
Footage Information

Bridgeman Images
Trip to France, c.1962
France-street-church-views-Napoleon estate gate-modern building-estate garden-Paris streets-Notre Dame-St. Louis statue-Paris buildings-theatre marquee with ‘Edith Piaf’-street musician-church-Paris streets-art market-sidewalk cafe-street act-Eiffel Tower- Mall-Seine River-park mall from above-woman walking backwards along river edge-river cruise boats at dock-Eiffel Tower view-view of building from moving cruise boat-statue in center of square-man at square with camera-estate building interior and exterior-estate garden-Paris street-people walking-traffic-interior art museum-park-various shots of park grounds-statues-Paris streets-traffic cops: CU of woman’s face-open air market-bird vendor-flower vendor-river-art vendors-Paris police on horseback-English riders at ceremony-street market-park-woman with baby carriage-peopler in park-kids running-couple in room at table.