Flight into Time is a gorgeous color vintage travelogue made by Trans World Airlines or TWA, which takes viewers through some of Southern Europe and Northern Africa’s most historic sites and possible stops for vacationers. The film references the importance of each location, the daily lives of the locals and interesting things visitors might do or see throughout their trips in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Syria and Greece. <p><p>Travel in this era was aboard a Lockheed Constellation, seen at the 1 minute mark. TWA provided terrific trans-Atlantic service in this era with stewardesses delivering hot meals during the "Flight into Time." The Lockheed Constellation ("Connie") was a propeller-driven, four-engined airliner that was built by Lockheed Corporation between 1943 and 1958 at Burbank, California. Lockheed built 856 in numerous models—all with the same triple-tail design and dolphin-shaped fuselage. Most were powered by four 18-cylinder Wright R-3350s. The Constellation was used as a civil airliner and as a military and civil air transport, seeing service in the Berlin Airlift and the Biafran airlift. It was the presidential aircraft for Dwight D. Eisenhower.<p><p>1:07 Airborne on a TWA, we see the luxury and comfort offered to the passengers who are going on a trip to Lisbon Portugal<p>2:05 Lisbon- Fortress held be various conquest, Vasco de Gama’s cathedral, erected in celebration of finding a route to India<p>2:29 A bull fight<p>3:35 Sailing in the harbor, and an insight into the daily process of getting ready for a fish market. <p>5:04 A voice reading a passage in the pages of Seneca, the Rolls, meant to be imagined as Columbus’s own voice. <p>5:38 Overhead shot of Madrid Spain, the aqueduct, the Visigoths and the night’s Templars among other cultural structures built throughout Spanish history. <p>7:00 Grenada the Feast of Corpus Christi procession, where we see a parade of priests complete the hold ritual. <p>8:10 The passengers arrive in Rome, where we see ruins and the reliefs carved into the arches. The beauty of the colosseum are<p>10:26 St. Peter’s Square, with all it’s beauty and bustling crowds. <p>11:35 The daily life of an Italian farmer, narrating his expectations for the visit. <p>13:15 Venice’s world famous gondola’s cruise down the channels<p>15:05 Greece The ruins are depicted while listing the many poets and philosophers. <p>15:50 Planes technical crew navigate the passage to the next destination<p>16:25 Cairo, Egypt, Bethlehem, Nazareth, the River Jordan and the Sea of Galilee, a listing of the holy sites are accompanied by scenes of their locations with their complimenting biblical stories. <p>19:35 Syrian castles where knights stood watch<p>19:50 The Arabic process for making coffee are shown<p>21:25 The pyramids of Egypt <p>22:29 Farmers planting a field with ox, ships on the Nile and the city streets filled in an open market<p>24:10 Shepard’s at Cairo, a luxury hotel where patrons sit in full enjoyments of each others company<p>25:00 Alexandria Beaches of the Mediterranean, where swimmers in vintage suits are delighting in the sand and surf. <p><p>This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD, 2k and 4k. For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com