
Footage Information

Archive Films by Getty Images
AFP-3-O 16mm VTM-3-O Beta SP
B W 1940 Gives an authentic picture of the education of black children in the rural one-room shacks to high schools and colleges. Photographer: ROGER BARLOW Music Composer: ROY HARRIS VO commentator: MAURICE ELLIS. 00:30:46:00 B W 1940 PAN across field to black children walking on side of road and into field. 00:31:24:00 B W 1940 WS house w small girl entering. 00:31:34:00 B W 1940 WS children coming out of school house. 00:31:39:00 B W 1940 WS stern-wheeler steamboat headed downriver. 00:31:48:00 B W 1940 MS black man sitting against building w his head down. 00:31:52:00 B W 1940 MS town w black citizens. 00:31:57:00 B W 1940 MS house w crops in FG. 00:32:03:00 B W 1940 WS 3 tractors in field heading toward CAM. 00:32:18:00 B W 1940 WS field - crops. 00:32:26:00 B W 1940 WS southern Antebellum mansion. 00:32:36:00 B W 1940 PAN countryside. 00:33:04:00 B W 1940 WS house - man & horse in FG. 00:33:08:00 B W 1940 CU black man sitting on porch swing looking sad. 00:33:18:00 B W 1940 WS house. 00:33:23:00 B W 1940 People working in field, hoeing, horse & plow. 00:33:36:00 B W 1940 CU black boy guiding plow. 00:34:02:00 B W 1940 CU man wiping brow, smiling. 00:34:11:00 B W 1940 WS house - children running toward CAM. 00:34:13:00 B W 1940 CU girls climbing up & down steps. 00:34:33:00 B W 1940 CU children walking w books in hand. 00:34:38:00 B W 1940 WS children walking down road w books. 00:34:45:00 B W 1940 CU - girls w bare feet walking down the road. 00:34:50:00 B W 1940 Children walking to school thru fields, arrive at school house. 00:35:16:00 B W 1940 CU feet walking up steps & into classroom. 00:35:30:00 B W 1940 MS teacher sweeping as students enter. 00:35:34:00 B W 1940 CU students entering. 00:35:36:00 B W 1940 MS students entering classroom. 00:35:40:00 B W 1940 MS students at desks. 00:36:01:00 B W 1940 MS teacher at blackboard - students in FG. 00:36:05:00 B W 1940 MS students at desks. 00:36:12:00 B W 1940 WS child running toward schoolhouse. 00:36:20:00 B W 1940 Girl enters school house & takes her seat, smiling & embarrassed. 00:36:28:00 B W 1940 CU teacher writing on blackboard DRINK 4 GLASSES OF MILK EVERY DAY. 00:36:38:00 B W 1940 Teacher at student's desk - student points to blackboard. 00:36:40:00 B W 1940 CU blackboard. 00:36:43:00 B W 1940 CU teacher instructing confused child, walking thru classroom checking work & helping students. 00:37:06:00 B W 1940 CU girl erasing at desk. 00:37:10:00 B W 1940 CU blackboard. 00:37:15:00 B W 1940 CU PAN of girls & boys writing. 00:37:32:00 B W 1940 CU sign in classroom: CLIMB THOUGH THE WAY MAY BE RUGGED. 00:37:51:00 B W 1940 Children working in the field. 00:38:05:00 B W 1940 CU PAN of children's legs showing bare feet & tattered clothing. 00:38:17:00 B W 1940 Students getting up from desks. 00:38:21:00 B W 1940 Girl climbing on desk to draw on blackboard. 00:38:30:00 B W 1940 CU girl drawing on blackboard - to CU PAN of blackboard - to boy pasting cut-outs onto blackboard to children making paper cut-outs at a desk. 00:38:42:00 B W 1940 CU PAN of children making paper cut-outs & writing. NOTE Starting at 19:22:30 (or counter # 3100') shots of campus of historically Black college university probably Tuskegee Institute Tuskegee campus, grounds male & female students printing press medical building, student nurse, young doctor, operation is performed George Washington Carver museum.