
Footage Information

Historic Films
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The Eleventh Hour - Show #206 Title: Rape Guests: Elizabeth Holtsman, Brooklyn District Attorney; Susan Xenarios, Dir. St. Lukes/Roosevelt Hospital Rape Intervention Ctr.; Michael Kimmel, PhD Sociology Prof. SUNY Rec: 6/6/89 Original Broadcast Date: 6/7/89 Description: The "wilding story" in Central Park has been looked at from several different angles including race, class, and public policy. The Eleventh Hour now looks at it for what it was: brutal rape. This year about 3,400 women will report being raped in New York City. Thousands more will never report it. In a taped segment, two conviced rapists tell why they raped, and two women who have been raped talk about their lives.
1980s NEWS