After his 1953 death, a look at Joseph Stalin's tenure as leader of the Soviet Union
[GHOC Episode 0-07] Greatest Headlines of the Century title sequence / Title: "Stalin Dies" with photo of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin / [1930s, Moscow] VS Stalin / VS Soviet Army marches in Red Square; Stalin and officials on the Lenin Mausoleum // [circa 1920s] WS ice-covered area of Arctic Circle / VS toddler with dog at nomad tent, central USSR / pan snow-covered Caucasus Mountains / people at huts / women of the Volga River region toss melons along line / Red Army officer addresses soldiers, circa 1920 // [Feb 1924] VS crowds in Red Square pay tribute to deceased Vladimir Lenin, passing his bier at the future site of his tomb // circa 1930, L to R: Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Mikhail Kalinin, Stalin, Kliment Voroshilov, Valentin Kuibyshev / pan Sergei Kirov, Ordzhonikidze, Kalinin, Stalin, Voroshilov / Stalin // LS massive 1945 May Day military parade, Red Square / Stalin waves stiffly from Lenin's Mausoleum / WS troops march / Leon Trotsky reads aloud / Stalin, Kalinin, Ordzhonikidze, circa 1930; pan to Voroshilov / Newspaper story "Million Demand Trotsky Death" // VS Red Army troops march in Moscow in 1921; Trotsky salutes; cavalry leader Semyon Budyonny at his left, with elaborate mustache / VS agricultural scenes: tractors, machine threshing wheat, workers in fields with bags of grain / VS railroad workers with sledgehammers, steel rails / VS workmen work, shake hands, cheer // [Feb 1945] VS photo op: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, Stalin during the Yalta Conference / VS new Soviet tanks, motorized gun in 1945 Moscow May Day parade / Stalin smiles, waves / [12/21/1949, Moscow] WS INT Bolshoi Theatre during celebration of Stalin's 70th birthday / Stalin walks onto stage, followed by Mao Tse-Tung and Georgy Malenkov / audience applauds / Stalin and officials stand, applaud; Mao and Nikita Khrushchev flank Stalin / VS military vehicles in parade / black / end credits / Note: exact date of compilation not known