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Trainer Gives Party For Pets In Big Cage
Source | Archive Films by Getty Images |
Title: | Trainer Gives Party For Pets In Big Cage |
File Number: | DN-1017 1 inch |
Color: | B W |
Type: | Newsreel |
Year: | 1933 |
Subjects: | Oddity - Party - Leopards; Lion-Tamer - Woman - Cage; Animals - Trained - Leopards; Gag - Animals - Lion - Cubs; Animals - Dog - Pekinese; Birthday - Party - Animals |
Description: | 08:08:40:22 - 08:09:41:01 B W 1933 01 09 Trainer Gives Party For Pets In Big Cage CA, Los Angeles Woman in cage with leopards around table. She puts food out. Then gives them cake. Snarling. Fade out & in to two lion cubs with smaller pekinese. They sniff and lick and dog barks. |