKS POOL BILLIARDS, Pool room, gangster enters. makes threats, takes pool shot, SIGN: Nolans Garage, Car pulls into garage, Service man with car tire, sees gangster enter, reaches for alarm, CU finger Pushing alarm button, Gangster in solitary. Shouts through window in cell door, Warden hands food tray through window in cell door, Gangster shoves food tray back through window in cell door, Gangster sits on bed in solitary, Prison guard in wardens office spots something on floor, CU Foot poking cigar on floor, Guard picks up cigar, Guard in hallway examines cigar, CU cigar with label Rocky, Gangster talks to woman at vanity, powdering nose, Guard, prisoner discuss escape through solitary door window,, Gangster at pay phone. Gangster's girl, on phone, Car pulls in front of Nolans Garage. Night, Gangsters do business around roulette table. Private office, Gangster with gun blocks doorway, Gangster punches look-alike in the jaw, Mob soldier puts Iron bar on door, Police crash truck through wall, raid hide out. Brawl and shootout, Two Gangsters duke it out in office. one escapes through window, Man in street shoots up at window, Gangster in street shot, falls dead in street,, Headline: Rackets Smashed. Zoom in on: Special Agent Jake Franklyn rounds up gangs of New York