1946 B/W Sync - Immigration 63A
An educational film about Immigration to America. Shows the origins and volume of immigrants entering the United States from colonial times until 1920, the reasons for immigration, the adjustment of immigrants to like in the U.S. and the drastic reduction of immigration caused by the Act of 1924.
immigrants, Ellis Island, New York City, lower east side, New York City street, pedestrians, audience at baseball game, map of migration, steamship agent office, eastern european peasants, poor farmers, caps, man being arrested by prussian policemen, religious persecution, eviction, Ellis Island, examination, customs officials, doctor, medical examination, stethoscope, map of US, farmer behind plow, small city, church, factory, tenement slum lower east side street market rabbi reading newspaper stand, trade union office, immigration law, men leaving work, school, girl at blackboard classroom, Dept of Justice, Immigration office, oath of citizenship, new citizens, Statue of Liberty