Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unknown or unclear.<br/><br/>Illegal Jewish immigrant ship.<br/><br/>Various shots illegal Jewish immigrants scrambling to get into hold of ship at sea. The crew of the ship cover the hold with tarpaulins, several aeroplanes fly low over the vessel. Once the planes have gone, the crew uncover the hold and the immigrants climb out onto deck. Various shots warships approaching the immigrant ship. Various shots people on deck, some of the women appear to be sick. One of the warships comes along side the ship, soldiers (possibly British policemen?) board it. Various shots ship with immigrants and MPs on board coming towards port. Some of the immigrants hang banners from the ship's bridge: "Magana Ship Unafraid". An Israeli flag is hoisted up the mast and the immigrants sing a song. <br/> <br/> <br/>