
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
LIFE IN ANCIENT ROME: The Fall of the Roman Empire
EBC-289 Beta SP
Color 1964 This film recreates scenes and activities in Rome during the reign of Emperor Trajan and examines the characteristics and achievements of the Roman Empire. It also considers how Roman ideas and culture influenced the development of Western civilization. (EBC) 00:01:27:00 Color 1964 106 AD, Roman legions march past Forum to cheering crowds Animated map of Roman Empire. Roman conquest - pan diverse armies of Jews, Greeks, Gauls. Roman street scene. Emperor Trajan reads scroll and talks to several state officials. Wealthy Romans converse over meal on patio. 00:04:09:00 Color 1964 Tradesman counts gold coins. Romans shop in markets. Man looks at toga, woman at pottery, scribe at work. VS city life including slums. Woman empties trash over balcony into street. Poor women line up for dole, get daily food ration and money. VO, "Under Trajan one third of the city's population depended upon the dole, the first social welfare system in history." 00:06:18:00 Color 1964 Chariots race through forest. Gladiators practice in arena. VO, "Man became less than animal" as deranged looking man in cell is whipped. VS slave labor. VO, "One third of Rome's population was slaves and the Roman economy was vitally dependant on the institution of slavery." Emperor makes speech. Court of law in the Basilica Julia. 00:08:43:00 Color 1964 VS temples to Gods, Jupiter, Vesta and others. Women pray. Public reading of Roman literature. Slaves copy manuscripts by hand. Men lounge in public bath house, one man is massaged. VS Roman architecture. 00:11:21:00 Color 1964 Imperial Post mailman travels on horse. Cavalry and infantry leave camp. VS army camp and activity. Catapult maintained. Slaves marched through Rome. Emperor waves at masses during Rome's glory days. 00:12:44:00 Color 1964 VS Roman ruins, good